How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (2024)

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How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (1)

by Kyle Boureston | June 2nd, 2023

How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (2)

Kyle is the founder of Mantelligence, a relationship & dating coach, and a conversation & communication expert. His work has been featured on, Reader's Digest, Vice, Ask Men, and Refinery29. He ...
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How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (3)

via: Pexels / Scott Webb

Are you wondering how to talk to your crush and to eventually win them over? Yes? Not to worry, you are most definitely not alone.

On the dating scene, it’s quite normal for guys to be unfamiliar when it comes to knowing how to talk to girls and ultimately how to get a girlfriend.

Generally, when it comes to approaching strangers it’s not that difficult for most guys but when that stranger is someone they have a crush on, it’s a totally different ball game.

So, your crush enters the room and you get all excited but when you walk over to talk to her you immediately get awkward, freeze or just turn in the opposite direction and abort mission. You need all the help you can get and this article is definitely for you.

I recommend reading through all of these 6 Steps to find your absolute favorites... but if you’re looking for something specific, you can click the links below to jump to that section:


Why Is Knowing How To Talk To Your CrushSo Important?

How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (7)

via: Pexels /

Many guys freeze or feel awkward when it comes to talking to their crush. Also, many tend to have a fear of rejection when approaching women.

Knowing how to talk to your crush can boost your confidence and reduce your fear of the possible outcomes.

And we know, ladies respond well to confidence.

So, knowing how to talk to your crush can boost your confidence which can directly affect your first impression and also how the initial conversation goes.

How To Talk To Your Crush: 6 Steps

How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (8)

via: Unsplash / Marcus Wallis

Knowing how to talk to the girl you like can seem to be an uphill task. Going up to your crush and striking a conversation can be difficult but it can be done.

Knowing what to say to make her feel comfortable is what will spark her interest in you because once a girl is comfortable she lets her guard down and she opens up. This is the goal.

If you struggle with this, you are definitely not alone.

1. Prepare

How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (9)

via: Unsplash / Seven Shooter

Preparation is key. Put in some time before approaching your crush so that you are confident when the time comes.

Imagine taking a math test without practice or preparation. You're sure to fail.

This is similar. Preparation is needed if you want to have success.

Putting thought and time into winning your crush sets you apart from many others and gives you a better shot at success.

2. Approach Her

How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (10)

via: Unsplash / Štefan Štefančík

Knowing when and how to approach a girl you have a crush on can be a bit tricky for most but let’s make it simple.

If you’ve never spoken to her, approach her when you are alone.

Ensure that the first interaction is casual and that many people aren't around to cause distractions.

3. Start A Conversation With Her

How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (11)

via: Unsplash / Yolanda Sun

Now that you know when to approach, here’s how to start a conversation with a girl you have a crush on:

It can start as simple as saying hi and introducing yourself.

Or you can ask for help with something simple then after gaining her attention you can introduce yourself.

It can be as simple as “Hey, have you seen a red book lying around here?” then you can make eye contact with her, smile and proceed to introduce yourself; "By the way, I'm Adam".

4. Know What To Say To Her

How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (12)

via: Unsplash / Priscilla Du Preez

A girl can tell from the inception how confident a guy is based on his body language, tone of voice and what he says.

Knowing what to say to a girl you like will boost your confidence level. So prepare.

You can ask her about her opinions on virtually anything or you can talk to her about movies, music or art.

These are just a few of the things to talk about with your crush after you make initial contact.

Here are three great things to talk about with a girl that you can utilize:

  • Talk about an embarrassing moment.
  • Talk about a childhood memory.
  • Ask her about her old and current hobbies.

5. Keep The Conversation Going With Her

How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (13)

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Knowing how to keep a conversation going with a girl you like is key if she is going to want to have future conversations with you and it will definitely matter when she considers if she wants to spend time with you.

If you can’t attract and hold her attentionshe definitely wouldn’t want to continue to have conversations nor spend more time with you.

Be yourself in an interesting and unique way.

Here are some tips to keep the conversation going:

Tip #1: Use Conversation Topics

Utilize conversation topics that she’ll most likely be interested in to keep the conversation going.

Three of the biggest conversation topics are:

Books and Art

Her Passions

Things you have in common

Tip #2: Questions To Ask a Girl To Get To Know Her

Knowing what questions to ask a girl to get to know her is key to a smooth and lasting conversation.

Knowing what questions to ask her will help you to avoid those uncomfortable silences during any conversation.

Also, being able to know what questions to ask a girl you like will also help to show your interest in her and she will surely appreciate that.

Great questions can be funny, random or personal but the key is to get her to talk and share as much as possible.

Here are some great questions to ask a girl:

  • “Where are your parents from?”
  • “Do you like animals?”
  • “What’s your dream job?”
  • What's the silliest thing you've ever seen?

6. Compliment Her

How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (14)

via: Unsplash / Guilherme Stecanella

You’re going to need to know how to compliment a girl if you want her to positively respond and remain in conversation with you.

Learning how to compliment a girl should be on every guy’s to do list. Compliments go a far way in conversation.

Here are some great compliments for girls that you can utilize:

  • Tell her how great her hair looks.
  • Indicate how great two things match well on her for example her skirt and handbag.
  • Tell her how warm her smile is.

If she blushes after a compliment, tell her you like the way she looks when she blushes.

How To Talk To Your Crush Over Text: 2 Steps

How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (15)

via: Unsplash / Azat Satlykov

In a world where texting and social media interaction is the norm, wanting to know how to text a girl is natural.

A lot of the communication between friends, family and significant others happen via text.

1. Start a Text Conversation With Her

How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (16)

via: Unsplash / Pj Accetturo

Texting is a bit different from having a face to face conversation especially with someone you don’t really know.

So it’s important that you know how to start a text conversation with a girl you like if you’re going to get her to like you.

Text conversation starters can be random, funny, personal or all of the above.

Here are a few great text conversation starters:

  • “If you had to change your name what would it be?”
  • “What was the last movie you saw?”
  • “What’s the craziest most outrageous thing you want to achieve?”

2. Know What To Text Your Crush

How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (17)

via: Unsplash / Priscilla Du Preez

Once the text conversation has started it’s important to know what to text a girl to keep her interested. It's easy for anyone to get side-tracked or distracted when texting. This is why grabbing and keeping her attention should be a priority when texting.

Here are some options:

Option #1: Questions To Ask a Girl Over Text

To keep any conversation going whether via text or face to face, it’s important to know what questions to ask to keep her interested.

Here are some great questions to ask a girl over text:

  • “What is the biggest holiday in your family?”
  • “What is your favorite color?”
  • “What foods do you absolutely hate?”
  • What does your name mean?

Option #2: Send A Good morning text For Her

Sending a good morning text for her can be a great way to make her smile at the beginning of the day. It lets her know that she’s the first thing on your mind when you wake up.

Good morning texts can be funny, simple, romantic, or a combination of them all.

Here are three great good morning texts for her:

  • “Good morning sunshine!”
  • “Good morning, it’s time to brush your teeth and get a bath”
  • “You can’t deny that you slept well, I heard you snoring all the way over here, Good Morning!”

Good morning, hope you had a good night's rest

Option #3: Send A Good night text For Her

As simple as it seems, sending a good night text for her can go a long way.

It can indicate that you respect her time when it’s getting late or it can show that you’re just courteous enough to acknowledge her before you retire to bed.

Good night texts can be simple, romantic, funny or a combination of all of these.

Here are some great goodnight texts for her:

  • “Night Night Dear”
  • “I hope that you sleep so well that you drool on your pillow”
  • “Sweet dreams but not as sweet as last night - I heard you snoring”

How To Talk To Your Crush At Parties

How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (18)

via: Pexels / bruce mars

Many people attend parties and most of them who do so are most likely to be social at these events.

Knowing how to talk to girls at parties can be an asset especially if your crush likes to party.

It can be as simple as approaching her, making eye contact and complementing her outfit or dance moves to initiate conversation.

It’s important to note that you must avoid uncomfortable topics like religion and politics but always strive to be funny and polite.

More Great Tips On How To Talk To Girls

If you want to know more tips on how to talk to girls, check out these other helpful articles:

    • We'll show you the things to say to a girl you like
    • We'll also teach you how to talk to a girl you like
    • And also how to make a girl laugh

In Conclusion

So, even if you’re caught up on how to talk to girland ultimately how to get a girlfriend, it’s important that you adequately prepare before going out there in the dating world.

In a world where most guys tend to freeze or abort the initial mission of approaching and talking to their crush, you won’t be a part of that statistic because once you know how to talk to your crush your confidence level will rise and that’s key to a great dating life.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert in relationships, dating, and communication, I can provide valuable insights and advice on how to talk to your crush. My expertise is backed by my experience as a relationship and dating coach, as well as my work being featured on reputable platforms such as, Reader's Digest, Vice, Ask Men, and Refinery29. I have a deep understanding of the challenges that many individuals face when it comes to approaching and talking to someone they have a crush on.

In the article titled "How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple Steps You Can Use (Today!)" by Kyle Boureston, the author discusses the importance of knowing how to talk to your crush and provides six steps to help readers navigate this situation. Let's dive into the concepts used in the article:

Why Is Knowing How To Talk To Your Crush So Important?

The article highlights that many guys freeze or feel awkward when it comes to talking to their crush. It also acknowledges the fear of rejection that often arises when approaching someone we are interested in. Knowing how to talk to your crush can boost your confidence, reduce fear of rejection, and make a positive first impression. Confidence is attractive to others, and knowing how to communicate effectively can set you apart from others in the dating scene.

How To Talk To Your Crush: 6 Steps

The article provides six steps to help you talk to your crush:

  1. Prepare: Preparation is key. Taking the time to prepare before approaching your crush will boost your confidence. Just like studying before a test, putting thought and effort into winning over your crush sets you apart from others and increases your chances of success.

  2. Approach Her: Knowing when and how to approach your crush can be tricky. If you've never spoken to her before, approach her when she is alone. It's important to ensure that the first interaction is casual and without distractions from other people.

  3. Start A Conversation With Her: Starting a conversation can be as simple as saying hi and introducing yourself or asking for help with something simple. The goal is to make eye contact, smile, and proceed with introducing yourself.

  4. Know What To Say To Her: A girl can tell how confident a guy is based on his body language, tone of voice, and what he says. It's important to know what to talk about with your crush to boost your confidence. You can ask about her opinions on various topics, talk about movies, music, or art. The article suggests discussing embarrassing moments, childhood memories, or asking about her hobbies.

  5. Keep The Conversation Going With Her: Knowing how to keep a conversation going is crucial if you want to have future conversations and spend more time with your crush. Be yourself and interesting. Utilize conversation topics that she's likely to be interested in, such as books and art, her passions, and things you have in common. Asking questions to get to know her better is also important to avoid uncomfortable silences.

  6. Compliment Her: Compliments go a long way in conversation. Learning how to compliment a girl is essential if you want to get a positive response and keep her engaged. Compliments can be about her appearance, such as her hair or outfit, or about her personality, like her warm smile. Tailor your compliments to make her feel special and appreciated.

How To Talk To Your Crush Over Text: 2 Steps

The article also provides guidance on how to talk to your crush over text:

  1. Start a Text Conversation With Her: Texting requires a different approach compared to face-to-face conversations. To start a text conversation, you can use random, funny, or personal text conversation starters. Asking questions like changing names, recent movies watched, or future aspirations can be great conversation starters.

  2. Know What To Text Your Crush: Once the text conversation has started, it's important to know what to text to keep her interested. It's easy for anyone to get distracted while texting, so grabbing and keeping her attention is crucial. You can ask questions to keep the conversation flowing, send good morning or goodnight texts, or engage in light-hearted banter. The goal is to show your interest and maintain her attention.

How To Talk To Your Crush At Parties

The article briefly touches on how to talk to your crush at parties. Approaching her, making eye contact, and complimenting her outfit or dance moves can initiate a conversation. It's important to avoid uncomfortable topics like religion and politics, and instead, focus on being funny and polite.

In conclusion, knowing how to talk to your crush is important for building confidence, making a positive first impression, and establishing a connection. The article by Kyle Boureston provides valuable tips and steps to help you navigate conversations with your crush, whether in person or over text. By preparing, approaching with confidence, starting a conversation, knowing what to say, keeping the conversation going, and complimenting her, you can increase your chances of success in building a great dating life.

How To Talk To Your Crush - 6 Simple steps you can use (Today!) (2024)


How do I talk to my crush everyday? ›

When texting your crush over text, be sure to do the below 6 things:
  1. Ask them about themselves.
  2. Comment on something they said previously.
  3. Ask about their day or what they did today.
  4. Send a picture of something you are doing.
  5. Add charm.
  6. Don't text them during busy times (so you're not constantly killing the conversation)
May 14, 2022

How to talk to a quiet crush? ›

Are You and Your Crush Both Shy? Here's How to Break the Ice and Talk to Them
  1. 1 Pick a few conversation topics ahead of time.
  2. 2 Text your crush to get the ball rolling.
  3. 3 Hit them up on social media.
  4. 4 Make eye contact when you see them in person.
  5. 5 Lead the conversation by asking for help.
  6. 6 Follow up with small talk.

What should I talk to my crush? ›

Deep questions to ask your crush
  • Do you believe in monogamy?
  • What's your favourite childhood memory?
  • Are you close with your parents?
  • Have you been in love before? ...
  • When was your first kiss?
  • When was your last relationship, and how did it end?
  • Have you ever been to therapy?
Apr 14, 2024

How to rizz up your crush? ›

Rizz is all about having a confident, authentic charm that attracts potential partners. Make your line seem spontaneous and genuine by smiling and making light eye contact with them. “I must've gone fishing... because you're the perfect catch.”

What to ask a crush in 21 questions? ›

Best deep questions for the 21 questions game
  • What keeps you up at night?
  • What do you think happens after death?
  • What's your biggest regret?
  • If you could go back and change your biggest mistake, would you?
  • Do you believe in 'The One'?
  • What's the worst lie you've ever told?
  • What's your biggest fear?
3 days ago

How to tease your crush? ›

Tease them gently about something they're good at/confident about. If your crush is a star athlete, try saying, "So how many extra goals is your team going to score when they don't have you on the field?" Or, you could say, “With the high grades you get, I'm starting to wonder if you're bribing the teachers!”

Do I text him yes or no? ›

Remember, you don't want to lead them on just because you want someone to talk to. If you're not genuinely interested in being around that person, probably skip the text, Comaroto says. And if you're still not sure, give yourself 24 hours to think it over and revisit it.

Why is my crush avoiding me? ›

If you find your crush ignoring you, it most likely means they don't reciprocate the same feelings for you. Maybe they find it uncomfortable or merely want to make it clear that they are not interested. I know it is hard to hear this, but more often than not, these are the reasons.

Why does my crush stare at me but doesn't talk to me? ›

Making eye contact with your crush but not talking might mean that your crush likes you but is too shy to approach you. If your crush holds your gaze and smiles, they might be inviting you to make the first move.

Why do I act so weird around my crush? ›

Crushes can provoke intense feelings that lead to anxiety and nervousness. Whether you have a romantic crush, a platonic crush or an identity crush, it can be very difficult to act normal. Having a crush causes you to project your idealizations onto this person. Sometimes they are not who you think they are.

Should I ask my crush out? ›

Absolutely, life is short... so always try and do what will make you happy. Just know that because you have a crush on said person, they may not always feel the same. If you ask them out and they say yes, than great! Just prepare yourself that they have other things in mind if they were to decline your offer.

What are 21 juicy questions? ›

Juicier Questions
  • How many people have you kissed?
  • Do you ever think about me?
  • What have you done sexually with someone else?
  • What attracts you to people?
  • What are your thoughts on sex?
  • Are you a virgin?
  • Do you think you're a good kisser?
  • What turns you on? Related Story.
Feb 23, 2023

How do you talk to your crush first? ›

Ask them a question or make a comment about something around you. The best icebreaker is the one that feels most natural to you in the moment. If you know a little about your crush, try asking them a question about a class or something they're good at.

How do I start my crush? ›

If you feel comfortable, try starting off with a compliment. You could say how much you admire their goals or their style. Then, you can ask an open-ended question about something they said, their interests, or a common mutual interest. This can help you get the conversation flowing.

How do I get my crush to like me? ›

Read on, my friends.
  1. Ask them to do you a small favor. ...
  2. Laugh at their jokes. ...
  3. Share your flaws and imperfections. ...
  4. Be present on Instagram. ...
  5. Watch a scary movie with them. ...
  6. Carry a warm drink in your hand. ...
  7. Mimic what your crush is doing. ...
  8. Wear the same colors they do.
Dec 22, 2022

What is the first step with a crush? ›

Interest is the initial stage of having a crush. It starts with the locking of eyes and ends with butterflies in your stomach. You feel giddy as soon as you see them, and you are eager to know their name. If you already know their name, then it is all you can hear everywhere.


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