B-12 Honolulu Star-Bulletin Thursday, Sept. 7, 1978 School Traffic Rated Not Too Bad veryday "It's a little bit too early to sav anv thing on how it's going. We're watching it. We're still getting applications," Tanaka said. Moanalua Freeway near Red Hill, the Pali Highway and Kalanianaole are the usual problem areas.
state Department of Transportation, said the traffic flow is very erratic for at least two weeks after school starts each year-as people try different routes and times. He said traffic was heavy on H-l Freeway around Pearl Harbor the opening day of school "but it wasn't that bad." HE SAID the Transportation Department has issued 70 permits for vehicles carrying at least five persons to use the contra-flow lane on Kalanianaole High-, way. According to department officials, about 20 vehicles used the contra-flow lane on Tuesday morning and about 45 vehicles used it yesterday morning. bespite what some motorists think, officials say the start of school has caused no major traffic jams or tieups on Oahu. there were real jams, we'd hear about it." said Capt.
Harold Bradbury of the Honolulu Police traffic administration. He said traffic is heavier than normal and as usual when school opens there is a complete change in traffic. "People have to gear up for it. Our advice to people is to start out early and plan ahead. They should predetermine their routes.
There's still going to be volume; that's normal." Bradbury said. Eiichi Tanaka, traffic engineer for the The recent change in the Moanalua low prices fort-ie Active Man Freeway carpool lane hours may ease traffic for some persons. As of last Friday, the "diamond' marked lanes on Moanalua Freeway are restricted to carpool use only during peak traffic hours, between 6 and 8:30 a.m. and from 3 to 5 p.m. M5 Men's Velva Sheen T-shirt with contrasting FREE TESTING to evaluate your child's reading skills.
Vs- ft trimmed shoulder and collar. Assorted decals. Racketball, Hawaii, and Tennis. Choose from a variety of colors, red navy, and baby blue. Sizes S-XL.
Velva Sheen Shorts, $8 Mesh Jersey Shirt, 7.99 8.99 Men's 3-stripe panel athletic shorts 1 with built in supporter and drawstring. 65 polyester, 35 cotton. Choose from a variety of colors royal, scarlet, kelly and gold. Sizes S-XL. Three Stripe polyestercotton shorts, 5.99 VT 4.49 Men's elastic waist and side trimmed shorts.
50 cotton, 50 polyester. Choose from a variety of trimmed colors. White, red, royal, and kelly. Sizes XL-XL KURT AS 3.00 OFF OUR REGULAR PR1CI IIO. SALI L-J 1 14.99 20.99 9.99 7.99 12.99 7.99 7.99 17.99 23.99 12.99 10.99 15.99 10.99 10.99 solid alk short solid long batik cotton long olid cotton short solid cation long color gousa short cotton print short 3.99 Trimmed colored shorts for men.
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Great for dens, family rooms, or any other area that needs an easy maintenance high traffic carpet Available in 8 tone-on-tone shades. Suggested Retail $12.95 BJ'S SPECIAL 8.95 persq yd Sale 44.99 Reg. 54.99. Boys' 16" Wildwheel is a sidewalk bike with reinforced frame and features chrome-plated handle bars and rim. Unassembled.
Includes pad and installation NYLON PLUSH -PILE 100 nylon in a myriad of multicolor splendor. Hides stains traffici patterns. This saxony tit irt Its MunilnklA in A tAROfi 4 i ft i Sale 109.99 Reg. 119.99. Boys' or girls' 24" 10 speer bike with dual ca I brakes, gum wall tires and front free-wheel system.
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Unassembled. 531-6551 Sale ends Sept. 13, 1978 Subject to prior sale Sale prices effective Thursday thru Saturday III Suggested Suggested Size Retail Sale Size Retail Sale 4x1 Congoleum $13 $1 12x12 Level Loop 144 69 3x4 Level Loop 23 4 12x10 Anso Loop 175 79 12x4y2Hi-Lo 57 19 12x12 Commercial 240 79 12x5yHi-Lo 62 24 12x12 Antron Loop 221 79 11x5 Commercial 88 39 12x15 Level Loop 180 79 12x9 Shag 108 48 12x15 Shag 180 84 12x8 Level Loop 176 49 12x12 Commercial 240 89 12x9 Self-Padded 120 59 12x16 Commercial 330 99 12x9 Cut 'n Loop 169 69 12x18 Plush 216 99 12x10 Vel. Plush 150 69 12x16Y2 Indr-Outdr 200 109 STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Fri.
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