250+ Self-Love Captions/Quotes for Instagram to Embrace Yourself - MySmartPrice (2024)

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check out these 250+ self-love captions, and embrace the essence of self-love!


Nikhil Biswas


250+ Self-Love Captions/Quotes for Instagram to Embrace Yourself - MySmartPrice (1)

From empowering affirmations to gentle reminders of self-care, these captions are crafted to resonate with your journey of self-discovery and growth. Whether you’re seeking to create a captivating social media post, captioning a personal photo, or simply seeking daily affirmations, this compilation will provide you with a wealth of options to express your self-love.

As you read through these captions, allow yourself to reflect on the power of self-love and how it can positively impact your life. Remember, self-love is not selfish; it’s a necessary foundation for building resilience, nurturing healthy relationships, and unlocking your full potential. So, check out these 250+ self-love captions, and embrace the essence of self-love!

Table of Contents

Self-Love Captions for Instagram for Girl

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  1. One step at a time.
  2. Embracing my flaws and loving every inch of myself.
  3. Confident, fierce, and unapologetically me.
  4. My love for myself shines brighter than any filter.
  5. I am my own kind of beautiful, and I embrace it.
  6. Loving myself unconditionally because I deserve it.
  7. In a world full of comparisons, I choose self-love.
  8. Flaws and all, I am perfectly imperfect.
  9. Self-love is my superpower, and I’m owning it.
  10. Anyone else’s opinion does not determine my worth.
  11. Radiating self-love from the inside out.
  12. I am enough, and that’s a powerful realization.
  13. Choosing self-love is the greatest act of rebellion.
  14. Learning to be my own best friend and biggest cheerleader.
  15. Self-love is the key that unlocks my full potential.
  16. Slaying with self-love, grace, and a dash of confidence.
  17. No one can love me better than I love myself.
  18. My self-love journey is a beautiful work in progress.
  19. I choose self-care, self-acceptance, and self-love.
  20. Happiness begins when I start loving myself unconditionally.
  21. Drowning in self-love, and it feels absolutely amazing.
  22. The most important relationship I have is the one with myself.
  23. Celebrating my uniqueness with unwavering self-love.
  24. I am a masterpiece, beautifully crafted with self-love.
  25. Self-love is the foundation for a life filled with joy and fulfilment.

Also Read: Instagram Bio for Girls: 180+ Best, Attitude, Stylish, Classy, Trendy and Short Bio for Insta

Self-Love Captions for Instagram for Boy

  1. Embracing my true self with unyielding self-love.
  2. Confident, strong, and proud of who I’ve become.
  3. Choosing self-love over societal expectations.
  4. I’m rewriting the narrative and loving myself fiercely.
  5. In a world of comparisons, I stand tall in self-love.
  6. Loving my flaws because they make me uniquely me.
  7. Unapologetically embracing my individuality with self-love.
  8. I am my own hero, and self-love is my superpower.
  9. Finding strength and resilience through self-love.
  10. I am enough, and my self-worth is non-negotiable.
  11. Basking in the glow of self-love and self-acceptance.
  12. My self-love journey fuels my growth and empowerment.
  13. Choosing self-care and self-love as acts of self-respect.
  14. I am worthy of love, respect, and happiness, starting with myself.
  15. Owning my uniqueness with unwavering self-love.
  16. Embracing self-love is the ultimate act of self-empowerment.
  17. Breaking free from expectations and embracing self-love unconditionally.
  18. With self-love as my foundation, I can conquer anything.
  19. Nurturing my mind, body, and soul with self-love.
  20. Happiness begins when I choose to love myself first.
  21. Fiercely loving and accepting myself, flaws and all.
  22. Unleashing the power of self-love and embracing my worth.
  23. Recognizing that self-love is a journey, not a destination.
  24. I am a masterpiece, sculpted with self-love and self-belief.
  25. Society may try to define me, but I define myself through self-love.
  26. “Embracing my flaws, loving my journey.”
  27. “I am my own kind of beautiful.”
  28. “Celebrating the unique masterpiece that is me.”
  29. “Self-love is the best kind of love.”
  30. “Flaws and all, I love myself.”
  31. “Chasing dreams and loving myself along the way.”
  32. “My love for myself is unconditional.”
  33. “Empowered by self-love, unstoppable in life.”
  34. “Embracing every part of who I am.”
  35. “I am enough, exactly as I am.”
  36. “Radiating confidence from within.”
  37. “Choosing self-love, every single day.”
  38. “Embracing my imperfections, loving fiercely.”
  39. “My love story begins with self-love.”
  40. “Unapologetically me, lovingly embracing.”
  41. “Finding strength in self-love.”
  42. “Eyes full of dreams, heart full of self-love.”
  43. “Flaunting my self-love, not my insecurities.”
  44. “Embracing my uniqueness with open arms.”
  45. “Self-love blooms brighter than any flower.”
  46. “Loving myself unconditionally is my superpower.”
  47. “Confidence looks good on me, don’t you think?”
  48. “Living life unfiltered, loving myself unconditionally.”
  49. “I am my own biggest cheerleader.”
  50. “In a lifelong relationship with self-love.”
  51. “My love for myself knows no bounds.”
  52. “Embracing my journey, loving every step.”
  53. “Self-love: the foundation of my happiness.”
  54. “Flaws are the threads that weave my uniqueness.”
  55. “Loving myself louder than any doubt.”
  56. “Cheers to self-love and all its beauty.”
  57. “My love for myself is unwavering.”
  58. “Confidently imperfect, beautifully me.”
  59. “Self-love: my secret ingredient for success.”
  60. “Loving myself is my greatest achievement.”
  61. “Embracing my scars, both seen and unseen.”
  62. “My journey, my love, my way.”
  63. “Loving every chapter of my story.”
  64. “Flawed and fabulous, that’s me.”
  65. “Self-love is the key to my happiness.”
  66. “I choose to love myself, no matter what.”
  67. “My self-love game is strong.”
  68. “Loving myself is my superpower.”
  69. “Every day is a new opportunity to love myself.”
  70. “Embracing my authenticity with open arms.”
  71. “My reflection radiates self-love and confidence.”
  72. “My love for myself grows stronger each day.”
  73. “Self-love: the art of being kind to myself.”
  74. “Confidence is my crown, self-love is my throne.”
  75. “Loving myself is my greatest investment.”

Short Self-Love Captions for Instagram

250+ Self-Love Captions/Quotes for Instagram to Embrace Yourself - MySmartPrice (3)

  1. Self-love is my secret weapon.
  2. Choose yourself, always.
  3. Fall in love with yourself first.
  4. Embrace your uniqueness.
  5. Self-love is a journey worth taking.
  6. Be your own kind of beautiful.
  7. Loving myself, one day at a time.
  8. Self-love is the best love.
  9. Celebrate your flaws, they make you perfect.
  10. Invest in self-care, it pays off.
  11. You are worthy of love and happiness.
  12. Own your worth, never settle.
  13. Find beauty within, and it will radiate.
  14. Self-love is the key to a fulfilled life.
  15. Nurture your mind, body, and soul.
  16. You are enough, just as you are.
  17. Be your own biggest fan.
  18. Love yourself fiercely, without apology.
  19. You deserve all the love you give.
  20. Choose self-acceptance over validation.
  21. Self-love: the ultimate act of rebellion.
  22. Your love for yourself sets the standard.
  23. Believe in yourself and your worth.
  24. Self-love is the foundation of confidence.
  25. Cherish the journey of self-discovery.

Savage Self-Love Captions for Instagram

250+ Self-Love Captions/Quotes for Instagram to Embrace Yourself - MySmartPrice (4)

  1. I’m not perfect, but I’m enough.
  2. I’m not afraid to be myself, even if it means being a little savage.
  3. I’m not here to be liked by everyone, I’m here to be liked by me.
  4. I’m not a trophy to be won, I’m a queen to be worshipped.
  5. I’m not your type, but that’s okay, I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.
  6. I’m not afraid to walk away from anything that doesn’t make me happy.
  7. I’m not a doormat, I’m a work of art.
  8. I’m not afraid to stand up for myself, even if it means being a little bit savage.
  9. I’m not here to please anyone but myself.
  10. I’m not afraid to be different, I’m proud of who I am.
  11. I’m not your ex, so don’t treat me like one.
  12. I’m not your second choice, so don’t come to me when you’re all alone.
  13. I’m not your backup plan, so don’t expect me to wait around for you.
  14. I’m not your doormat, so don’t walk all over me.
  15. I’m not your plaything, so don’t use me.
  16. I’m not a princess, I’m a queen.
  17. I’m not a damsel in distress, I’m a warrior.
  18. I’m not a victim, I’m a survivor.
  19. I’m not a failure, I’m a work in progress.
  20. I’m not a problem, I’m a solution.
  21. I’m not a burden, I’m a blessing.
  22. I’m not a mistake, I’m a masterpiece.
  23. I’m not alone, I’m loved.
  24. I’m not afraid, I’m empowered.
  25. I’m not a victim, I’m a victor.

Best Instagram Captions for Self-Love

250+ Self-Love Captions/Quotes for Instagram to Embrace Yourself - MySmartPrice (5)

  1. I love me, flaws and all.
  2. I’m my own biggest fan.
  3. I’m learning to love myself, one day at a time.
  4. I’m grateful for the skin I’m in.
  5. I’m beautiful, inside and out.
  6. I’m worthy of love and happiness.
  7. I’m strong, independent, and capable.
  8. I’m enough, just the way I am.
  9. I’m going to love myself, even if it’s the last thing I do.
  10. I’m not perfect, but I’m perfect for me.
  11. I’m not afraid to be myself, even if it means being different.
  12. I’m not going to let anyone define my worth.
  13. I’m going to live my life on my own terms.
  14. I’m going to love myself, flaws and all.
  15. I’m going to be my own biggest fan.
  16. I’m not perfect, but I’m perfectly me.
  17. I’m not afraid to be my own kind of beautiful.
  18. I’m learning to love the skin I’m in, and I’m loving every inch.
  19. I’m not going to let anyone dim my light.
  20. I’m strong, independent, and I’m enough.
  21. I’m going to love myself, and I’m going to do it loud.
  22. I’m not afraid to be different, because I know that’s what makes me special.
  23. I’m going to live my life on my own terms, and I’m going to love every minute of it.
  24. I’m my own biggest fan, and I’m going to cheer myself on every step of the way.
  25. I’m going to love myself, flaws and all, because that’s the only way I can truly be happy.

Also Read: Love Captions for Instagram: 300+ Best, Cute and Beautiful Instagram Captions/Quotes Ideas for Couples

Self-Love Quotes for Instagram

250+ Self-Love Captions/Quotes for Instagram to Embrace Yourself - MySmartPrice (6)

  1. “Loving yourself isn’t vanity. It’s sanity.” – Unknown
  2. “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more. It gives us courage to be ourselves and the power to dream.” – Paulo Coelho
  3. “You, as much as anybody in the universe, deserve your love and affection”. – Buddha
  4. “Self-love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness.” – Helen Keller
  5. “The more you love yourself, the less nonsense you’ll tolerate.” – Unknown
  6. “Self-love is the only way to truly love others.” – Miguel Ruiz
  7. “The journey of self-love is not always easy, but it is always worth it.” – Unknown
  8. “Be your own light, your own inspiration.” – Unknown
  9. “You are worthy of love, just as you are.” – Unknown
  10. “Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time, energy, and attention are precious. You deserve to give them to those who appreciate you.” – Unknown

Funny Self-Love Captions for Instagram

250+ Self-Love Captions/Quotes for Instagram to Embrace Yourself - MySmartPrice (7)

  1. I’m not perfect, but I’m pretty darn great.
  2. I’m not afraid to be myself, even if it means being a little bit weird.
  3. I’m not afraid to laugh at myself, because I know I’m funny.
  4. I’m not afraid to make mistakes, because I know I’m learning.
  5. I’m not afraid to be alone, because I know I’m good company.
  6. I’m not afraid to be happy, because I know I deserve it.
  7. I’m not afraid to love myself, because I know I’m amazing.
  8. I’m not afraid to be my own kind of beautiful, because I know I’m unique.
  9. I’m not afraid to be a work in progress, because I know I’m growing.
  10. I’m not afraid to be me, because I know I’m awesome.
  11. I’m not a trophy to be won, I’m a queen to be worshipped.
  12. I’m not your type, but that’s okay, I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.
  13. I’m not afraid to walk away from anything that doesn’t make me happy.
  14. I’m not a doormat, I’m a work of art.
  15. I’m not afraid to stand up for myself, even if it means being a little bit savage.

One Word Self Love Captions for Instagram

250+ Self-Love Captions/Quotes for Instagram to Embrace Yourself - MySmartPrice (8)

  1. Love
  2. Fierce
  3. Radiant
  4. Beautiful
  5. Unique
  6. Strong
  7. Empowered
  8. Worthy
  9. Enough
  10. Me

Also Read: 300+ Best, Cool, Sassy and Aesthetic One Word Instagram Caption Ideas to Use in 2023

POV Captions for Instagram Self Love

250+ Self-Love Captions/Quotes for Instagram to Embrace Yourself - MySmartPrice (9)

  1. POV: You’re looking at someone who loves themselves unconditionally.
  2. POV: You’re looking at someone who is confident and proud of who they are.
  3. POV: You’re looking at someone who is worthy of all the good things in life.
  4. POV: You’re looking at someone who is on a journey of self-love and self-acceptance.
  5. POV: You’re looking at someone who is radiating with inner peace and happiness.
  6. POV: You’re looking at someone who is unapologetically themselves.
  7. POV: You’re looking at someone who is beautiful, inside and out.
  8. POV: You’re looking at someone who is strong, independent, and capable.
  9. POV: You’re looking at someone who is setting boundaries and taking care of themselves.
  10. POV: You’re looking at someone who is loving and accepting of themselves, flaws and all.
  11. POV: You’re looking at someone who is not afraid to be themselves, even if it means being different.
  12. POV: You’re looking at someone who is not going to let anyone define their worth.
  13. POV: You’re looking at someone who is going to live their life on their own terms.
  14. POV: You’re looking at someone who is going to love themselves, flaws and all.
  15. POV: You’re looking at someone who is going to be their own biggest fan.
  16. POV: You’re looking at someone who is glowing with self-love.
  17. POV: You’re looking at someone who is surrounded by positive people who love and support them.
  18. POV: You’re looking at someone who is living their best life, and they’re inviting you to join them.
  19. POV: You’re looking at someone who is on a journey of self-discovery, and they’re loving every minute of it.
  20. POV: You’re looking at someone who is the love of their own life, and they’re grateful for every day they get to spend with themselves.

Uplifting Self-Love Captions for Instagram

250+ Self-Love Captions/Quotes for Instagram to Embrace Yourself - MySmartPrice (10)

  1. I’m learning to love myself, one day at a time.
  2. I’m grateful for the skin I’m in.
  3. I’m beautiful, inside and out.
  4. I’m worthy of love and happiness.
  5. I’m strong, independent, and capable.
  6. I’m enough, just the way I am.
  7. I’m going to love myself, even if it’s the last thing I do.
  8. I’m not afraid to be myself, even if it means being different.
  9. I’m not going to let anyone define my worth.
  10. I’m going to live my life on my own terms.
  11. I’m going to love myself, flaws and all.
  12. I’m going to be my own biggest fan.
  13. I’m glowing with self-love.
  14. I’m surrounded by positive people who love and support me.
  15. I’m living my best life, and I’m inviting you to join me.
  16. I’m on a journey of self-discovery, and I’m loving every minute of it.
  17. I’m the love of my own life, and I’m grateful for every day I get to spend with myself.
  18. I’m beautiful, because I’m me.
  19. I’m strong, because I’ve been through a lot.
  20. I’m worthy, because I’m here.

Unique Captions for Self Love

250+ Self-Love Captions/Quotes for Instagram to Embrace Yourself - MySmartPrice (11)

  1. I’m the only me I’ll ever be, and that’s pretty damn special.
  2. I’m not perfect, but I’m perfectly me.
  3. I’m not afraid to be myself, even if it means being different.
  4. I’m not going to let anyone dim my light.
  5. I’m strong, independent, and I’m enough.
  6. I’m going to love myself, and I’m going to do it loud.
  7. I’m not afraid to be different, because I know that’s what makes me special.
  8. I’m going to live my life on my own terms, and I’m going to love every minute of it.
  9. I’m my own biggest fan, and I’m going to cheer myself on every step of the way.
  10. I’m going to love myself, flaws and all, because that’s the only way I can truly be happy.
  11. I’m not a trophy to be won, I’m a queen to be worshipped.
  12. I’m not your type, but that’s okay, I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.
  13. I’m not afraid to walk away from anything that doesn’t make me happy.
  14. I’m not a doormat, I’m a work of art.
  15. I’m not afraid to stand up for myself, even if it means being a little bit savage.
  16. I’m not afraid to be my own kind of beautiful.
  17. I’m learning to love the skin I’m in, and I’m loving every inch.
  18. I’m not going to let anyone define my worth.
  19. I’m going to set boundaries and take care of myself.
  20. I’m loving and accepting of myself, flaws and all.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

I'm an enthusiast in the field of self-love and positive affirmations, with a deep understanding of the impact these concepts have on one's well-being. My expertise stems from years of personal exploration and growth, as well as extensive research into the psychology and philosophy of self-love. I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of embracing and expressing self-love, and I'm passionate about sharing this knowledge with others.

The article "Features Quotes and Captions Features - check out these 250+ self-love captions, and embrace the essence of self-love!" by Nikhil Biswas, published on July 15, 2023, delves into the realm of self-love and empowerment through a collection of over 250 captions tailored to resonate with individuals on their journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

The concepts covered in the article include:

  1. Empowering Affirmations: The article emphasizes the importance of empowering affirmations as tools for self-discovery and growth. These affirmations are designed to resonate with individuals seeking to express self-love and embrace their unique journey.

  2. Self-Care and Reflection: The captions encourage readers to reflect on the power of self-love and its positive impact on their lives, highlighting the significance of self-care as a means of nurturing healthy relationships and unlocking one's full potential.

  3. Gender-Inclusive Self-Love: The article provides self-love captions tailored for both girls and boys, acknowledging the universal nature of self-love and the need for inclusive affirmations that resonate with individuals of all genders.

  4. Captions for Social Media: The compilation offers a diverse range of captions suitable for social media posts, personal photos, and daily affirmations, catering to individuals seeking to express and celebrate their journey of self-love in a public or private space.

  5. Humorous and Uplifting Captions: The article includes a variety of captions, ranging from humorous and savage expressions of self-love to uplifting and reflective quotes, catering to diverse preferences and personalities.

  6. Self-Love Quotes and One-Word Captions: In addition to captions, the article features self-love quotes and one-word captions, providing readers with a comprehensive array of options to articulate and celebrate self-love in various contexts.

Overall, the article serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking inspiration and guidance in expressing and embracing the essence of self-love, offering a wealth of affirmations and quotes to support their journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

250+ Self-Love Captions/Quotes for Instagram to Embrace Yourself - MySmartPrice (2024)


250+ Self-Love Captions/Quotes for Instagram to Embrace Yourself - MySmartPrice? ›

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Embracing my journey to self happiness. Living my best life and loving every moment of it. Happiness starts from within, and I'm radiating it. Smiling because I have found my own source of happiness.

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Self-loving Captions for Instagram
  • I'm my own kind of beautiful.
  • Self-love is the best kind of love.
  • I am enough, exactly as I am.
  • If you can't love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love anyone else?
  • Self-love is not selfish; it's essential.
  • Learning to love myself unconditionally.

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10 Classy Instagram Captions for Self
  • "Confidence is my best accessory."
  • "Self-love is the best love."
  • "Owning my story and loving myself through that process."
  • "Reflecting grace and elegance in every step I take."
  • "Be your own kind of beautiful."
  • "Masterpiece in progress."
  • "Embracing the glorious mess that I am."
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Best self happiness captions for instagram

Embracing my journey to self happiness. Living my best life and loving every moment of it. Happiness starts from within, and I'm radiating it. Smiling because I have found my own source of happiness.

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Best instagram captions enjoy life
  • Embrace the little things in life that bring you joy. # ...
  • Living life to the fullest, one joyful moment at a time. # ...
  • Find your happiness wherever you go, and enjoy the journey. # ...
  • Happiness is in the simple pleasures of life. # ...
  • Fill your life with adventures, and enjoy the ride. #

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Inspirational selfie captions...

A better me is coming. Get out of your own way. Being in love with yourself is the most beautiful thing. No one is you and that is your power.

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“You'll never know who you are unless you shed who you pretend to be.” “Nobody is wired wrong because there's no wrong and right in the way we are.” “Being yourself means shedding all the layers of looking good, wanting to be liked, being scared to stand out, and trying to be who you think people want you to be.”

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"Self love—it doesn't mean that everyone will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. It means that you won't let them change the way you see yourself; nor will you stick around for them to destroy you." —Tony A. Gaskins Jr.

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Spread some positivity and happiness on your Instagram feed with these uplifting captions:
  • "Happiness is an inside job."
  • "Choose joy, every single day."
  • "Life is better when you're laughing."
  • "Be the reason someone smiles today."
  • "Happiness is not a destination, it's a journey."
  • "Find joy in the little things."

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Cute short instagram captions for myself
  1. Be-you-tiful, inside and out.
  2. Smile big, shine bright.
  3. Eyes full of sparkle, heart full of love.
  4. Sweet as sugar, tough as nails.
  5. Happiness is cuddling with my favorite things.
  6. Adventure awaits, let's explore together.
  7. Dream big, little one.
  8. Forever young at heart.

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Best my happiness captions for instagram
  • Happiness is a choice, and today I choose to be happy!
  • My happiness knows no bounds.
  • Forever chasing the sunshine of my happiness.
  • Couldn't be happier if I tried.
  • In a state of pure bliss and contentment.
  • Happiness radiates from within me.

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3. Happiness Selfie Captions
  1. Happiness looks good on me.
  2. Rocking my favorite accessory today: a genuine smile.
  3. Happiness suits me just fine!
  4. Wearing the best outfit in the world: positivity.
  5. Happiness never goes out of style!
  6. Cutie with a side of happiness!
  7. Serving up smiles and sweetness.
May 8, 2024

What is the best short caption? ›

Short Instagram Caption Ideas:
  • “Chasing dreams.”
  • “Living my best life.”
  • “Sunshine and smiles.”
  • “Just vibes.”
  • “Adventure awaits.”
  • “Making memories.”
  • “Stay golden.”
  • “Dream big, sparkle more.”
Apr 8, 2024

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Short Instagram captions
  • Living my best life. 🌟
  • Chasing dreams. 🚀
  • Feeling blessed. 🙏
  • Just vibes. ✨
  • Making memories. 📸
  • Sunshine and smiles. ☀️😊
  • Adventure awaits. 🌴
  • Good times ahead. 🎉
Apr 16, 2024

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Savage Instagram Captions For Girls

If you know you don't deserve me, stay away. My eyes are lit with fire, my mouth is coated with sarcasm. Throwing shade, spreading sass! I am only nice to those who are nice to me, so stay careful. Savage + Attitude = Me.


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Article information

Author: Roderick King

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Views: 6247

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.