Never a Caged Bird: Maya Angelou, a Protagonist | 16Personalities (2024)

When we come to it
We, this people, on this wayward, floating body
Created on this earth, of this earth
Have the power to fashion for this earth
A climate where every man and every woman
Can live freely without sanctimonious piety
Without crippling fear

When we come to it
We must confess that we are the possible
We are the miraculous, the true wonder of this world
That is when, and only when
We come to it.

Maya Angelou told us what made life worth living.

She wrote it down for us in her most notable work, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. However, it would be a disservice to remember Angelou only as a poet. Here was a woman who essentially lived her life on stage – she was a singer, a dancer, a creator, and an activist.

Her life was bold and lyrical.

Of course, that’s to be expected when one is an Assertive Protagonist (ENFJ-A).

Before we dig deeper into her personality, let’s look at a timeline of the most influential events in her life.

A Brief History

  • In 1928, Maya Angelou was born Marguerite Johnson in St. Louis, Missouri. Angelou was born to parents who had a fiery relationship. Their relationship soon fell apart, and they separated when she was three years old.
  • Angelou and her brother were sent to live with their grandmother, Annie Henderson, in the small town of Stamps, Arkansas. In this town, the black and white populations kept apart. Angelou later recalled:

    “In Stamps, the segregation was so complete that most Black children didn’t really, absolutely know what whites looked like. Other than that they were different, to be dreaded, and in that dread was included the hostility of the powerless against the powerful, the poor against the rich, the worker against the worked for, and the ragged against the well dressed.”

  • Angelou was raised up by her grandmother, “Momma,” who abided by faith, community, and a deep love for her family.
  • When she was seven years old, during a stay with her mother in St. Louis, Angelou was deeply traumatized by an assault by her mother’s boyfriend. The man spent a short time in jail but was later found dead, presumably killed by Angelou’s uncles.
  • Angelou, terrified that it had been her voice that killed the man, refused to speak for the next five years.
  • Though she did not speak, Angelou continued to read.

    “To show you... how out of evil there can come good, in those five years I read every book in the black school library. I read all the books I could get from the white school library. I memorized James Weldon Johnson, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Countee Cullen, and Langston Hughes. I memorized Shakespeare, whole plays, fifty sonnets. I memorized Edgar Allen Poe, all the poetry – never having heard it, I memorized it. I had Longfellow, I had Guy de Maupassant, I had Balzac, Rudyard Kipling – I mean, it was catholic kind of reading, and catholic kind of storing.”

  • At 13 years old, Angelou was finally encouraged by teacher Bertha Flowers to begin speaking again so that she would know “what it was really like to feel poetry.”
  • Angelou and her brother moved to San Francisco to live with their mother. She attended high school and then dropped out to become the city’s first African American cable car conductor.
  • Angelou returned to high school and became pregnant. She gave birth to her son, Guy Johnson, at 17 years old and raised him up as a single mother. She later called the birth of her son “the best decision [she] ever made.”
  • In 1951, she married a Greek sailor named Tosh Angelos. The marriage was hotly contested by her family because Angelos was white and Angelou black. The marriage dissolved three years later because Angelou “couldn’t stay where there wasn’t any love.” Despite this, she remembered her relationship with him fondly.
  • She began her career as a nightclub singer in 1954 and, during this time, took the name Maya Angelou.
  • In 1959, Angelou developed her skills in writing poetry and moved to New York, where she joined the Harlem Writers Guild. She also became involved with Civil Rights activists. At the request of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Maya Angelou became the northern coordinator for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
  • Angelou and her son moved to Cairo, Egypt, in 1961. In Cairo, Angelou worked as editor of an English language newspaper. She later moved to Ghana.
  • In 1965, she returned to America hoping to help Malcolm X build his new organization after his split from the Nation of Islam, but he was assassinated soon after her return.
  • In 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. Angelou began working on her autobiographical book I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, which was published in 1969.
  • In 2014, after a lifetime of inspiring works and activism, Angelou passed away.

The above is a condensed timeline of Angelou’s life because, to be honest, there was no way we could fully encapsulate this icon’s life in just a few sentences. We encourage further reading of Angelou’s works and this timeline for a more comprehensive view of her life.

Personality Analysis

Maya Angelou was a deeply prolific woman, but we’d like to talk about what made her so prolific – her personality. Specifically, her fierce will to continue forward, no matter what.

Let’s get into the components that made Maya Angelou an Assertive Protagonist personality type.


“If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love.”

We define Extraverts as personality types who are more interested in engaging the environment around them. And if there’s one thing that one can say about Maya Angelou, it’s that she was always ready to eagerly engage.

She was also remarkably optimistic, though she had every right not to be. This is evidence of her Extraversion turning itself outward, rather than ruminating inward.

Had she been an Advocate (INFJ) personality type rather than a Protagonist, she might have seemed more melancholy. That’s not to say that Introversion always leads to sadness, but that Introverted personality types are likely to spend more time in their thoughts. Extraverts, on the other hand, may find it easier to consider their thoughts and generally react more quickly to external stimuli.


Among all of Angelou’s personality traits, perhaps her most prominent was her Intuitive trait. We describe Intuitive types as follows:

“Individuals with the Intuitive trait prefer to rely on their imagination, ideas, and possibilities. They dream, fantasize, and question why things happen the way they do.”

Angelou was always questioning. It seemed to be her default nature. Not only that, she also saw far beyond the tradition around her. She saw her potential beyond what society had planned for her as a teenage mother, a black woman, and a creative.


Angelou was asked in a 2013 interview what accolade mattered most to her. She replied, “I like for people to say I’m kind. It means that I’m still learning and that I’m able to forgive.”

Kindness was important to Angelou, as was love. It was the basis for her decisions, rather than efficiency. This isn’t to say she wasn’t efficient or didn’t take logic into consideration. In a letter to her younger self she wrote, “Be courageous, but not foolhardy.”

Angelou felt deeply. While she was logical, she preferred to use emotions when making decisions. An example would be her relationship with Tosh Angelos and her decision to leave him because “there was no love.”

Angelou made it a point to have her life revolve around love. All kinds of love. Self, familial, romantic, friendships. Everything she did in her life was to propel forward a message of love and self-respect.

Thinking personality types understand love well, make no mistake, but they do their best to keep their emotions from spilling forward. Particularly emotions with a negative stigma attached to them – anger, sadness, loneliness. Angelou, however, had no issue conveying what she felt. She cried in front of hundreds, made sure that people knew when she was angry, and never shied away from displaying her emotions.


Angelou knew how she wanted to be treated and how she wanted to treat others.

Though Angelou was incredibly open-minded, once she made up her mind it was difficult to convince her otherwise. She was determined to remain optimistic, no matter what. This was due to a mixture of her Extraverted, Intuitive, and Judging personality traits.

For evidence, all we have to do is look at Angelou’s own words:

“I’ve been very fortunate... I seem to have a kind of blinkers. I just do not allow too many negatives to soil me. I’m very blessed. I have looked quite strange in most of the places I have lived in my life, the stages, spaces I’ve moved through.”


Angelou was incredibly Assertive. She claimed that this came from the day her grandmother died and Angelou realized that she would die too. She remembered that it had an amazing impact on her. Knowing that she was going to die gave her the strength to be bold and have confidence in her decisions.

In a 2013 interview with Oprah Winfrey, Angelou said:

“I thought, ‘Just suppose I could choreograph a ballet.’ And I did it. Suppose I could teach dance at the theater in Cleveland. And I did it. Suppose I could sing for a living – that I could stop these two jobs as a waitress and a salesperson... It had never occurred to me. I’m going to die. So why can’t I do everything?”


Maya Angelou, for all intents and purposes, was destined to live a tragic life. She was born into poverty to parents who separated when she was young, and she faced horrible trauma that made her think she couldn’t speak.

It was in those years of not speaking that she truly found her voice. In the time that she was silent, Maya Angelou developed into the icon we remember today.

Angelou taught us that love, kindness, and self-respect are the most important things in life – and her message has resounded loud and clear.

Here at 16Personalities, we hold accuracy in high esteem. That said, there’s only so much research we can do on a person. Without being able to interview and assess a living Angelou, our label of Assertive Protagonist can only ever be theoretical.

Do you have your own theories? Let us know in the comments if you think we missed anything!

Further Reading

Malala the Protagonist: The Personality of the Youngest Nobel Peace Prize Winner

William Wordsworth: Dawn of a Romantic Mediator Personality

Aretha Franklin: An Icon... and a Defender

Never a Caged Bird: Maya Angelou, a Protagonist | 16Personalities (2024)


Who is the protagonist in the book I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings? ›

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings follows Marguerite's (called "My" or "Maya" by her brother) life from the age of three to seventeen and the struggles she faces—particularly with racism and self-affirmation—in the Southern United States.

Who is the antagonist in Caged Bird? ›

Antagonist There are many antagonist of “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”, and one of them is Mr. Freeman.

What type of character is Maya Angelou? ›

16-Personality Types (based on types by Jung, Myers, & Briggs) As an ENFJ, Maya tends to be warm, genuine, and empathetic. Maya is generally persuasive and often helps guide people toward a better life.

Who is the narrator of the caged bird? ›

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is Maya Angelou's first autobiography. The narrator in the book, Marguerite Johnson, is Angelou herself and shows perspective on the life of an African American female from childhood to early adulthood.

Who is the protagonist in the birds short story? ›

Nat Hocken

A World War II veteran and the protagonist. Nat works at Mr. Trigg's farm three days a week because a wartime disability limits the tasks he can do. He prefers solitude to working with others and uses logic and reasoning to strategize his defense against the birds.

What is the protagonist in bird box? ›

The film follows the character Malorie Hayes, played by Sandra Bullock, as she tries to protect herself and two children from entities which cause people who look at them to kill themselves.

What is the main conflict in caged bird? ›

In Maya Angelou's I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, the major conflicts are: man versus self, man versus society, and man versus man. Man versus self is a battle a major character faces within their own personality. Man versus society is a struggle against the norms of the community.

Who killed Mr. Freeman? ›

Freeman is sentenced to prison, but Marguerite's uncles kick him to death before he goes to prison. This adds to Marguerite's trauma as she feels she allowed him to be killed by speaking out.

Who is the main antagonist of the story? ›

In storytelling, the antagonist is the opposer or combatant working against the protagonist's or leading characters' goal (“antagonizing”) and creating the main conflict. The antagonist can be one character or a group of characters. In traditional narratives, the antagonist is synonymous with “the bad guy.”

Why did Maya Angelou go mute? ›

Returning to her mother's care briefly at the age of seven, Angelou was raped by her mother's boyfriend. He was later jailed and then killed when released from jail. Believing that her confession of the trauma had a hand in the man's death, Angelou became mute for six years.

What did Maya Angelou fight for? ›

She was hailed as an internationally regarded figure for her role as a civil rights leader who fought for social and racial justice. Angelou resided in Winston-Salem, North Carolina for over thirty years.

Is Maya Angelou still alive? ›

Angelou died on the morning of May 28, 2014, at age 86.

Who narrates Caged Bird? ›

First Person (Central Narrator)

Our trusty narrator is Marguerite Johnson, also known as Maya. No one's surprised—this is an autobiography, after all. Most of the narrative is written from the perspective of young Maya.

Who does the caged bird symbolize? ›

The caged bird in the memoir is a symbol of the oppression of racism and discrimination that Maya faces in her childhood as a Black American in a time of harsh segregation laws.

What is the theme of Caged Bird by Maya Angelou? ›

The poem conveys a message of hope and of the power of self-expression – the caged bird's tune of freedom is heard “on the distant hill,” so his tune is powerful enough to be heard in the distance. His singing leads others to hear and acknowledge his sorrow and longing for freedom.

Who is the protagonist in the movie The Birds? ›

A chance encounter in a San Francisco bird shop between socialite Melanie Daniels (played by Tippi Hedren) and lawyer Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor) leads Daniels to impulsively follow Brenner to his hometown of Bodega Bay.

Who is the main character in each little bird that sings? ›

Ten-year-old Comfort Snowberger lives in the fictional small town of Snapfinger, Mississippi, with her mother and father, her older brother, Tidings, her little sister, Merry, her beloved Great-Uncle Edisto and Great-Great-Aunt Florentine, her black Labrador, Dismay, and her annoying younger cousin, Peach.

What is the relationship between Maya and Daddy Clidell? ›

Daddy Clidell is Vivan's second husband and the only man Maya sees as a true father figure in her life. After Maya and Bailey move to San Francisco with their mother, Daddy Clidell marries Vivian and his presence fills Maya's heart with unexpected admiration and respect.

Who is Joyce in the book I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings? ›

Joyce A sexually precocious fourteen year old who seduces ten-year-old Bailey, instigating his petty thievery of sardines, Polish sausage, cheese, and canned salmon from the store, then runs away to Dallas, Texas, to marry a railroad porter, one of a group of Elks that she met in Momma's store.


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