The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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CITY NEWS NOTES WESTIELD HAMPSHIRE COUNTY NEWS MT HOLYOKE COLLEGE OUR ARE HELD HADLEY WEST SPRINGIELD on Ct GOSHEN SEES IRST MOVIES an Now RANKLIN COUNTY GREENIELD OBITUARY Physi MISS EASTON IRST examination for 1st lieu GABDEN IN THE ADOLPHUS TERRIEN GRAN BY at of GETS SCHOLARSHIP of an re WORCESTER COUNTY BARRE IV ORONOCO PAROLE VIOLATION to the ved I' CHESTER CENTER at in TiUDLOW CONNECTICUT 48 Piece Dinner Sets and Airs CHESTER on quests of their Miss risbic to Ware Morse of Th ey sum BURGLAR ENTERS ROOM WHERE GIRL IS SLEEPING and to a fire in the cedar of the house at 47 Howard street owned by Woj rack Suchoski no damage was done the Shirley industrial school State Parole Officer George of Springfield following the Cook by Police Officer Wil ne will i of In Catherine of Case intends to enter a college September but has not yet where she will go Boston has at 4G Park graduate of did a 1914 2828 SCHOOL CHILDREN ARE NORMAL local last joln they affair Oris from 13 red Spencer re dd Dinncruare Balcony Third loor gone to ns the dinner at the Nonotuck Monday ring lived on had jon Chicopee company of busl May 13 The Chester base will play the Romanics of WOMEN SHOPLITERS PAY HEAVY INES at ni rvices auto Burial RESHMAN SENIOR RECEPTION a franchise made the today that the way they to give Chicopee people a come to the meeting and or against the question Walton Wright neither IRST LIEUT PRATT IS NOW CAPTAIN the and a William Churchill department of mu are honorary mem class and the four ADOPT RESOLUTIONS ON DEATH lg in a 4 iRn 4 TPCPDriun itxjiitn in tii' Thd resolutions ffre as foi Granby club had a meeting on charge Gray itvps No coffins were for but the body of Private Local Notices will 1e received for the eollec 9 en 1 1 i to May is We re JH1 I'lk Honor Pupils of Graduating Class Are Announced West Springfield May 13 The honor list of the graduating class of the high school was made known to the honor pupils themselves and the school in general at the assembly this morning when the list was read by Principal A Cowing The alternates were also named to com plete the list in case anything un foreseen should happen to any of the 10 Miss Mabie Easton daughter of Mr and Mrs "Arthur Easton of (147 New Bridge sheet takes first place in the list and Misg Adelino Case daughter of Mrs Adeline Case of Ohio avenue is in second rank Miss Easton will be valedictorian and Miss Case salutatorian at the grad uating exercises The other honor pupils appearing in the rank in which their mark have been totaled are: Misses Helen Boek Ruth ay Marjorie Rodier and Grace Brown Joseph Lynch Ernest Duclos and Miss Bertha Banks The alternates are: Miss Irene Cashman an 1 Miss Leonice Kenworthy staff of DocXham Mrs A i Joseph Arnold were at the quarterly iven by the town hall substan decided after a meeting held in Myrick building yesterday After be called to consider the project hear it explained by New York Development of aircraft con Thursday afternoon in Ct The bride wore a blue suit gray hat and carried a present irom Mr and Mrs Leahey left Pantomime Ballet Is Well Gixen by Dancing Class hi Wasliingfon Hall Greenfield May 13 One of the most successful social functions of the season took place this evening in Washington hall a pantomim0 ballet the Garden of presented by pupils of Miss Nellie dancing classes and the exhibition of esthetic dancing was a the entertainment children took part dances CHARLES HALLS THE HA1X BVILDIN6 vear the club had thd with is attracting a great deal of attention an excellent reason the values are unusually good found Cook failed to eom rnmn at TVoronO July 2 to July 1 is to be the of thn Tclopa cis oi first boys an Hadley Slay Smith college stu dents representing the student volun teers will have charge of the ser vice at the night They will music in addition to Hope grange bas Reed and with the families of the observance of Memorial day and Mrs Oscar Johnson were tn linuA Mrs Hill who has been spend ing the winter with her son Rev Charles Hill of North Hadley has returned to her home in Greenfield Hill red Spencer 72 of Cabot Street Is a Lived Near Theater Long lime Chicopee May 72 of Cabot street paid a visit to the movies yesterday for the first time He is now a movie fan He came to Chicopee in 1S72 and has Cabot street for 27 years He trol of the yeast market in until the leischman yeast nut the small peddlers out ness During this time two motion picture houses have been put up on Cabot street one of them almost next door to his home Yesterday curiosity got the better of him and he decided to go to a show to find out for him self what it was like He did and now is waiting for the next show Mrs Chester AT wood Case Mrs Gardner Mrs George Allen A food sale for the sale made food will be in the the Congregational church afternoon at Her Screams Scare Him Off With Only $10 in Plunder New Bridge Street Home West Springfield May 13 A burglar entered the bedroom of Miss Annette rechette of 253 New Bridge street soon after midnight last night and after frightening the young wom an fled from the room with a case containing a $10 bill and other articles Miss rechette stated that she was awakened by the presence of the man in the room and that he tried to keep her from crying out by grabbing her hand and attempting to pacify her She said she was too badly frightened at first to scream while the burglar went to the bureau and picked up several articles and returned in the direction of her bed At this Miss rechette screamed and aroused her parents but the man fled Her father called up the police station immediately and Police Ser geant William A Whalen made a quick run to the house It is be lieved the intruder entered an open window through which he made his escape Miss rechette thinks she might be able to identify the man if she were to see him again II at I church Sunday Unseen Source of Noble Hospital Staff Sends Engrossed Copy to amily Westfield May The Nobld hospital has adopted resolutions on the death of Dr 51 Dutton En grossed copies of these have been pre sented to Mrs Dutton and nun the doctor i la rteni 11 lews: lake to he inclusive Awith annual xecnltion club the Tekoa imp and al Miss Adeline Case Wins $75 rom Latin Club Second on School Roll West Springfield May 13 Miss Adeline Case of Ohio avenue Tatham who ranked second in the honor rail of the senior class of the high school has been awarded the scholarship ct $75 offered by the Latin club of the school for use in a college next fall Miss Caso carried four full terms of Latin during the high school cource and received high marks entitling her to first place in this department Miss next aided Ellen Woodrow Down Dance of the Elves church Sunday will In the evening ne second in his scries Same Old Temper" Ragles Choose Officers following officers of the of Eagles were elected i is employed by the II Huntting company of Springfield and Miss Hil ditch has been for five years a ste nographer and bookkeeper in the em ployment department of the Young Christian association Walter risbie is in the grocery business in Springfield and Ward is em ployed by the Smith Wesson com pany Pauline Argenta 80 to i Doris Block Dorouiy dwuiiv agan Thomas letcir Hanna Edmund Towre a vvs Toex avery iiuia Marjorie Stevens sopho ue Chester Tim 11 fAnni Springfield at Riverside park here at 3 Saturday afternoon William Belknap has gone to Cort land on a business trip Alice Murtough who has been ill for several weeks at St hos pital Pittsfield has returned home much improved in health Harold and Lyman Cooney have re turned from a visit in Philadelphia where they were the brother Russell The entertainment baseball members in was largely attended till sum realized John Harrington has gon to play ball for the sson ftsidents of Northampton Are Assessed 1 00 on Two Counts Holyoke May Mrs wife of John 28 Washington place Northampton and her sister Miss Anna Tooheywho lives with her were each fined $25 on two counts for larceny at the police court session this morning a total of $100 The complainants wero tho AV Grant department store and McAuslan Wakelln store complaint being made by the the Steiger store or the Woolworth Store though goofls taken from all four stores had been identified by clerks and store managers DIEP BURGIN At West SprlngfieM 12th Dy old Burgin 36 uneral services from the borne 134 Ohio avenue West Springfield Saturday at 230 Curial in Oak Groe cemetery At Holyoke 13th Joseph Inman uneral from the home 33 Chestnut street Sunday at 3 Burial orestdale ceme tery MONROE In this city J3tb John Mon veara uneral ironi huuic aiu street Monday at 815 solemn requiem high mass in the Hly Vy cemetery Kindly omit Howers MORAN At Providence Moran formerly this Hty of his son Providence on arrival about 1 ROHAN In Kohan uneral Blandford Alayl loyd Mattoon vnka hava conit Cooper house mWNorth have rented the houso mer Mrs Ella rances daughter Mrs II field has come to her summer home on Main street Mrs Harold Jensen and two chil dren of Springfield are boarding at Old Homestead Lloyd's Mr Jensen spent the week end there also also Snmpel Ware of Dorchester Roberts and rank Gillman of Bos ton Mr and Mrs A Sheldon arc oc cupying their Woodland cottage hav come by automobile from then home in Cleveland The grange Tuesday evening will have the topic per cent of tho land in Blandford Is under cultiva with Al Raymond as syeak yes Details have not as yet been TO HOLD NEW HEARING Lord Says irst One Legal But An other Is Ordered Chicopee May Clifford Lord chairman of the special committee of 10 given the task of considering the proposition of Walton Wright to start a line in the city if they were give statement had taken chance to argue for was legal of whom were at that meeting state that it was illegal that it was not ad vertised and they should be given another hearing According to Chair man Lord there is nothing in the city charter compelling them to hold such a hearing but as they want to show that tho aidermen wish to do the right thing and because so many people are interested in this question another hearing will be held Teachers Raises? An increase in salary as a reward tor a teacher who goes on with her own education is part of a plan drawn up by a committee of school super mtendents that includes James Van Sickle of this city Every public school teacher who completes a course at some approved college or some correspondence course offered by the state department of education by this plan will receive $50 in addition to her regular pay the next year The plan which is called standardized system of professional was announced at the second session ef the conference of state superin tendents of schools at the State Noi mal school in ramingham ive minute talks on the history of their business were given by seven members of the Rotary club at its noon luncheon at the Highland hotel yesterday The speakers were Thomaa Burden of the Burden Bryant company John AL Collins of the Moore Drop orging company Thomas Jefferson of the Package Machinery company Joseph Mc Veigh of the Puffer company Royal Wright of the Bay State Corset company and Walter War ner engraver George Empsall was chairman of the committee on arrangements The Ircal American Legion post has petitioned the city property com mittee for the use of the Auditorium on November 10 The application has been laid on the table for one week to gain further information on tho plan Aiderman Aime II Cote said yesterday as chairman of the com mittee Maj John Leonard post Veterans of oreign Wars has ob tained the use of the Auditorium for Armistice day November 11 and it now appears that the American Le gion desires to hold its own ball Miss Ada Kirshaw will give an illustrated talk on tomorrow afternoon at 530 in room 218 168 Bridge street The public is invited The Springfield naval recruiting district almost doubled its quota last week for enlistments There were 36 men enlisted and tho district is ex pected to produce 19 men per week avorable replies from Springfield merchants regarding the us0 of the parcel post system for local deliveries have been received by ostmaa er Thomas Costello Packages reach ing the local office by noon Will fie delivered by parcel post that after noon postal authorities said To Investigate Scheme Investigation of the aircraft pro ject put forward by the Pan Ameri can Aircraft corporation to use a site near Westfield will be conducted by chamber of commerce members of Springfield Holyoke and Westfield it was decided after a meeting held in a i vr UK ii i 1 1 1 1 i i the investigation a general meeting will and 1UUU i s' structlon for army and naval forces ia contemplated in the scheme Chicopeo cemeteries will be Included in the decoration of graves of Revolu tionary soldiers by th0 George Wash ington chanter Sons of American Revolution it was announced arranged Twenty five coffins draped Amprimn flags and containing 1 nf Markfic ld Eng also that of his son AI4ccs irnftin 1111 1 ISjUit uiu daughter of "William Ililditch Lotn inar place In Juno but city 12th Bryan tho Into residence Pine tetrpet Sunday at 1 Ware Mass uneral going ny charge of Undertaker Bruughall St cemetery Varo it vited SMITH tt a JZtb A'li' line Smith willow of William Smitli In neral at the parlors of the Ulckinson Stmter company 305 307 State street this city Mou ilay at 2 in board of trustees both of honorary members of the class and Dean lorence Miss Neilson of the de of history and political a i iss marki titT cuuvc jiut riss secretary of the board of admis Commander of Co Nation al Guard Wins Commission Smith is Successor Greenfield May 1" irst Lieu tenant rancis Pratt who has been in command of Co national guard for some time has been com missioned captain of the company Captain Pratt has had considerablo military training and experience and served overseas during the war Second Lieutenant rank Smith has taken th0 tenant Barre May 13 Richard Creesey has bought the property of the late Laura Ainsworth on Broad street for a home The Barre club at annual meeting in the vestry of the Unitarian church yesterday afternoon elected the following officers: Presi dent Mrs Harding Allen vice presi dent Mrs Robert Williams second vice president Miss Lucy Rice re cording secretary Mrs Sherwood Case corresponding secretary Mrs George Allen treasurer Miss Maud0 Hanco*ck Executive board Mrs A Williams Mrs Ashton Clark Mrs Gardner Boyd and Mrs William Cochran auditor Mrs Clyde Swan hospitality committee Mrs Chester Brown Mrs Howard Damon and Mrs Warren Cox program committee Mrs rank A Rich Mrs Charles Allen Mrs Warren Cox Carter xirs piht Boyd and Hayden and Congdon of Providence I formerly of Spring ormer Water Commissioner Dies Wfllimanett Home Chicopee May 15 Adolphus Terrien who has been water com missioner for one year died at his home 31 John street Willimansett last night after a brief illness of 10 days due to laryngitis Hy was a member of the Holyoke tribe of Red Men and of the Royal Arcanum He was secretary of the local branch of the oresters of America for the past 21 years He leaves a widow his mother Mrs Sophia Terrien of Rich mond Va and four daughters Eva Alma Mabel and Lilian The funeral will bo held Monday from the home at 1030 a in followed by solemn U1 be Gordon Hathaway Dead Goshen May Gordon Hatha way 41 died yesterday at 2 at Dickinson hospital Northampton after a five illness Mr Hatha way was born in Stockbridge but resided in Goshen when a young man and for tho past five years He survived bv his widow and three chil dren and 'his father Joseph Hatha way The funeral will be held Sat urday at 2 at the Congrega tional church burial in Goshen ceme tery Macey Cook Is Taken to Shirley School West Springfield May 13 Macey Cook 18 son of rederick Cook was taken today by Reed arrest of liam Lyons Jr for violating his parole The boy had been on proba tion and without a job Mr Reed had succeeded in locating a job for him and notified Cook to meet him to go to the place where the employment was tn be ply with the request of the parole officer entertainment giy6" men in uiaisQ consisted Of a play entitled Country Justice xm w'nt'a Miss Lovejoy no ia Tearson of home chapel of tomorrn aiternuuii di sale of home made food will be the vestrty of the Methodist church tomorrow afternoon at 3 Aongyard has homtyin Brattleboro church Sundav provide special the speaking appointed James Gouger to work the veterans for an charge of the music Annual Event in Student Alumnae Hall Last Evening South Hadley May Tho fresh men entertained the seniors at a re ception riday evening in student alumnae hall The receiving line in cluded Miss Mary Gilmore Williams of the department of Greek and Ed ward White of Holyoke a mem ber of the whom are freshman Purington partment science 1 loo sion Miss Louisa Stevenson of the department or chemistry Miss jv Elizabeth Adams of tho department of zoology and Hammond of tho sic all of whom bers or tno senior ciass ana me iuu freshman class officers Gertrude I Herrick of Canajoharie presi dent Margaret Glover of Mount Airy Philadelphia Pa vice presi dent Margaret Chickering of Ar lington Heights secretary and Mar garet A Bryant of Cochocton treasurer After the formal ceception dancing was enjoyed until S30 the colored balloons carried by each couple mak ing a brilliant effect The dance was followed by a pro gram of vaudeville skits including numbers by a jazz orchestra under tho leadership of Margaret Chicker ing a solo dance by Margaret Low of Cranford Awkward a burlesque of a class in which Clarissa Davis of Oskaloosa la Elizabeth Deane of Grand Rapids Mich Margaret AV Gates of Newton Center Katherine Jay of Buffalo and Amelie and Margaret Steinhausen of Roch ester took part selections by a quartet including Gertrude Her rick Katherine Jay Margaret Jones of Lawton Okl and Rosalba A Weymouth of Springfield Vt a dialog by Rezie Rowley of Gary Ind and other in which the following took part: Lois of Elmhurst New York city Ruth Dunham of South Boston Edna Kaier of Yonkers Virginia Mc Donald of Huntington Va and Ruth Ryan of New Rochelle Rogers of Oneonta was chairman of the committee charge of the reception which in cluded also Julia Abee of Middle ton Cara Cook of Worcester Marga ret Ixiw of Cranford Maude Purdee of New Haven Ct and Eliz abeth Williams of Kalamazoo Mien The college preacher at the Sun day morning service at 1030 in Lyon chapel is to be Rev Dr Albert Parker itch of Amherst college who will also speak at the vesper service in the evening at 30 The regular monthly dance of Le Giocose will be held Saturday a ter ncon at 330 in student alumnae hall The debating society will hold a meeting Saturday evening at ioU the New York room of student alum nate hall Health Examinations Bring Out Startling acts Re garding Malnutrition Westfield May 13 Results of the recent examination of the school chil dren of nine of the principal schools of this city with a total of 2S28 pupils made public today that 1 91 I or 67 per cent were normal 12 per cent were from 7 to 10 per cent under weight 20 per cent plus were 10 per cent or more under weight or a total of 32 per cent plus were found to be suffering from malnutrition Tho examination of the children of the Moseley Training Ifort Meadow ranklin street Ashley street Pros pect Hill Abner Gibbs and Green dis trict schools were conducted under the supervision of Dr II Chadwick superintendent of tho state tubercu losis sanatorium and Miss of the Hampden County Tuberculosis association Dr Hoy Morgan of toe sanatorium tabulated the examinations under the system as devised by Prof William Emerson of Boston Some interesting features were brought out in tho examinations Whereas the ort Meadow school in the heart of the foreign district shows a low percentage of underfed chil dren up to the fifth grade the Green district school shows tho high percent age The children in the Green district school also come from tho same sec tion of the citv as those who attend the ort Meadow school but are more advanced in age and the grades in the school are higher A more campaign is now going on and large numbers of children arc under observation by the health authorities The difference in the weights and bights of the children under between the time that thev were found underfed and after their course under a proper diet will be given out in a short time mlll United the World war is entitled are rc wlth ATliPrlliSlTI IlliMi X1)V4 tuti uwimirt of men killed overseas in the World war passed through this city yes terday Points along the Connecticut valley and further east were the des tinations of the shipment from Ho boken Arthur Stuart Rowley son of Mr and Mrs Arthur II Rowley of School street Agawam was received and taken to th0 home yesterday after noon It Berry regional executive of the Boy Scouts of America and Hamilton Lewis local scout executive were the guests of the Holyoke Ki wanis club at a luncheon in the Hotel Nonotuck Wednesday noon were laid by the club to form a local council for th0 Boy Scouts which at the present time are under the juris diction of the Springfield council It is hoped that the council will be com pletely formed this week The North ampton Kiwanians aro undertaking a similar project which will bo worked cut in another week or 10 days Eight new members for the Culinary alliance local 275 were initiated yes terday afternoon at tho regular meet ing Business Agent James II Hyde will have the members of the Green field branch transferred to the local organization Mr Hyde will go to Bos ton Tuesday where he will taks tin the arrangements for the state branch convention which will be held in this city August T'nitiv One there will be a Sundav Will I ing a precedent of loti: 4 4 nflVc I STAORD SPRINGS High School Honor Pupils Announced Stafford Springs May 13 Honor pupils at the high school for April follow: Ninety to 100 senior Helen Broderson Joseph Kaplan juniors Marian Moran Beatrice Roberts sophom*ores reda Turschmann freshmen Claude Barlow to 0 seniors Charlotte Beckwith Helen Gil ligan William Smith juniors Edith Jenkins Gertrude Meyers Alary Hal loran Margaret rarizeau Alary Quinn Robert ScusscI Harold Towne Doro thy Turner sophom*ores Helen leigel Hariret Wlldcy freshmen Mary Agard Avis Bennett Warren Boyer rance Denniston Lawton urness Josephine Gilligan Grace Grennan Ruth Alullon Robert Pln ney Rodger Pownall Violet Thlesing Irene Vinton peter Wargo Ruth Bur well Pauling Argenta 80 to ennini'y rancis Blanch juniors Doris Inol mores Eva Atchison Eleanor cinnoitn AtVlOTlfi TjOWIPT olev Elizabeth raser Mildred Glazier Robert Greases Edear White Helen Schricr Dorothy Bentjey Doro thy Johnson Donald isk freshmen Paul Schmidt Alildred Siswick I Airs AV Griffin and Ah ronrpRPn 1 nt ives meeting of the home making depart ment of the Hampden league associa tion in Holyoke Thursday Lunch was served at the AVhiting street canteen In the afternoon they were entertained at tho home Thursday the 16th there will be an all dav session of the dressmaking class of the Hampden county home department under the supervision of Alias Alice Knowlton at the home of Mrs AVilliam Barnes of Pleasant street The members arc requested to bring patterns needles yard sticks and squares Airs AV II Dockham attended the reunion of the AVest Springfield high school class Thursday evening Hazel AVetherbee and Henry Leahey cf AVest Suffield Ct were married Suffield tricotine an imported bead ba the eroom immediately for Detroit Alich Mrs Charles Noble and Airs Carlyle Noble son Richard wero recent guests of Airs Charles Mattoon in Stockbridge The class of 1919 has presented th0 grammar school with a clock The clock was purchased with money left in the treasury after graduation Airs Arthur Gillett has been enter taining Airs A'ernon Johnson Grande Mere dred Sullivan Air and Airs Castletine an ily of Somersworth cent guests in town Vallin friends I 7 Aliss Cassie StilliVtfh fnmpii from Alassachiretts tiimi cclleEc Amhersl whe was recently selected winner in extension work Aliss Josephine Conney evening service at the Skinner Ale morial chapel The church schcul will meet at 915 a Principal A Cummings of the South Hadley high school will speak on the sub ject Under at tho meet ing of the young society at 630 Rev Sycamore will preach at the Second Baptist church at 103O Sunday morning on Nearness of the Rest" At the evening ser vice at 7 the topic will be oolish Cause of the amily Thu Bible senool will meet at 11 50 and the kindergarten at 1030 AVilliam Stewart will lead tho 6 ser vice of the Christian Endeavor so ciety the subject being to Enjoy One's Wrocestcr place arrived here morning Quartet Attempted at A Store Police Say Chicopee May 13 attempt ing to break into the Atlantic and Pacific 'store in Chicopee alls last night about 1130 four young men were arrested by Patrolman John A Hock Patrolman Rock saw the men in the act of breaking down a board in the rear of the store Upon seeing tho policeman they took to their heels but were caught soon after ward by Patrolman nock and Patrol man Patrick Garvey AVhen they were arraigned in the police court this morning they first pleaded not guilty but a little later changed theii minds and pleaded guilty to the charge of attempting to break and enter in the night time The men are Andrew Zemistof 19 Blake street AValter Gicra of 55 Aliddlo street John Stolarz of 63 Alkldle street and John Alidura of 51 Grove street They were held in bonds of $500 each uneral of Airs Paape The funeral of Mrs Caroline Paape wife of Jules Paape of 17 street was held this morning in the Broughall funeral parlors in Spring field at 830 followed by requiem high mass in the Immaculate Conception church at 9 The bearers were Jo seph A Demers George IL Pease Richard Brinker John Collins Conrad Hauck and Archie Black Rev Henry Burko officiated at the mass and read the committal service at the grave in St Thomas cemetery Be sides her husband she is survived by three sons Marcel of this town Jules of Greenfield and Edgar of South Da and three daughters Mrs (agne or inm Russell of kola Hauck and Irs A town and Mrs Oiiinrv Dr Ruggles of opened a dental office street Dr Ruggles is a Tnftc nnllofre and internship in the orsythe Dental hos pital for children and later entered the army as 1st lieutenant in the den tal corps requiem high mass at the Church the Nativity at 1045 Burial will in Notre Dame cemetery Holyoke Irish Republic Meeting veicemoet intr will be held Knights of Columbus hall on Perkins street Sunday afternoon at 230 for the purpose of securing signatures for a petition to be sent to Congress for the recognition of the Irish republic Several prominent speakers will be present who will speak and give in structions to the canvassers that will go out in the different wards to se cure signatures On Sunday after noon tho work of getting the names Will start in wards 1 2 3 and 4 The old home of the late county commissioner George At Bray at Si Walnut street has been sold to James Sligo of 137 Broadway He buys for a home A marriage intention was filed at the office of the city clerk by Peter Andrikopoulos 32 clerk 101 AA es street and Olga Panageotopoulu 22 spinner Lawrence Miar rjuruew um Westfield are in this town THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: SATURDAY MAY 141921 80UTHAVICK Southwick May 13 Rev AV Dockham will take for his subject ihe Congregational 1 Oil llrt TT The marriage intentions of Harold Augustus Bennett of Springfield and Miss Leola Callaway have been filed at the office of the town clerk Airs Appleton A'adakin from Row ayton Ct is visiting Miss Lena Hastings of North Longyard Sunday will be anniversary day for the Epworth league There will be a special program Aliss Dorothy Galpin Is visiting her sister and family Air and Airs Dowd in Hartford Ct Mr and Mrs Clifford Kellogg enter tained Aliss Helen Bullock Thursday The occasion being her 19th birthday The grangers will meet in the town hall Tuesday evening at 8 Leon Holcomb is seriously ill with pneumonia Mrs Galpin recently enter tained her daughters and their fami lies Air and Airs John Dodge daugh ter Dorothy of Springfield and Air and Airs Alonzo Selby daughter Mary Jano of Simsbury Gt Adams has been visit ing Air and AIiw of Long Alaple farm returned tohi The ACflU Ml if night past president James A Jur ren president Andrew Lee vice president Thomas 1' Scanlon chap lain Ulysses secretary AVilliam Daubrava treasurer Charles Huber inside guard Patrick Bo an outside guard Robert Kill ps trustee Bert Hayden physician Dr AV Connery The monthly bulletin of the cham ber of commerce made its appearance today in eight pages On the front page is a cut of the Liberty 1 ife and Drum corps an organization that came out of the wai Rev Arthur Kernen will begin a series of sermons in tae irst church Sunday morning at 11 clock entitled "Studies in Christian Optimism Tho subject to the talk to the children will be "The Champion Alean Alan of thRev Holmes pastor of the Sec ond church will deliver the morning A rcneaibai ui UJV Woronoco Alay Plans are well under way for the annual and held This camp Last Inrr arc to make this also feature of More than 109 in the fancy After the enter tainment there was dancing for adults Music for tho occasion was by Miss Gladys Hicks of North Adams pian ist who played during the dances and Rainey orchestra Athol In the ballet Dorothy AIcCrea peared as Titaqia the queen of the fairies and Edson Page as Oberon Aliss Alary Gorey was the flower fairy Robert Blodgett and Robert Reynolds were pages and the attend ants were Alisses Ethel Biasburg and Ruth Reynolds Aliss Marjorie Gray took the part of Alaid Marian Others prominent in the cast were as fol lows: Herald Aliss Ellen Spanish babies Ivy Woodrow Alil dred Delano Thistle Down Helen Lynch Dance of the Elves Elsie Jacques Ruth Dickinson Petite Dtn seuse Harriet Kelly: Springtime Idyl Irene Daignault J1ONDSVILLE 1 Bondsville Alay 13 Aliss Agnes Hanilin cf Cold Spring farm Belcher town was a recent guest of Aliss Alil i 1 fam re of South selections Hadley vans i A npId Mrs Evelyn Culver of Green! ell or girls held recently in sPpngfielH" der the auspices of the Wom Christian association Reties ments were served at the meeting There were 4b PsenLhlp visitors coming from SprmBfie Ghlc onee alls Holyoke South Hadi South Hadley alls and Grmfleld Superintendent Arthui is planning for a roll call for the smtattaes rehool1 have been ap ta a taXrict to be present and it is hoped to make the attendance a record breakc M1DPLEILR Middlefield Siy 13' Vuelday the erango was held luesuay ereffing ab which "Competitive tSWS A1 Jeruta 1 charge of WMarl A Pea nifiv pntitleu nt judges and Dr of Chester and Airs AA altci were scored upon a bisis of 100 points and tne considered wero voice memorj self control originality The decision was ints ln of the young women and 4 1 1 favor of the young men A imm solos were vlaved bv AVesley A Olds ac eompanied by Mrs ehTIve the pano The proceeds of the eve ning are to be used for the education al aid fund Daniel Boyer has returned to Hai ford Ct after with h1q brother 1 red isovr "Miss mbelle Bruce of Hadley was a recent guest of her friend Georco Louis Smith and family of Nev ton Center have been spending a few days at the Smith farm An exhibition of Boys and Gul club work will 1e 'be hall Monday evening Theie will be speakers HUNTINGTON BLANDORD Wait id ifiinghter of Hol this Veck to the sireeu for the SOUTH HADLEY South Hadley Alay 13 Rev Nichols will speak on "The of and in the evening at 730 on "No Substitutc for at the rist church Sunday A delegation from the oreign Alissionary society attended the Hampshire branch meeting at Easthampton on Thursday AVcdnesday evening the officers and teachers of the Sunday school will hold the last conference Supper will be served at 630 The speaker will be Dr John A Allison of Holyoke The last community lecture will be given riday the 2ith by Prof Cush ing of the Romance language depart ment Mount jioiyoKe couee er Knittel is to tell "What can the grange do to put the idle acres into profitable AIu sic will complete the program Aiks Pynchon and Aliss Pyn chon entertained a party of friends at lurch eon and for bridge Tuesday at Just a Mero cottage in Glasgow park The guests motored up from Spring field and dnjoyed the June like day and orchards in bloom Ten were present at the mission ary meeting Wednesday A commit tee of three Aliss Cora A Boise Mrs rancis de Braal and Airs Linn Lobb were chosen to bring in a list of nominations of officers at the Julie meeting Aliss Poise was leader of the meeting and Airs Stephen Bo durtha and Airs Sharpe served refreshments Air and Airs rank AUri a 3 Alaple Ledge cottage on Kaolin road Philip Robbins and family are moving into the bungalow in Glas gow park which Air Robbins has re cently bought from Airs Loudan of Alonson Mr and Airs Clyde Young and party o' Springfield spent AVcdnesday Summit lodge their summer home North street is gricul sho junior and Miss Teresa Aloriarty of Springfield with Aliss Alay Kennedy South Hadley alls were recent guests oof Aliss Alay Sullivan Hon of junk in the town board of sXtmcn of CAdverte meat HAMPSHIRE COUNTY Court Cases Go Over Huntington Alay The ses which were to have been heaid heio today at 9 a before Judge John Alason of Northampton were post poned to the 27th the first that nt red Al iske with Senator 1 Hardy as counsel and the second th of Wiliam Cheevers of I ittsfield with former Senator Thomas Ga sidv of that city as counsel Allen formerly in the under taking shoe business here has been in Hartford this week looking after his interest there where ie has become a partner in an undertak insr firm Announcement has been received bj John risbie this' town of the en gagement of his daughter Grace risbie of Springfield to Roland AVard of Agawam son of Airs Agnes AVnrd of Markficld Leicestershire county AValter rlifnh i of Thompsonville Ct rhTpg will fnk i Local Notices orchestra 15 pieces at Hirer aide daily Iet's gu! Joseph In in an Joseph Inman 51 died nt his Home ot 31S Chestnut street early today He was born in England but had been employed as a loom fixer at the arr Alpaca company here for sometime Besides his widow he leaves two sons AVilliam and Leonard of this city and eno daughter Airs Ida of Springfield two brothers and two sis ters in England Hnoul JJ WiJIemaln Tho body of Private Raoul Wille main son of EmU AVillemain of AVrocestcr place arrived here ths morning The funeral will be held at the Blais undertaking parlors Sun day afternoon John i Tho funeral of Private John Pad flen will be held Sunday afternoon at 1 at Dillon's funeral parlors followed bv players at the St Patrick chapel at 130 Burial will be in St Jerome cemetery Mrs Sarah Hewitt The funeral Airs Sarah Hewitt will be held tomorrow afternoon at at her home on Plymouth place Lev Dr 'Wicks will officiate and bur ial will be in the Evergreen cemetery BX South Hadley Center Accepts of General Committee Chairmanship rancis AlcSheiry of the Smith Tablet company has accepted the chairmanship of the chamber of com merce committee on general Ing The other members of the committee are Nixon Struble Johnson 1 bmith Pellisslcr AV Alorse AV Mayo eorgt lane Airs James J' Al Towne and Airs Uht HOLYOKE OBITS Denies Connection With Vice Crusade Aiderman I A Coughlin issued a rtatemen? today denying that he onnected with the vice crusade In Holyoke He Is solely concerned obtaining better police protection fur his tho fourth In Police Court Elphege Daigle of avinue Chicopee was fined $10 for de rating an automobile hr ing his license with him He told the court that he found 111 paper in his car after ho returned home Celia Kane of 219 High street was fined lor assault upon Selma Smith or tne Notice11 was' received today that an rnn rnting license of Joseph Jobm of 527 South Bridge street had been sus pended Jobin was convicted as month of operating an while under the influence of intoxl ST Slosser will preach at tho irst Methodist church at 10o0 tomorrow on At the close of the chur school a lecture will be 35 lantern slides illustrating feundav tachools of the There vil be a five reel motion picture film atthe 7 service entitled Ex panding Robert Gillette and Miss Agnes ischer will have tho Epworth league meeting at A buildmg permit was issued today to A Robitaille of 5'h Sou th Canalnreet for a two car gaiago to costDecision in civil cases in the policecourt todav were for the plaintiff judgment satisfied in the eases Host Kane against John A 'rnson administrator and of George Damaiais against Kasprynyska At the 1030 a service on 8 rliv nt Grace church Rev Alt 111 With Nicodemus The Me ns ciass will discuss Co opetatl meet The leader will be Hdam and the subject is ow VUG imiio r(? called: Will O' t' i TVr Yosemite Valley and th "raternity Presbyterian church ollow 11 1 1 it loner standing a Prel? ihn city to inaren anu body at 1030 The pastor Rev Di John Alison will preach a special ser mon to the visiting bodies his them helng v' A Verb and Voices At is Sabbath school and th" Alen's Bible elasstaugbt by the pastor at 6 the Young meeting and at 7 tho evening worship witi prcliminary service of song The special topic will be: It Pay De a Rev Stuebi will preach at both the morning service at 100 and evening service at 7 at th0 Ger man Reformed churi Sunday Heinritz will conduct tho Sabbath rchool and Aliss Gertrude Loescber will have charge of the music Rev Dr Robert Wicks will preach at the Second Congregational church at the 11 morning service at tho A'ictory theater and at the 730 ENDOWMEXT UND LUNCHEON Executive Committee on Mount Hol yoke Drive Plan Canvass Holyoke Alay The executive committee and team captains of the local organization for the Alc*nt Hoiy oko endowment fund campaign met for luncheon today at the Nonotuck The canvass will be made in Holyoke and South Hadley Tuesday Wednes day and Thursday next week for $100000 in cash and pledges Over SOO names have been assigned to the 100 workers who comprise the teams that will make th0 canvass The proceeds of the campaign are to bo credited per capita to each Alount Ilulvoke alumna in the dis trict thus affecting her quota of $0u All 13 of the teams include in their membership a few alumnae ad alumnae in the district will be ex pected to join in tho general canvass after next Thursday The intvnsiva canvass will 1 inaugurated with a dinnri ni the Nonotuck Alonday etc A nnA xvht) SC tarv or naval service of t' C4 esd in 1 to exemption from poll taxitti1 4 rwPTYmtiOn enuutu Parks A Quance oi A Sibley for Sunday will follow Art cr Pg Kev Conrad subject at the Mothodist preach tho 5 1 the evening a sterecpticon lecture en titled Pioneer will be given At the Advent church prayer will be held Sunday at followed by a sermon service at 1030 The Lojal Workers will meet at 530 with Airs Iouis uller in charge tho topic will b0 Ressurrect ion a Reasonable In the evening at 7 a ser mon on Journey to Rome will be given The newly organized Dramatic circle the National Polish Catholic church which recently gave a suc cessful play will conduct a social and dance tomorrow evening in the parish house for members only The regular monthly meeting ot thn Parent Teacher associatim of the Ashley street school will' bo held at the school building on ATonday rie at 745 ollowing the business meeting pictures of Europe will be shown The club of the Baptist church will meet at the memorial building Tuesday evening when Aliss Harriet Strong will speak on The fire departrhent today respond ed to a grass fire on Hampton plains HAMPDEN Hampden Alay will be the suliet of Rev 1 je sermon Sunday morning Iii the evening Air I ultrli will epeav tHa Tic Christian "Endeavor nwctitrxwill bAat The Boy iWerXtms will meet the parsonage at and go on a hiki with Rev A party of 15 men employed by the United States government is camping in the woods north ot Sunnyside fai rn The men are searching foi g5PSY moths but have found none in this WM at the hom*o of Air and Mrs A Newman Wednesday evening ive tables were in play irst prizes were won bv Air and Airs William Scofield of Somers Ct The club will not meet to Play cards again this season but will take an outing and attend a theater in Springfield the 2th unice and Aliss Ellen Beebe friends Chester Center Alay 13 people were saddened on Sunday morffing to learn of the death in Northampton of Airs Ernest Alensel who was a summer resident Mr and Mrs Joseph Sherwood haeIMU 1 nreffl live at their new nume auv Edward Higgins farm Alay 13 The successful neighborhood Thursday afternoon in of the president Airs adj nf thA United Char 4 rrfi ol fl PHVA EL talk OT1 her experiences in prison and reform work Airs Amy Baggs of esc Springfield sang Airs Arthur Parks Smith spoke on the League of en Voters Aliss Hadley alls gave piano xt iveivii IN AIEMOKIAM Oh noble deeds in love came to thee the fatal day We went before Gentle riend And smoothed the steep and thorny way Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to call unto himself th soul of our co worker Dr Julius Dutton and Whereas we fully realize the loss of a noble and loving husband a fond and de voted father to the family: and Whereas we know our community in which he gave ot his best in alleviating suf fering many times for charity's own sweet name will be sensibly the poorer by his un timely passing and Whereas we of the staff of Noble hospital deplore the loss of our brother who by his manly Virtues and noble character won our sncerest respect and esteem be it there That we ot the staff of Noble ho pital sympathizing deeply with his grief stricken family extend to them iu their sor row our heartfelt condolences and tie itbResoivl That in the hospital where ho jravo conscientiously of his kill and of his time without stint we shall place a copy ot these resolutions that he shall be faithfully remembered and be it further Resolved That an engrossed copy ot these resolutions be given to Mrs Dutton widow of our departed brother Westfield Mass ebruary 1 James Atwater George If Janes reder ich Clark George Wager Archibald j' Douglas Edward Smith Miles 1 Ch'sholm Robert Marr Arthur 1 Seboonmiker Robert Hildreth James Norton $100000 REUND LOAN NEGOTIATED Boston irm Lowest Bidder at 578 Per Cent One Other Submitted Westfield Alay City Treasurer Edward Bryant has negotiated a refund loan of $190000 from the Goldman Sachs company of Boston at the rate of 578 per cent The bid was the lowest of two submitted Blako Brothers and company of Bos ton submitted a bid 9G per cen The loan was originally made in December as a short term loan De cause of the high rate of interest ex isting at that time $3COO Trust und for Dog New York Alay A $3000 trust fund for his dog Judy is provided for in the will of Al Wilson filed for probate today On the death of the animal the residue is added io a trust fund lu nviillnr for the BUDDOrt of Air sister Wfiot at tbs same time Sealed nt eulftptninn iin tho right to reject any or 1 iwilnw roe Bay ITUUiriU AtllA it church at 0 Burial in St Michael 12th Patrick nt the hem A Daniel Moran 10 Cypress street MluiJaoi vuuivivit in this city Monday ws of Sale The 1 ijjeti Suntl 1:.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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