San Francisco Bulletin from San Francisco, California (2024)

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4 4 Home Dressmaking Designs Societu VIA RAU3 ALITO rise By Mme 1 10J6 '300 Large Dinner i ta Miss Cranl a Hostess i 'I City Mayfield San Jose By MILDRED LODE WICK al Returns rom Woodside LOS ALTOS MONTA VISTA 400 76051 Vista I 030 530ft lOOOpr 030 Leave Baa raneiaeo Daily Except as Noted Entertaining House Part) 7203 7)20 A I Loe 400o 7605p Gatos' 530a bl 00 Op 7201 Luncheon in San Mateo YOSEMITE VALLEY 1 Sail for Honolulu THE GREAT DIVIDE a w5 Small Dinner and Mrs William Lawlor her fiance George Howard HI Seating Part) more I chidren of Colonel a couple Wawona on horseback Gone to McCloud Mrs Breedon Hostess A the Palace BASEBALL the TODAY Return rom osemite the i PORTOLA I TH ATDP MARKET ST InLAIrCL NEAR OURTH MIIOOOR BIRTH CONTROL de MALAUSSENE ERN PACIIC 5 AST ELECTRIC TRAINS TO acramento COLUMBIA MARKET THEATEf A i tea nearly' their 'home 4 a Cleveland so living at Coro Miss Katherine vacation in Lon d8X0g 930 930p 930 "930b 930b IMB I9ip SiKp then and I 8X0a t950a 1 23 Op Nightly Mats 7410ft luop 7540ft Los Gatos 8 tOO A DiOOA 9140 A ll20A 1:00 8t00P 4100P Redwood City Palo Alto Saa Jose are descendants of John and Alden Lors Altos Manta Vieta 7626a 7725 735b 1055b 200b 630b d840 735ft fSOOB 400ft 1230ft 840a 7900a 940a 1010a Mrs A Scheid and her daughter Miss Margaret Scheid who recently 'returned from New York have gone To their home at Inverness where are entertaining a house party of young people Westers Pact tie Ticket offteei MB Market 9t Vaiea erry Bta YOUNG MEN MAY AVOID PAIN RS DOWNEY HARVEY is spending a season with her mother at Los Meda Phone Butter 6J9 Montgomery 110 145p Looking Backward in the Society Column South Saa rancisco San Bruno Rmdintmma Ran Dftl VT a Mrs Joseph Redding has arrived from New York where she has been for the past few months and is at Palace velvet ribbon to is used for a sash the tiny color and Mr and Mrs Cuyler Lee will be hosts at a large luncheon on Sunday at their home in San Mateo There will he twenty guests entertained in honor of Miss Helen Hamilton and George Howard a week' on a camping trip starting from Wawona on horseback Need Only Trust to Lydia Vegetable Com pound says Mrs Kurtzweg have are at the Country Club a week or two of every summer at the picturesque place Tcling Play houaA Gery sud Miso a except Wed and Sat skating party at the Techau Palace on Monday evening and Mrs Malcolm Whitman gone to the McCloud river and They spend Ice composed of Mr and Mrs Andrew Welch Jr Mr and Mrs William Sherwood Mr and Mrs Mil SJfia 736 Eastern Trip Mr and Mrs Andrew Welch Jr are planning an Eastern trip in the early fall During their stay in New York they will purchase some of the "furnishings for their new house on Broadway which will be ready for occupancy next winter Party at the Theater 11035a Tp Cp ft tea (have pictured at the right the adora ble effect of fine all over lace for its entire construction with distinctive touches of black velvet or if desired a colored velvet such as emerald green rose sapphire blue or purple The little collar of velvet laying next the neck gives a delightful opportu nity for the flattery of most becoming color Tiny roses of pink or yellow according to the color of the velvet used are placed at the front of the waistline to hold a sash of plain white net or a narrow belt of 'finely tucked net The' tucks in the bodice which correspond with those Tn the skirt are so fine as not to give an undue amount of fullness and so with the softness of lace make an appeal to the medium full figure as well as the slim As the skirt is pulled up in the front at the beltline to make a point in Its line at the bottom a panel of net is attached invisibly underneath with a plaited ruffle to show gayly its mission of completing the straight line of the lower edge Many dainty flowered and figured fabrics such as Georgette crepe silk mull chiffon cloth etc will suggest themselves for the effect pictured at the left where match the figure and fine lace for sleeve frills Mrs Henry Clarence Breedon gave luncheon yesterday at her home in entertaining Mesaanies William Tevis Walter iler Cle ment Tobin Andrew Welch Eugene Murphy George Marye George Cameron Max Rothschild and Julian Thorne and Miss Ethel Cooper' THE TWIN PALACES THE PACIIC WflH GREAT NORTHERN 4ft SS NORTHERN PAUHC The (mM aed BMt laxwriaaa i Staamshi te Pacfiic watara SAILINGS ROM SAN RANCISCO Every TVKTHURSzSAT Pier AoIL IO18O Special Reduced Round Trip ares to Portland Seattle and Spokane Indude Meals and Berth Through Standard Blaenara Tacoma Beattie EvaratL keUlnghaz a4 Vauuoure MS Mark St4otter lais Market 1130 Rroadwaa 8323 Mrs Robert Woods returned yesterday from Woodside where she had been visiting Mr and Mrs George Lent for the past five days HOLLAND BREAD SHORT AMSTERDAM via London July 9:30 pm The Dutch government to introduce bread throughout Holland according to an announcement made by the Telegraef The reason assigned for the action is the shortage on grain Miss Josephine Grant will give a dinner at the St rancis this even ing and later take her guests to the theater returning to the St rancis for supper and dancing There willbe eight guests Including Miss Ger trude Hopkins Miss Arabella Schwerin Will Parrott and Gordon Tevis General Dimond Mr and Mrs Dimond 'and Misses Di mond contemplate spending Au gust in Monterey RECREATION PARK ifteenth and Valencia Streets VERNON vs OAKLAND TUES WED RL AT 2:45 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 2 30 Phone Market 621 Downtown Office Swain Sheehan Market rt phon Sutter 300 SUISUN AIRIELO DAVIS SACRAMENTO (Via Benicia) ler and Mr and Mrs Cuyler 'Lee The four matrons have learned to skate since the opening of the rink and ress been SIOn Loa Altos 1 145 and Mrs Rennie Pierre Schwerin will give a large dinner this evening at their home in San Mateo There will be twenty guests among them Mr and Mrs William Carpenter of New York Mr and Mrs George Marye Jr and Mrs Ernest Wiltsee 26 in car ds a Burlingame chinamail Mr and Mrs George entertain at an informal every Sunday afternoon at in Burlingame Their guests last Sun day Included Messrs and Mesdames Rennie Pierro Schwerin George Whit tell William Hinckley Taylor Wil Ham Mayo Newhall Charles Car 1 penter Ernest Wiltsee Miss lora Doyle fikfUttiljflftt 'SAN RANCISCO WEDNESDAY JULY 26 isic Judge ''are giving a small dinner this even ing in honor of Miss Helen Hamilton and BTHOUGH fashions are and ways will be a source of pleas ure and interest tb'most women they bring distress and anxiety to some Never do the styles favor their type and form at least so it appears to them And this is because they do not know how I to adapt the styles to themselves Because a woman is stout or because she is very thin is no reason why she must sacrifice the attribute of stylishness There are always some fashions of the hour which are ridiculous for each of the types mentioned but on the other hand there are always conservative designs which are ever the best for any woman in doubt It is sometimes in fact very often' difficult to find such styles in ready made garments but at home they can be developed in Just the way one de sires and possess that which: clothes made especially for one always have' The design I am showing today contains no extreme earmarks of the mode though it is undeniably smart general proportions and details giv ing it distinction It presents the effect of extreme simplicity sugges tive of youth but developed in a fab ric of exquisite texture It becomes at tractively suitable to the matron I VIA EL PASO ROUTE 620a Rock Island Tourist Car Kansas City Bt Louis New Orleans Sleeper A STATE LIMITED Standard Bleeper tor Kaasas City St Louis Mr and Mrs Harold van Cleaf Gear sailed for Honolulu today They were married a few weeks ago and their honeymoon on a motor trip to Lake Tahoe They arc to live "in Honolulu Mrs Gear was Miss Evelvn Maillot and both she and her 4 husband Priscilla ifialPetahuna' Banta Rosa Guerae I Till Oaaadero 46 I Petaluma Santa Rosa Heald UUI AM4 VXVVMUwn Sonoma Glen Klien Woodacre Lagunitas tPolnt PetZw mrg EMPRESS THEATER EVERY WOMAN IN SAN RANCISCO SHOULD SEE ROM THE BULLETIN JULY 26 1891 Muriel Ostriche in IN OUR BILLIE BURKE in IGHTING 12th Chapter Tbo International New Serrice NEXT WEEK Gall Kane in "Paying the IHI LIE BURKE in Midnight 13th Chapter Other Big Attractions PORTLAND OCEIM tViy ONLY 26 HOURS AT SEA nos Charles Clark 'and Helen and Edith rChesebrough have returned from the Yosemite where they went with Senator andMrs AV A Clark in their private! car Senator: Clark and family 1 went from the Yasdmite to Los An 1 geles where they will be a few I weeks before leaving for their in Butte Mont Charles and the Uhesebrough HENRY MILLER Stephen Ghent in an elaborate revival of William Vaughn 446pdtp 46p That occupied two Alon was composed of Mr rank Judge Mr and coast en route to the Yosemite The two visit friends in San ran cisco before their return to Coronado about the middle of August Informal Tea NEXT DAY ALL RIGHT She (during the spat) a story for you to say I grabbed you up quick You know very well that when you proposed 1 say yes till the next day He right! I proposed at 11 arid you accepted me at morning Boston Ti anscript 620a Richmond Port Costa Suisun airfield Dixon Sacramento 750p 820 Elmira Vacaville Winters Rumsey 750p 72IM THE STATESMAN Richmond! Port Costa Benicia Suisun air inan i field Dixon Sacramento 900a Richmond Port Coeta Benicia Suisun iK Dixon' Davis Bacra a mento 430p 1020a sacramento 930a 1 200al Richmond Port Costa Benicia Suisun 220pj airfield Davis Sacramento 730a Port Coeta Suisun airfield Elmira Dixon Davis Sacramento 630p 3J)0p Richmond Benicia Suisun airfield Dixon Woodland Tuaor Yuba Citv Marysville 1 130a 300p Elmira Vacaville Winter 1050a M0p EL Richmond Port Costa Benicia Sacramento 1 130 TOOpl Richmond ort Costa Suisun air 010a 820 field Dixon Sacramento 1 230n Aistonn Havne after of stay in town has re turned to Santa Barbara 1 1 a nn 1 lioxes at the day evening and Mrs Mrs Chauncey Penoyer Mn and Mrs Walter iler Mr and Mrs Will Tay lor Mrs Walter Martin George Leib and Stewart Lowery Mrs Oxnard a Hostess 720a Saturdays only Through Cpach El Portal tlOOOo 900a Via Merced and El Portal IOOC3 1 140a Yocmite Valley Sleener 750a LIVERMORE STOCKTON 0AKDAMi SACRAMENTO (Vic Niies or Martinez) t4IOp) i 930b 420p Loa 99b 1520c! Altos 15Jl0pj Monta 1 9J0p Longvale or Buzeta Ar Pt Bare Camp Meeker Monta Hio Duncan Mills Cazadero Petaluma leant Rosa Guerne ville Monte Bio Cazadero vineburg Sonoma Glen EUea Woodacre' Lagunitas Pt Beye Petaluma Santa Bose Healds burg Vineburg Sonoma Glen Ellen oodacre Lagunit Pt Beyee Petaltima Sant Gnirn ville Mont Bio Duncan Mills Petaluma Banta Bota Heald burg Cloverdale Ukiah WU Uts Laguni tas Point Re7es Ounp Meeker Mont Rio Cazadero Woodacre Lagunit Vine burg Sonoma Gen Ellen Petaluma Santa Ron Healdsburg Woodaore Lagunitas PL Beyee Woodaon Lagunitas Pt Beyee us 'Uoobs' The IroiS CJaw HARRY BREEN the Nut t8X)0al 8AOa t950a I2J0P SEE IT NOW Performances Continuous from 10:30 A 1 i 4 1 No Increase in Prices No Children Under 16 Years of Age Will Be Admitted a 'p jJ Limited Sacramento Pittsburg Bay Point Dixon Marysville Oolua Oroville Chlco Woodland Obe Car Coneord Mt DiaUo and Way Station The Comet Sacramento Dixon Pitts i burg Chico Woodland Obe dar Pinehurst Concord Sunday and Holiday Sacramento Pittaburg CSiico and Way Sacramento Pittaburg Chico and Way Sacramento Dixon Pittaburg Bay Point Concord Diablo and Way Station The Meteor Pittsburg Sacramentou Marysville Oroville Chico Colusa Observation Car Train Pittsburg Diablo and Way Except Ban HQNQl Llllfcl i $225 Adjutant irst Regiment Legton of Honour Three Times Wounded Deeorated by General Joffre He Tell of Hl Heart Bending Experiences in the Trenehe at Verdon See Him ana Hear Him Wonderful Vaudeville Acts 10 a Morcfa*g Afternoon Daily fScnday except tSundav only Sunday and Important Holidays only bflaturdav and Sunday only Monday only Daily except Saturday and Sunday NQT A MOVING PICTURE EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION BARON Market St Near Seventh Vaudeville Triumph of Saa ran avorite Operatic Staras LA SCALA SEXTET Ex rom Grand Opera VENETIAN OUR Musician de Luxei JOHNSON HOWARD and IsIZKTTE 3 Dusty Rhode: MASON A CO IVE LORIMONPg 'i Pl Genuine Interesting Convincing! the Duty of Every Man and Woman to? Witness This irst Authentic Expose of the White Traffic 22? I South San rancisco San Mateo t7teJ i al0 6an 805a San Joee i 810a i fl aiu nitriinirajnfi han iv 325p vrood City Mayfield Burlingame San Mateo Redwood l20p City Mayfield San Jose 200p San Jose 2221 Burlingame San Mateo Redwood City Mayfield San Joee Redwood Atherton Menlo Park Palo Alto Mayfield Mountain View Sunnyvale San Jose of Market St opp Up to and: Including Saturday Night WILLIAM RUSSELL AND CHARLOTTE BURTON In a ive Reel: Drama Different SOUL MATES The latest Mutual Weekly with Great Preparedness Parade and other features Performances Continuous from 10 JO a STEAMSHIP CO Ltd Honolulu Japan China Manila REGlbTliYi SAILS AUG 1 OCT 7 DEC 14 GENERAL OICES: 410 Montgomery St San rancis co booa Kearny 30 have shown remarkable prog for the short time they have skating The Jacfylings Entertain Mr? arid Mrs Daniel Jackling en tertained Mr and Mrs Willard Drown and several other friends at dinner Monday evening in their apartments at the St rancis Theater Party Miss Beatrice Nickel will be hostess at a party at the Columbia Theater this evening in honor of Miss Bar bara McKenzie of Portland who is visiting her Exploration Trip cr will ev tMatinee Today and Every Day ALlXANDER CARK CO LATE STAR of "POTASH In APRIL VALDO RANTDEGGER the Leading Italian Pianist JIM and BETTY MORGAN in Songs of Their Own MARTI NETTI and SYLVESTER Boys With the MOON and MOR RIS the Dance Creators LEIPZIG Interna tional Card Expert LAST WEEK NAN HALPERIN NEW SONGS THEODORE KOSLO 1 frtb is VLASTA MASLOVA I 'i and IMPERIAL RUSSIAN BALLET NEW DANCES NEW COSTUMES Evening prices 10c 25c 50c 75c Matinee prices (except Sundays and holidays) 10c 25c 90c Phone DOUGLAS 70 VIA SUNSET ROUTE £0p SUNSET Loa Angeles Colton Niland Yuma Maricopa Tucson Bcnaon Bowie Ixirdzburg Deming El Paso Ban Antonio Houston New Orleans and East 420? Tourist Sleener Washington Sunset Rwt for New Orleans Washington 7A0p SUNSET Loe Angeles Colton Marioon (Phoenix) Tucson Bowie El Paso San Antonio Houston New Orleans and East Arrives erry Station r50I 740n SEASHORE Mogsnhill Giroy Salinas Gonzales Kdk City Obisoo Santa Barbara Los Angeles San Diezo (Returns vi Newark) Easton Burlingame Ban Mateo Belmont Redwood City Z46p 8an Bruno San Mateo Redwood Ci tv I Palo Alto Santa Clara Ban Joee 93 Op 16X)5f San Bruno San Mateo Redwood City Palo Alto Mayfield c840 6J5p (Saturday only) Mountain View Lawrence Santa Clara San Joee (Ar Sat and Sun only) II 55g I I4M 650 720 810 MRS REDERICK birthday was last week and Mr rind Mrs Charles Temple ton Crocker whom she is visiting at Honolulu gave a large dinner in her honor Dator there was dancing The other guests were Mr and Mrs Jay Gould Mr and Mrs Karry Macfar lane Mr and Mrs Harold Dilling ham Mr' and Mrs Richard Ivers Mr and Mrs Walter Dillingham Mrs rederick Kohl Miss Marian Zeile Major Matthew De Daney and Mr rederick Wichman LOS GATOS i 'J PTODAY! I LOS ANGELES $635 Ln I $1050 1 I One Wy I I Round Trip PACIIC MAIL S' CO CENTRA PANAMA S' "City of tail'July 8 call agw Steamers 'Sall 1 in Pier 60S CALIORNIA ST r' Phone Sutter T4B04 SAN DIEGO S800 I 11201 I One Way I Bound Trip I UU Yonr Vacation Opportiiiiitytltt'Best of AH'trips our Appif fm (SpIenSll 10000 ton twin screw American steamor rated 100 OCEANIC SjCOu S73 Market St Phone Suttcr 648 120 Livermore Tracy Lathrop Stockton Lodi Galt (Ione) Elk Grove Sacramento 1000 70 Pleasanton Livermore Tracy Stockton (Oakdale) Lodi Galt (Ione Jackson Ama dor City Sutter Creek) Sacramento 730 8w20a Pleasanton Livermore Stockton (tMilton) Valley Spring Lodi Galt Elk Grove Sacra mento 350p '80 Cooperstown Chinese Jamestown (Angels) Sonora Tuolumne 250 IO4ta Stockton via Martinez 1 1 0 A00p unol Pleasanton Livermore Tracy Stock wn 600? Tracy Stockton Lodi Sacramento 520p Sunol Pleasanton Livermore Driand Mrs Hamilton Rice who spent their honeymoon in San ran cisco are In Newport this summer occupying the magnificent residence which was started by Mrs first husband George Widener who lost his life on the Titanic They are starting in September for an explora tion trip up the Nile which will take a year or two Dr Rice gained fame as an explorer in South America Mrs Rice is an aunt of Mrs Chris tian de Gulgrie Jr and elton Elkins Motoring rom Coronado bled with I Mrs A Griggs ctety woman who is nado with her niece ASK OR and GET THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK spent aubotitates coctYOV wna PARAMOUNT PICTURES a VIA SHASTA ROUTE I (Arc? Sacramento Valley) The NEWSBOY Boeevilie sMaryayiUe Oroville Gridley Biggs Durham Chico Vin Teham 720a THE Roseville Marysville i Oroville Gridley Chico Rea Bluff Redding Dunsmuir i 720a Woodland Williams (Colusa) Maxwell Willows Orland (Hamilton) Coming Te hama Red Bluff 1100a SHASTA LI Portland Tacpjn 1220 PORTLAND Rxwenlle Marye ville Gridley Chico Red Bluff A Roseburg Portland Taooma Seattle 730a 500a EL Roseville Lincoln Wheat land Marysville (Oroville) Gndley Biggs I 3w3 M0 baris VWoodland Arbuckle Williams i (Colusa) Maxwell Willows Lrland Com I ing Tehama 1 OREGON Roseville Marysydle Gridley Redding Shasta Spnngs eed I (Klamath alls) Ashland Portland Tacoma Beattie Spokane (Returns via Davis) I250P AUTOMOBILE BOAT SCHEDULE BAN RANCISCO TO 8AUSALITO Bea leaves daily at tM fidO and 10)0 A 1S91 SiCOJ 4X and ls a Sunday and holiday at Seo aaa SJO SAUSALITO TO Dally swtn service Sausalito to Tiburon connecting with I JO A and 4W M' boat troas Saa ranciaco SAUSALITO TO 'SAN RANCUSCO BmI Jmv daily at 790 ti ad U30 A 130 3:20 530 and 790 also en Sun day and holiday at 0 and 10 :20 MU No automobile will bo handled on regular paaaeager boat from San rueleo daily until atter S90 and on Sundays and holiday until after 0:30 II nor on tegular paseen er boat from Sausalito daily until after TH and en Sunday and holiday until after 1090 except that they may handled dally on 'tegular passenger boat from Sausalito at 6 93 A and 6 93 When regular passenger boat 1 earry auto mobile they will be restricted to four VALENCIA ST CEMETERIES SAN BRUNO Street Ocean ViewColmK7l30n 4e onni Cemeteries Baden San Bruno) 230 f7IR LOCAL ERRY TRAINS ELECTRIC Via Oakland Pier To Oakland 1 6th StM and Berkeley via Shattuck Av or Ellsworth St rom 500 a and every twenty minutes until 820 inclusive then 900 94o 1020 1100 1140 1220 enj 1 20 a Additional boats Saturdays and Sundays only 840 920 1000 1040 and 1120 To Berkeley via California Street or Albany yia Ninth Street rom 600 a "640 t700 a tn and every twenty minutes until 820 inclusive then 900 940 1020 11 Co 1140 1220 ad 120 a Additional boats Saturdays and Sundays only 840 U210 10 00 1040 and 1 120 To Oakland 14th and ranklin Sts via Oakland lEtnand 18th Sts Daily Ircrn 7600 a 7620 1540 a and every twenty minutes until inclusive then 900 940 1020 110011 0 and 1220 a Additional boats Saturdays and Sundays only 840 OHO 1000 1040 and 1120 ni To Oakland Washington Broadway East 'Oakland ruitvale and Melrose via Seventh rom 600 a then every twenty minute until is 820 inclusive: then 900 940 1020 11 CO 123 and 1 20 a Additional brats Saturdays and Sundays only 840 921) 10 00 1040 and 1120 7 To rom 600 a and every twenty minutes until 740 fa inclusive: thru 820 900 1 140 Saturdays and Sundays emit 940 1000 1040 and 1 120 To Dutton 600 a 6 20 640 7 Eft 720 740 800 840 920 1000 1040 1 1 1200 1240 120 200 240 320 4 00 440 500 520 540 600 620 640 7 40 8 20 Ofifi Horseshoe via 7th St ruitvale end 3rd arclRaeMta Ave Alameda North Side rom 6 00a 7620 640 7 CO 720 740 800 8 208 4 94(1 1100 a then 1220 j40 400 42 440 500 520 540 600 640 700 7 90010201140 pm To Alameda Park St via 7th SU rom 900 a 020 940 1020 UQ0 40m nT' 1220 100 140 220 24ft WOlfe 820 900 940 1020 and 1100 To Stonehurst (Steam 76OC 764ft 72(1 7900 71000 a 71 20 7200 73 00 73 24 00 500 540 and 76 LEADING THKATH EUis and Market Phone Sutter 2461 Mat Today SECOND STUPENDOUS" WEEK Matinees Wednesday and Saturday OLIVER Smaahinir MusIcjlI Knnrkniit CANARY cottage A Typical Morosco Cast Inclading Trixie riaranxa Charles Ragglen Herbert Corthell $100 PRICES VAUDEVILLE WARREN KERRIGAN in Silent Nth of Scriea Week Day Matinees 10c Evenings Any Seat 15c OK Tiisr HARVARD rom Pier Yo' 7 at 4 PACIIC NAVIGATION CO i Chronicle Bldg 680 Market St Phons Sntter 310 (ft Market St Phone Sutter 2142 1130 Broadway Oakland Oak Buffalo daughter hose picture is herewith was much MATINEE 9Cg TOMORROW CDUC 2ND AND LAST WEEK ADELE BLOOD ORREST HTANLHY and ALCAZAR PLAYRS THE WICKEDEST PLAY EVER WRITTEN INNOCENT DDIPrCEve 25c 50c 75c Mat KILJEmJ Thur Sat Sun 25c BOc Next ADELE BLOOD in THE BLUE ELECTRIC SERVICE Via AUmetJa Pier To Oakland 14th and ranklhr UM5 a snd then sad 45 minute part the hour until 745 then 830 isirtna 1045 1130 and 1215 a To Alan ta North and South 615 ft a wd then 15 and 45 mimrtat part SACRAMENTO RIVER STEAMRWS Mrs Robert Oxnard will give a luncheon tomorrow at her home at Woodside entertaining Mrs William Tevis Mrs Horace Blanchard Chase and several others South San rancisco San Mateo 1000? Il45o 250n 1010a SJOa 740 (Sunday only) Sunol Pleasanton' liver Niles Irvington San Jose" iJMfl ilABlE Arrnam San Leandro Niles San Jose Nilas Irvjnrton 8u Jose ftft A XT xSTfs1' tiuwarx can jote niua leandro Lorenzo Hayward Niles 250 IIP San Joee I vs 750 Z' 1 Lorenzo Hayward Nita 250 740 ML Eden Newark San Joee 1 0 1 0a jBagsiaa checka oofflSTS on train or boati of Soubwni Pacific Company and basges talvw' Tim chidren of Colonel Crocker are nt Lake "lahoe mak ing a visit with lelatives Rev and Mrs Sanders who are spending a abroad are at present don tttaburg Diablo and Way Except 8m tQOP Sacramento Pittsburg Woodland A Way OAKLAND ANTIOCH EA8TEBN RY XWU18 VVI pains in her back 1 cLLaV 1 LIL 11 1 lvLU vj loo XwX Lil 7 4 1 xv and sides every Diver is motoring leisurely up the month and they would sometimes be so bad that it would seem like acute inflamma tion of some or gan She read your advertise ment inthenews loaners and tried i Lydia Vegetable Com 1 pound She praises it highly as she fit has been relieved of all these pains by its use All mothers should know I of this remedy and all young fgirls who suffer should try Mrs Ma tilda Kurtzweg 529 High St Buf falo Yf Pi Young women who are troubled with painful or irregular periods" backache headache dragging down sensations fainting spells or indiges lion should take Lydia Vegetable Compound Thousands have been restored to health by this root and herb remedy If you' know of any young woman who is sick and needs helpful advice ask her to write to the Lydia Pinkham Medicine Co Lynn Mass Only 'women will receive her letter it will be held in strictest con MiJcncc VALLEJO SANTA ROSACALISTOGASAN RAMON 620a Vsllejo 910a 800al Richmond Vallejo Napa Calistoga i 1010a 1 400J Baita Rosa Port Costa 800a Avon Walnut Creek San Ramon 840 Richmond Pinole Martines Avon 730n 000a) 1 130a l(L4OpaUejo 1 1 0 1X01 I 30f 400 Port Costa Martines Concord WaDut Creek Danville San RamonLivermcre 91 Ja 730 i oftl Richmond Port Costa Martines Bay Pant Pittsburg Antioch Brentwood Byron Hot Springs Tracy" QQf NILES SAN JOSE SANTA CRUZ 120 Leandro Hayward Nita 830a 6X0 8an Leandro Niles San Jose 710 720a Nita 1010a M0 Newark (Cmterville) West San Los Gatos Wrizht elton ML Herm (Ben umood Boulder Creek) Santa Crux 550 20 Irvinjton Warm Springs San Jose 930a 4 12X0 8n Leandro Niles Centerville 8 1 Oa Newark San Jose )' 7 1 0 48X0 Niles Irviniton San Jose 250b Newjrk Alviso Agnew San Joee 1000 E50p 1 250a 1110a Grill Room on all erry Boate VIA OGDEN ROUTE 420a THE NEWSBOY Roeenlle RocldmTPe i js ryn Newcastle Auburn Colfax 900a GOLDIELD PASS Colfax (Lake Tahoe) Reno Hszen Wabuska Ger tngton Hudson) Mina Tonopah Goldfield Laws i olfaxi Truckee (Lake Tahoe) Reno Hazen Winnemucca Battle Mountain Palisade Elko Welh Colwe Ogden Cheyenne Omaha ChicagOr Salt Lake Cik Denver Kansas dtvflt Iznus 1220 Roseville Rocklin Newcastle Colfax 220 1X0 SAN RANCISCO LIMITED Colfax Truckee Reno Haxen Lovelock Witrne muoca Elko Cobre Oden Cheyenne Omaha Cto eago Denver Kansas City St Louis 700 400 OVERLAND Kans Ci tv St Louis Omaha Chicago 700 ATLANTIC bCPRESS Colfax Truckee (Lake Tahoe) Reno ernley (Wadsworth Susanville Westwood) Haxen (allon) Elko Odea Pueblo Dsnrer Kansas City Bt Louis Chicwo 7OU rom Pacific Street Wharf Pier No 7 The Netherlands Route offers exceptional oBorei tumty for Autoists to reach Dcinto on Sacramento River CoUmsvill mmaton xuo Vieta Itlefcn Ryde Walnut Grove Verden Courtland Clarksburg! Sacramento Steamer Navajo leaves San rancisco 830 daily except Sunday arriv'ng Saresmento 700 at all points enroute Leaves Sacramento Av 900 tn daily except Sunday arriving San rancisco 700 am No stops en route Steamer Modoc er Apache leaves Ban rancisco IS noon daily except Sunday arrives Sacramento about 400 a Leaves Sacramento 1000 a in daily cept Sunday arrives an rancisco about 11 55 stopping both ways at all feints en route OAKLAND HARBOR ERRY AUTOMOBILES' MOTORCYCLES AND VEHICLES rere Can rancisco South End erry Building fa*g broadwfty Wharf rom 00 a daily' and every half hour until 900 inclusive: thra J930 1000 1115 1300 mdn 100 a rom Breadway Wharf i Oakland for San rom 615 a daily and every half hour until 845 Jn inclusive then 015 0945 tn 1015 tn 1045 i 1200 mdn 1245 a t6JJ0a t7 OO 810a 900a 1040a 120b 32Sn 7700a ma 900a 1 040a 1 120b 3250 i Third and Townsend Streets Via COAST LINE Lear (Subaect to change withimt notice) Amr Grill Room at 3rd Street Station 2 VIA SUNSET HOUTE 2 Connection at Loa Angele Tor El Paso New QriMdB andEasL 800i SHORE LINE LlMlTED Ptete Robles Hot Springs San Luis Obispo Banti Barbar Los Angeles otol 805a Salinas Soledad Engffl Paso Robles Hot Springs San Lua Obwpe (Lompoc) Santa Barbara Venture Orjard Lo Angeles San Diego 4 990a SAN LUIS OBISPO PASSENGER Salinas Soledad King City San Miprej Paso Robles Hot Springs San Luis Obispo XOOPj aUMa I 810 800 THE Salinas Santa Barbara bo Angeles San Diego 8 1 Connect San Jose with Sunset Express TRES PINOSSANTA CRUZDEL MONTE PACIIC GROVE GLENWOOD BOULDER CREEK BIG TREES eJOaMorganhill Gilroy (Tre Pinos) Watsj ville Aptos Capitola Banta Cruz 805a Watsonville Santa Del Monte Men terey Pacific Grove 1056 810a SCENIC Alma Wright Glenwood Mt Hermon (Boulder Creek) Sante Crw Aptoe Del Monte Monterey Pacific Grove 3vp 900a Hollister' Ikes Watsonville Santo Del Monte Monterey Pacific Grm I vw SLOOP DEL MONTE Morganhill GiU roy Sargent Watsonville Santa Cra Del Monte Monterey Pacific Grove 1 1230 300 Morganhill Gilroy (Hollister Tres IhnwO Sargent Aromas 300 Del Monte Monterey Pacific Grove 1230 74I0P WATSONVILLE JUNC Alma Wright Laurel Glenwood ML Hermon elton (Boulder Creek) Santa Crux Watoonviuj Watsonville Junction Tgw SAN MATEO REDWOOD CITY MAYIELD SAN JOSE IDally except Sunday tSunday only USat urday only Monday only Arriva daiIy A 1 ELECTRIC SUBURBAN VIA SAUSALITO fiauealito Hill Valley San Bafaei airfax Daily (except Bhnday) every mfa vies irom nvo a ai until a at hourly until 246 then every minutes until 7:45 then 11 and 126 A Sunday Event mlnntaa fnan A until 745 (except 2:15 M) San Quentin via San Leaves daily at 1:16 A Tiburon and Daily every hour from 6A5 A until 1:46 AL the and every hour until 6 then NORTHWESTERN PACIIC MAY 28101O San riuocisco Union erry Depot Train arrive aad denar Ualva arerry gtatio feu of Market Street Learo THE SCENIC LIMITED with Ante dally toroun ileepcre for Salt Lak datiiu City Denver Omaha Ohleago 16A Pueblo Kan City and SL 4ip rS4 3a SOUTHERN PACIIC AND DAY TELEHHUlNt or Trnvrrll nd Barto' ros PhoneSutter 6280 Sutler 6300 RooU I BuHdlni or Douat oot of Market Street Via OAKLAND PIER: Lggre (Subject to change without notice) Arnie Tho Theo Roberta Tn the 6 Act Photoplay of Swift and orceful Action COMMON GROUND dther exclusive imperial features including I PREPAREDNESS PARADE Continuous Performances a to 11 SUN VIA SAN JOAQUIN resno Porterville Bakersllald Los Ansel es Wihhmnnrt Port Costa Martines Antioch Byron Hot Springs Tracy Modesto Merced Chowchilla Madera resno I 1 120 720a Tracy Patterson Newman Los Banos Kennat resno Modesto Turlock Merced' Chowchilla Madera 2500 900 BAKERSIELD Richmond Port Costa Martinez Byron Hot Springs Tracy Merced Madera resno Selma Kingsburg Goshen junction (Hanford Tulare Bakersfield 1100 900a Sanger Lindsay Porterville Ducty 75 Op 10X0 TRACY Richmond Martinez Byron Hot Springs Tracy 750 40d Byron5 Hot Modesto' Merced resno Visalia Tulare BakersfieldLoft Angeles 330 4X0P RESNO Tracy resno 1000 BB0 Patterson Newman Los Banos Doe 'Palos Kerman resno 1000 SjMto OWL LIMITED resno Bakersfield Los Angele San Diego 830ft 1140 OILIELDS Richmond PortCoet Afartinez Tracy Modesto Merced resno Seim Goshen Junction Tulare Bakersfield 750 11X0 Visalia Hanford Armona Lemoore Huron Coaunga 750a 1140 Sanger Exeter Lindsay Porvimlle ferra Bella Ducor 750a I Leave i I I 6 I I i 4 I I i 4 2 i I A I I '1 i' I La Bavarde ft I I I 4um11 III I I I 1 2 3 I 4 NJ 1 HI DSl 111 I Tit 9 1 VffnJ I 4 i aM S' 7 A 51x1 cT IV 7D I TT 1 1X 3 7 Tf JLiUn gv vXi i I IMASSL 11 II A ItivoliI I NOW PLAYING 4 1 1 Bill I 4P A i I 'I II I i i i i I Ipantaesi I OW' I Vftuor vim I BIRTH CONTROL' 5CAST ELECTRIC TRAINS TO acramento inperi Market St Near Seventh I I fl.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.