The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


i 8 00 p. 11. 10.00 p. m. Musical program.

12.00 p. in. Popular program. WLS-CHICAGO, 345, 870. 7.15 m.

Organ recital. 9.00 p. 111. Musical program. WBBM-CHICAGO, 226, 1330.

9.00 p. tl. Musical program. Long Distance Stations WILAS-LOUISVILLE, 400. 150.

1.00 p. 7.15 p. p. 9.15 11.00 8.00 p. 9.00 p.

8.30 p. 8.00 p. 8.30 p. 10.00 p. m.

Musical program. 416, 720. 111. Studin program. m.

Dinner concert. m. Health m. Musical program. m.

Dance musin 481, 620. m. Studio recitals. m. Musical program.

323, 930. 11. Market reporta. m. Dinuer concert.

m. Studio program. Daily Time Table 6.00 WAN -Dinner Dinner convert. convert. -Dinner concert.

concert. Dinner concert. WTAM -Dinner concert. concert. concert.

Dinner concert. dance. WTIC-Children's program. WE.IN -Dinner dance. -University lecture.

W'GBS-Dinner concert. W'NYC--French lesson. -Dinner concert. WCAE-Dinner concert. 6.15 recital.

features. WTIC- Dinner concert. Children's program -Dinner WRNY-Studio features. WGY-Dinner WOE--Dinner concert. -Dinner dance.

-Dinner dance. Dinner. music. KYW-Dinner conceri. WMA0-Orgun recital.

-Dinner concert. -Dinner concert. program. 7.15 -Dance music. -Organ recital.

7.30-- recital. -Dinner concert. WANG--Studio program. talk. 100-Dinner concert.

WOK -Dinner concert. program. Piano recital. WA. -I'rinceton bunqus 8.00- recital.

WNAC-String trio. Concert program -Studio program. WOC-Musical program. 9.15-WCCO-Musical program. 9.30-100-Musical program.

it talk. report. recital. WEAR -Studio recital. Novelty night.

WGCI'-Dance music. WIG -Dance music. 1'00-Organ recital. -Dance music. music.

Boys. -Studio recitals. WAN- Musical program. opera. WANG--Organ recital.

program. 1'00-Band concert. program. -Dinuer concert. -Dinner dance.

Dinner concert. woc-Studio recitals. 8.13-WB/-Piano recital. WTIC-Choral Club. quartet.

-String quartet. WAIT -Spelling bee. 8.30 program. -String trio. WCAE- Concert.

K01-Dinner concert. 11 -Artist recital. recital. -Musical program. Entertainers.

recital. -Popular program. KDKA-Teaberry concert. WEAR -Musical program. -Musical program.

KYW--Artist recital. WMA0-University lecture. WON- Musical program. WAS- Musical program. WEBH program." KO1-Studio program.

10.15-WAHG-Dance music. 10.30-WTIC-Dance music. WJZ- Dance music. -Dance music. WGY--Concert program.

W00-Dance music. program. 11.00-WEAF-Dance music. -Dance music. -Dance music.

Midnight review. -Popular -Popular program. WGN-Dance music. -Dance music. 11.30-WTIC-T'opular program.

-Dance music. Housewives' Hour with the Radio WTIC-HARTFORD, 476, 630. 11.00 8. In. Talk, "Births," by William C.

Welling, commissioner, Connecticut State Department of. Health. 11.15 EL: Fashion talk by A. 11.30 Morency. Ilousewives' Forum, conducted by Mrs.

11.43 a. m1. Weather And puller" report. 11.55 R. Time signals.

12.00 111 Luncheon music from the TrayClub. 1.00 p. 111. Silent. 380, 190.

11.55 A. 11. 'lime signals. 12.30 1. 111.

Stock market report. 12.40 D. 111. l'oduce market report. 12.45 D.

m. Weather forecast. 2.00 D. m. Restaurant Orchestra.

2.30 D. 111. Music; "llealth Notes." Dr. C. W', Woodall, American Medical ARsociation; one-act piny, "A Pair of by WOY Matinee WORCESTER, 268.

1120. 10.30 H. Musical selections. 10.46 a. m.

Health talk." 12.00 Ill. Market and weather rerort. .12.05 luncheon music. WEAR NEW YORK, 492, 610. 11.00 A.

m. Musical program. 12.00) In. Market and weather reports. 4.00 D.

111. program. 1.30 p. 111, Women's program. W2-NEW TORN.

105, GC0. 10.00 a. 111. Women's program. 10.20 A.

m. Fashion talli. 10,40 a. 111. Necdlework period.

11.00 a. 111. News, bulletins. 1.00 P. m.

Musical 4.00 p. Women's program. 2:0, 1110. 10.00 m. Home service talk.

12.00 ml. Luncheon music. 4.00 p. m. Musical program.

Want Plane Which Will Not Load Up with Ice WASHINGTON, Dec. 3-(AP) The Postoffice Department has undertaken the creation of an airplanc for its air mail service that "will not load up with icc." If successful, 0110 of the outstanding difficulties of air mail cquipmont will have been overcome. Comdr. I. D.

naval constructor consultant for the air mall service, told the Mitchell court -martial of the search for such a flying nri chine. He said the tendency of aircraft now to accumulate ice when it encountered rain and heavy moisture in the air. The water clings to the structural parts of the plane. freezes in the higher altitudes, and constitutes a danger which it is hoped to overcome. Langley Not Expected to Take Seat in House WASHINGTON, Dec.

3 (AP) Representative Langley. (Rep.) of Kentucky, who has been convicted. of violating the prohibition' law. is not expected to take his seat when Congress convenes Monday. His position aS chairman of the l'ublic Buildings and Grounds Committee will be given to Hen.

(Rep.) of Indiana; House leaders lie have determined. l'ending it decision by the Supreme Court 011 the appeal of Mr. Langley. House leaders do not anticipate that any action will be instituted against his seat in the House. Firemen Wear Gas Masks Fighting Blaze BOSTON, Dec.

3-(AF) Firemen wearing gas masks to avoid being overcome by fumes fought a three-alarm top-floor laboammonia, ratory in the. North Station district curly today. The fire, which was confined to the fifth floor of the American Glue Company's building. occupied ny the company, was brought under control after damage of $13,000 had been caused. 1 for the man who.

believes his own cars. make claims in radio. your "You hours could the deserve listening half twenty following unqualified to interest, rival truer, Regardless apparatus- price, manufacture jC in A -C morc you ol regions Famous for dependable buy range of powerful reception neighbor's J'ou good any local broadcasting! you. in much ever hope volume set gets, Its The above to obtain." and clearness with ourselves. casily Manufacturing are by can than probably your prove their Company a and The test.

truth. mainly repeated ElecCome in your own by and 'make THE A -C ELECTRICAL Manufacturers of Electrical Devices Distributed by the Electrical Co. of DO RADIO the man who MEG. DAYTON, OHIO for More 'Than Twenty YearN. Brookline Avenue, Boston, Mass.

DAYTON believes his own tars." TARBELL-WATTERS CO. Distributors Cor. Bridge and Chestnut Sts. 4 DISTRIBUTED BY DUFFLEY-ROLFE CO. Automotive Equipment 19 Hampden St.

Springfield, Mass. Dr. Frank Crane's Daily Article The Supreme Law 'THE Constitution of the. United States is, the supreme human law of conduct of government for every American citizen from birth till death. The foundation of our American government is the will of the people expressed by their votes.

Once in 20 years the census of the United States and a election come in the same year, as in 1920 when it was revealed thut fifty-four millions of men and women were qualified to vote. Twenty-six millions voted and twenty millions were disloyal to the plan of the Constitution to the extent that they did not vote.Far more. than half of the foundation was out from under the structure. The case is far worse than that statement makes it appcar. What is the matter? How can this wholesale disloyalty to the plan and the spirit.

of the Constitution be accounted for? The school people have not.yet discovered that the Constitution is the supreme law of conduct and of government for every citizen, and that any form of government is rank disloyalty to the Constitution. School government, which forms the habits and character of our whole people in relation to government, is monarchy. 'The people are trained from their babyhood, and as long as they are in school, to be the irresponsible subjects of monarchy, instead of recitizens of a demccratic republic. sponsible, they are unfitted by the schools to realize their responsibilities as voters and as American citizens. They are taught to salute the flag and to recite patriotic utterances, but that is all academic and has no direct relation to the daily of the pupils.

It is the practical government of conduct that counts. The spirit and principal features of the plan of the Constitution can" be put into operation in a kindergarten and every school grade, to the delight and great benefit of every child, and the comfort and. relief of the teachers. 1 By this process all coming generations 'can be made loyal and efficient citizens. For 28 years schools have been conducted, with great advantage to the pupils and teachers, as school republics, under the Constitution of the United States.

3 Loyalty to the Constitution requires that every school in our country should be conducted in this way. A Copyright, 1925, by The McClure Newspaper Syndicate. Thief Gets $10,000 5 Worth of Jewels Mount (N; Millionaire Colony Stirred by Robbery. MOUNT KISCO. N.

Dec. 3-- (AI') The millionaire colony here is stirred over the theft of $10.000 in gems from the home of Moses Taylor. financier and steel magnate. The theft took place Sunday evening. within 21 hours after the wedding of a daughter, Miss Edith Taylor.

10 Robert Dinsmore Huntington, and at reception attended by 400 guests. Thousands of dollars' worth of wedding presents in an adjoining room not touched. A maid who missed her own purse discovered the theft and began a scurch. Fingerprints on window sill and footprints in soft earth indicated the thief wore rubber- -soled and that he guined entrance by climbing a lightnirg rod while Mr. and Mrs.

Taylor and some guests were in the. drawing-room. Three similar rohberies have occurred near by in the vicinity of Greenwich, in the last three weeks, When the theft was discovered 40 guests of the Taylor family aided in the search for clues, men and women in a man evening hunt dress over aiding the state estate. troopers Operatives for the Noel C. Scaffa Agency were said to be working on the case.

Scaffa, is now under. indictment charging complicity in 'compounding a felony for his part in the Fear of Scolding Caused Robbery News and Programs RADIO Questions Answered Concert Recital to Be Feature of WBZ's Broadcast Prominent Boston Artists Will Be Heard in Hour's Concert; Tenor to Sing Here. The principal feature to be broadcast by Westinghouse radio station WB7. this, crening will be A concert arranged by Theodore Schroeder Studio of Boston. This program will present Mrs.

Susan Cowing Glover, mnezzo-contralto; Miss Emma Louise Biedenharn, contralto; Sirs. Florence Chandler, dramatic soprano: Clinton White. tenor: Edna Kimball. mezzocuprano: Evelyn Duncanson. lyric soprano: William Richardson.

baritone. nnd, Chester Cook, concert pianist and accompanist. In adlition to the above concert vocal recital will he by Joseph Kilfoyle, tenor, with Norbett Roy as accompanist: Wesley Merritt will Beane's give piano recital and "Baron" Collegians of Waltham will present 1 dance program. Mr. Schroeder has selected a numher of prominent vocalists for the Chandler.

prowho gram possesses a voice of wide range he is sponsoring. Mrs. has toured the counAnd compass. try ROn with a great concert artist whose musical success. Dr.

Richardposition with American Glover audiences is is AN well-known established Boston singer and teachfact. Mrs. of er of Louisiana, has been favorably heard voice. Miss Biedenharn, a native station WBA on former occafrom sions. Mr.

White is a prominent young memtenor of New Bedford. being 3 ber of the Society Opera Company of that city- Miss Kimball is a singer ADVERTIsem*nT. She Was Skinny, Weak and Nervous The greatest strength and of good healthy flesh in the World 1s Cod Liver Oil -it's full of producer vitamines. But it's nasty stuff-ill-smelling and hard to take. and usually upsets the stomach.

Thank goodness! we don't have to even smell it any more. for now J. D. Smith. E.

F. Leonard W. L. Sadler and all druggists are selling MIcCoy's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets. sugar-coated.

and as easy to take as candy. so that you can get the real Cod Liver Oil in condensed form and get just the same results as with the horrible smelling liquid. Men and women. weak. thin and nervous, are urged to put on weight and get back their health and strength with these wonderful tablets.

One woman gained 15. pounds in Ave weeks and that's going fast enough for anyone. Only 60 cents for 60 tablets. and if they don't put five pounds of flesh on any thin person in 30 days your drugFist is authorized to hand you back the money you paid for it. McCoy's, the "But be sure and get original and genuine Cod Liver Oil Tablet." Happy Days drink can change many days for you.

Days of unfitness, when you are not at' your best, because the system is clogged with poisons waste. Don't wait for delayed. results, Drink A glass of water, hot Add little Jad Salts. It will make picasant, effervescent drink. And the result in an hour will be to flush the intestines.

Save the day. Do this whenerer morning indicates the need. Then remember that any hour can bring you like results. Jad Salts contain acids of lemon and grape, with lithia. etc.

The repults are quick and gentle. Find them out. and you will want many times. Send the coupon now." From a sparkling and refreshing morning drink Let tis show you how 3 sparkling Wyeth Chemical 598 Sadison Avenue, Free Test New Dept. 283-B Mail DIe a Free Sampla of Jad Salts.

much In demand for Southern airs. She will broadcast some of the wellknown popular songs of the South. Miss Duncanson comes from Wolfville, N. where she has concertized extensively throughout Provinces. She has recently entered the ranks of Boston's professional' singers.

Mr. well known as one of Boston's Coaching pianists. Joseph Kilfoyle, who will sing from the Hotel Kimball studlio of WEZ. is a native of England. Before coming to this country he appeared in many concerts in the vicinity of Lancashife, JOSEPH KILFOYLE Tenor Who will Sing at IF BA Tonight.

and has sung leading roles in several Gilbert and Sullivan operas produced by St. Peter and Paul's Opera Society of Dolton, Eng. He has been heard several times at informal recitals and concerts in Springfield and vicinity. Mr. Merritt is studying with Miss M.

Irene Atkins of this city. Ie is A member of the junior extension of the Tuesday Morning Musical Club and has recently given recitals before the Longmeadow Woman's Club and at the Gibbs Piano Company concert hall. orchestra made up of college students, on Beane's Colleians is a dance The organization is under the leadership of "Web" Wiggin and is playing regularly at Nuttings-on-the Charles. 'The orchestra has also had many engagements for college dances in Boston and vicinity. Today's Programs 333.

900. 6.30 111. To be announced. 7.13 p. 111.

"Baron" Reane's Collegians. 5.000 D. m. Tenor recital by Joseph Kitfoyle. Until, Sanderson Mary of A 'gyle, Nelson Mate o' Mine, Elliott In an Old Squire 8.13 p.

m. Piano, selections by Wesley Merritt. Serenta. Moszkowsk! Valse Op. 64.

1. Chopin Mazurka in Flat, Goddard 8.30 1. m. Civil service information. 9.00 p.

It. Program arranged through the courtesy of Theodore A. Shroeder. presenting Mrs. Susan Cowing Glover.

mezzo-contralto: Emma Louise Riedenharn, contralto: Mrs. Florence Chandler, dramatic sopiano: Edna Kimball. mezzo soprano: Evelyn Duaran-on. lyric soprano: Clinton White. tenor: Witliam Richardson, baritone: Chester rook.

concert pianist and accompanist. 10.00 p. m. Weather reports: missing persons' descriptions, 10:0. 6,30 p.

m. Dinner dance. 8.00 P. m. Renalfa Trio.

3.00 p. m. Musical program. WEEI-ROSTON, 319, 860. 1.45 7.00 p.

p. m. Studio Musical reprogram. 268, 1120. 7.13 p.

m. Bedtime story. 8.00 p. m. Concert program.

-f Connecticut WTIC--HARTFORD, 416, 6.30 p. It. Children's period. 5.00 p. In.

Emil lleimberger' Hotel Bond Trio. Introduction, 'Grice Valse Poudree, Popy Intermezzo, Arensky 7.15 p. m. Weather report. 7.20 p.

m. Hotel Trio, popular songs. Two Grand Intermezzi, from "'The Jewels of the Madonna," Wolf -Ferrari Souvenir, Drdla TaranteHa, Bohm Gray Days, Johnson Even Song, Martin My Desire, Nevin -from "Natoma." Ilerbert 7.45 p. m. recital.

Du bist wie eine Blume, Schumann (Thou'rt Like a Flower) Rest Thee, Sad Heart, Del Riego Danny Boy. Weatherly Deep River, Burleigh Sylvia, Sponks Memory Divine, Fish Down in the Forest, Ronald Eric Tesche. tenor. S.10 p. m.

Concert by the Hartford Choral Club of So male voices direct from Foot Guard Song of the Marching Men. Protheroe 0 Peaceful Night, Edward 1 German Swansea Town, Holst Choral Club. Soprano solos, Qual farfalletta Amante, Scarlatti Phyllis Has Such Charming Graces, (Old English) Air du Rossignol, -Saens Mrs. Josephine Simpson Koch. Three Russian Songs.

Autuinn, Alexander Gretchaninov The Club. unaccompanied. Mystic Stars. Arenaky The Crystal Brook, Arensky Choral Finale from "The Gondolier," Sullivan Choral Club. Tiro songs, D'Apparl Tutt Amor, von Flotow (from That Cough Will "Get You" If You Don't Watch Out! Ignore or neglect that distressing cough day after day and It will gradually so down the larynx and bronchial tubes until it reaches the lungs.

Then it has "got you." Don't delay another. hour. Get a bottle of 8 ALLEN'S MULSICOF (Formerly Known as Allen's Lung Healer) -and begin at once to get the best of it. While A "money-back if not satisfied" offer is given with it, and hundreds of thousands of bottles have been bought by people all over New England during the past ten years, less than nfty hare asked for their money back--an extraordinary. record.

Allen's Mulsicof 13 emulsion (without cod liver oll), easy to take, palatable and perfectly harmless. Does not derange the stomach, rather acting as a stomach tonic. Splendid for children. 40c and $1.00 a bottle--at your druggist's. Made by H.

J. Allen Lynn, Mass. A. Woman Bank Bandit Say's She Had Overdrawn Account. Lewp's Choice for This Evening Selections for this evening's listening include the following: 8.00-Organ recital from WANG.

8.13-Hartford Choral -Club concert from WTIC. 9.00-Concert program from TBZ. 0.00 D. 111. 9.00 Musical program.

11.00 m. Dance music. Umbra Mal Fu--from "Serse," Handel Eric Tesche. tenor. When Earth's Last Picture Is Painted, Bornschein Choral Club.

Two Songs. Boat Sung, Harriet Ware The Widows Purger. Granger R. Baldwin Choral Cello solo, Adagio and Finalc--from "Concerto in ladn Joseph Malkin. Tiro Rose Forsytha The Clock (humorous).

Andrews Choral Club. I Hear American Singing. Gaul 10.00 p. nt. Contralto solos.

The Viking' Daughter, Thomas Bitterness of love, Dunn Melissande In the Wood. Goetz Dra Belle Rolling. 10.10 D. m. Sopiano Aclos, Miss Gertrude I'relssner.

10.20 p. m. Contralto solos, Fairy Love Song, Willeby Jug Hold by land, Bond Mrs. Belle Rollins, 10.30 p. In.

Bal Tabarin Orchestra. 10.30 111. "'Halt Hour Before Midnight" with Louis Sokolof. Gertrude Coledsky and Miss Betty V. Roy.

Rhode Island 306. 980. 1.45 p. Children's program, 8.00 p. m.

Studio program. 8.30 p. In. Popular program. 11.00 p.

111. Dance orchestra. WEIN-P'ROVIDENCE, 2:0, 1110. 6.30 p. m.

Dinner dance. $.00 p. mi. Concert program. New York FORK, 492, 610.

6.00 p. Dinner music. 7.00 p. In. Children's program.

7.45 p. m. Lucille Blabe. pianist. $.00 p.

m. Happiness Boys. 8.30 p. m. Eagle String Trio.

9.00 p. Spear's Entertainer. 10.00 p. m. Studio recitals.

11.00 p. m. Dance music. YORK. 455, 660.

6.30 111. U'n'versity lecture. 7.00 p. m. Dinner concert.

8.13 p. m. Rice String Quartet. 9.43 D. To be announced.

10.30 11. Dance orchestra. -NEW YORK. 405. 110.

7.30 p. 171. Dinner concert. 4.30 p. Address -VEN DORK.

316, 930. 8.30 p. 11. Dinner concert. :.00 p.

nt. Radio talk. 10 D. tr. Orchestra.

WNTC--NEW YORK, 526, 310. 6.30 p. M1. French lesson. 7.30 p.

tr. Police reports. 8.00 111. Studio recitals. 10.30 n.

m. Dance orchestra. -NEW DORK, 361, 830. 6.00 p. m.

Dinner concert. 8.00 m1. Studio recitals, 10.30 p. m. Dance orchestra.

11.30 p. 111. Popular program. MEN- NEW DORK, 258. 1160.

7.00 p. IN. Studio features. S.00 p. m.

Grand opera program. 9.45 Science talk. 10.00 p. m. Novelty night.

11. CI-SEN JORK, 232, 1190. m. Dinner concert. 8.30 p.

Studio recitals. 1:00 p. 111. Dance orchestra. 11.30 11.

Popular program. HILL, 316, 930. 1.30 p. m. Studio program.

3.00 m. Organ recital. 9.00 p. m1. Studio recitals.

10.13 p. 111. Dance orchestra. WGY-SCHENECTADY. 380, 100.

0.00 In. Women's program. 6.00 p. m. Sunday school lesson.

7.40 p. Il. Dinner music. 7.30 m. Health talk.

.40 French lesson. 10.30 p. m. Concert program. 8.15 Rice String 319, 910.

6.30 p. m. Dinner concert. 9.00 p. Popular program.

11.00 p. tn. Dance music. New Jersey 403. :40.

.6.15 Studio features. 5.00 p. m. Dinner concert. WA.IM--NEWARK, 263.

1110. 6.00 p. m. Dinner concert. 7.45 P.

m. Princeton banquet. 9.30 P. m. Musical program.

10.15 p. m. Dance orchestra. WAG-ATLANTIC CITY, 300, 1000. 6.45 p.

m. Organ recital 7.00 Morton Trio. 8.00 p. m. Musical program.

10.00 p. m. Dance orchestra. Pennsylvania 509, 590. 6.00 p.

m. Dinner concert. 6.43 p. m. Market reports.

:.00 p. m. Bedtime story. $95, :00. 6.30 p.

m. Convert orchestra. 7.00 p. m. Dance music.

WAIT-PHILADELPHIA, 393, 760. 1.00 p. m. Bedtime story. 8.00 p.

m. Address. p. Spelling Bee. 0.30 m.

To be announced. 10.00 p. 11. Morning Glory Club. WOO WOO-PHILADELPHIA, 509, 390.

7.30 P. m. Dinner convert. 8.00 m. Rand concert.

8.43 p. m. Artist recitals. 9.25 P. Theater orchestra.

9.53 m. Time signals. 10.00 p. D. Organ recital.

10.30 p. tit. Dance orchestra. -PITTSBURG, 309, 910. 6.15 p.

m. Dinner concert. 7.10 n. m. Market reports.

7.30 p. m. Children's program. 7.45 p. m.

University lecture. 8.30 n1. Concert. 9.00 p. m.

Teaberry Time. 9.55 Time WORE PITTSBURG, 462, 650. 6.30 p. m. Dinner concert.

7.30 m. Children's program, 8.30 p. m. Concert. District of Columbia WCAF-WASHINGTON, 469, 610.

7.00 p. ni. Four-hour concert. Ohio WTAM-CLEVELIND, 390. 770.

6.00 1.00 p. m. Dinner concert. 390, 7:0. 7.00 p.

m. Dinner dance. 9.00 p. m. Studio program.

10.00 p. 111. Dance orchestra. Michigan 333, 850. 6.00 p.

m. Dinner concert. 10.00 D. In. Dance orchestra.

8.00 p. m. Concert program. en WCK-DETROIT, 517, 580. 6.00 D.

m. Dinner concert. 9.00 p. m. Musical program.

WIR-DETROIT, 617, 580. 7.00 Concert program. 8.00 p. 11. To be announced.

WREO-LANSING, 286, 1050. 6.00 p. Dinner concert. Illinois GO, 536, 560, 1.00 p. Studio program.

8.00 p. In. Dinner concert. 9.00 p. Artist recitals.

11.00 p. m. Midnight Revue. WOK--CHICAGO, :17, 1380. 7.30 p.

m. Dinner concert. 11.00 m. Popular program. WHAQ-CHICAGO, 418, 670.

7.00 P. m. Organ recital. 9.00 p. m.

University lecture. 9.30 D. m. Diusical program. WQJ-CHICAGO, 418, 630.

8.00 m. Dinner dance. 11.00 p. m. Rainbo Skylarks.

WIT-CHICAGO, 400, 730. 5.00 m. Dinner concert. 10.30 p. 11.

Popular program. 330. 810. 0.00 D. 111.

Dinner concert. 9.00 Musical program. 11.00 m. Dance music. SIOUX FALLS, S.

Dec. 3-(1) Fear of a scolding from, her husband when he learned of the checks Sir had written, causing an overdraft of $100 in their bank account prompted Mrs. Catherine Rogers to rob. the First State Bank Renner, S. last Fri: day, police said today: Further questioning of.

Mrs. Rogers and her daughter, Zera, who are in jail charged with robbery, reveals that last summer the. Rogers family was in a fair financial condition, but that STrs. Rogers had been drawing heavily. on the bank' account.

Another point was cleared up where Zera admitted that $90 found in the bottom of a trunk in home was part of the loot gotten the boldup. She confessed, police said, that Shywas "holding. out on ma," and that her mother believed that $98.50 was all that had been gotten. 3 A check' of the bank's cash after the. robhery showed $396.50 missing.

111 the first -alleged confession Drsa Rogers and daughter $98.30 vas all they took. Pr 2 There are more cattle in and Wales today than there were before the war. of. the James P. Donahue jewels.

Chemical Effective Against Boll-Weevil success. 3 Three of Schubert's Compositions Found WASHINGTON, Dec. 3-(AP) More than 50,000 acres of cotton were dusted with calcium arsenate dropped from airplanes during the past season. The annual report of the Bureau of Ento: mology. made public today, said use of the ch chemical aguinst the cotton bollweevil is becoming a firmly established practise in the cotton belt as the cost 'of the process was reduced.

Other destructive insects against which the Bureau of Entomology is waging unrelenting war are the Jap. anese beetle, which attacks fruit. the Europeun corn borer. and the Mexican bean beetle. Efforts to control the Japanese beetle are declared in the report to have met a with I considerable VIENNA, Dee.

3-(AP): A posthumous lied and 1 minuet by Franz Schubert have been discovered by the music historian, Otto Erich Deutsch. among the possessions of a granddaughter of composer's brother. Karl. The lied was written, to a poem by Count In the home of the descendants of Schubert' trusted. old man also found a hitherto unknown to TyJosef Huettenbrenner.

the historian rolcan waltz of Schubert. All three compositions are to be published in December. "Flint-knapping" is the industry in England. The tools have remained unchanged for centuries. VOLUME WITH TONE QUALITYThe SAAL Soft with the Bakelite bell Saal speaker has a bell of genuine Bakelite which other speakers are now rapidly adopting.

Built for permanent service- -costs little more than a cheap speaker. $25 Distributed By SAGER, Congress ELECTRICAL Boston. SUPPLY co. STERNS COMPANY, 120 High Boston. H.

G. SAAL 1000 Montrase A venue Chicago Browning Drake Sets WHOLESALE Sager Electrical Supply Co. 319 Worthingtan St. RIVER 8451 NO A Standardyne "Thedforld at Your Finger 1, Where can you find a 5-tube Console Model as handsome and efficient 4 as this. for only $135? This is the remarkable set.

installed in the guest suites of the famous Biltmore Hotel in Now York City. Its beautiful mahog-. any cabinet radiates richness and quality. Its easily tuned- R. -F.

circuit brings in distance with amazing clarity and volume 63 Round-toned, built-in loud speaker Standardyne (without unit), and ample space CONSOLE MODEL BH for batteries. This set will do you Price $135 credit in any Built for the Discriminating Buyer A new model B5, better than ever. Smart, trim lines make it unusually attractive. 5 tubes, using the amazing "re-acted" circuit that eliminates distortion and squealing. Easily surpasses selling at much higher prices.

$60 Without accessories Table Model B5 Sec The Standardyne at Your Dealer's F. D. PITTS COMPANY Exclusive New England Distributors: 219 COLUMBUS BOSTON, MASS. Manufactured by The Standard Radio Corporation, Worcester, Mass. I ME ME OF 1 Standardyne Distributor LESTER R.

HOOPER 742 Main Street 1.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Why is Springfield so famous? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

Who were the first settlers in Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Historical Perspective

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

How old is Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Where was Springfield founded? ›

What is Springfield best known for? ›

As the largest city in central Illinois, with a population of 117,000, Springfield is best known for being the home of our 16th President Abraham Lincoln and the place where President Barack Obama spent his early career in politics.

Why Springfield is a great place to live? ›

One aspect that makes living in Springfield an appealing choice is its affordability. Though the Northeast is often thought of as an expensive place to live, the overall cost of living in Springfield is around 31% lower than the Massachusetts average and only 1% higher than the national average.

What is the ethnicity of Springfield Massachusetts? ›

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5% Other race: 11.62%

Who was the first person to live in Massachusetts? ›

Archaeological excavations in Massachusetts reveal that the earliest human beings arrived here more than 10,000 years ago. Archaeologists call these earliest settlers "Paleo-Indians." They are the ancestors of today's Indigenous Persons.

What was invented in Springfield? ›

In 1856, the world's first-ever adjustable monkey wrench was invented in Springfield. In 1873, America's first postcard was invented in Springfield by the Morgan Envelope Factory. Also, America's first horse show and dog show were both produced in Springfield – 1853 and 1875, respectively.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Communications Director Bill Baker joined with Sheila McElwaine to welcome Mayor Kōkichi Maeda and officials from Takikawa, Japan to mark the 30th anniversary of Springfield and Takikawa becoming sister cities.

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Which city is close to Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Springfield, city, seat (1812) of Hampden county, southwestern Massachusetts, U.S., on the Connecticut River. It forms a contiguous urban area with Agawam and West Springfield (west), Chicopee and Holyoke (north), Ludlow (northeast), Wilbraham and Hampden (east), and East Longmeadow (south).

What is Springfield's rival town? ›

The fictional city of Shelbyville is Springfield's rival. It was founded in 1796 by Shelbyville Manhattan, who advocated cousin marriage among his followers, causing a split between himself and Jebediah Springfield.

Who was the guy who founded Springfield? ›

In this episode, Lisa writes an essay on Springfield founder Jebediah Springfield for the town's bicentennial. While doing research, she learns he was a murderous pirate who viewed the town's citizens with contempt. Lisa and Homer try to reveal the truth about Jebediah but only anger Springfield's residents.

Why did The Simpsons choose Springfield? ›

Springfield was named after Springfield, Oregon. The only reason is that when I was a kid, the TV show “Father Knows Best” took place in the town of Springfield, and I was thrilled because I imagined that it was the town next to Portland, my hometown.

Why is Springfield, MO so famous? ›

Officially recognized as the birthplace of Route 66, it was in Springfield on April 30, 1926, that officials first proposed the name of the new Chicago-to-Los Angeles highway. In 1938, Route 66 became the first completely paved transcontinental highway in America stretching from the Great Lakes to the Pacific Coast.

What is Springfield Armory famous for? ›

The armoury pioneered mass-production manufacturing techniques and produced weapons ranging from smoothbore muskets in its earliest days to the Springfield rifle and the M1 rifle of World War II, designed by John Garand. It closed in 1968 and is now a national historic site. See also armoury practice; Thomas Blanchard.

Why is Springfield known as the Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons. The Queen City garden is a beacon of color and excitement for most of the year.


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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.