Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (2024)

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (1)


Rating: 5 stars


I used whole wheat flour, cacoa powder instead of cocoa, added chia seeds and used unsweetened applesauce. The batter tasted amazing! I put it in my bread maker and I am waiting results. Fingers crossed! But since the batter is amazing, I am sure the bread will be too.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (2)


Rating: 4 stars


As others did, I substituted half of the white flour with wheat flour. Absolutely delicious. I took it to a work meeting and it was well received. Will add to my favorites.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (3)


Rating: 5 stars


I made this as directed and it turned out delicious! My whole family including little kids devoured it. I have made it countless times since and varied the recipe to include whole wheat flour and it was good. I have also modified it to include a lot more zucchini. This is my best way to deal with the seasonal abundance of zucchini; I make dozens of these with as much zucchini I can get away with and freeze for on-hand desserts all year long.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (4)


Rating: 1 stars


This is easily the worst recipe I've tried from this website. Totally tasteless even though I added some extra cocoa and some espresso as suggested by Monica. I'm deep-sixing this one.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (5)


Rating: 5 stars


Very good; only substitute was coconut oil in place of vegetable oil.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (6)


Rating: 4 stars


I don't usually like the texture of baked goods made with applesauce, but this bread is an exception. It very moist, sweet and chocolatey.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (7)


Rating: 5 stars


Great variation on zucchini bread. My husband loved it, I don't like chocolate so it was hard for me to rate, but I can say it wasn't overpowering on the chocolate, it had a nice sweet bread flavor in there, and it was nice and moist. I'll continue to make it in smaller loaves for my husband.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (8)


Rating: 5 stars


I returned from vacation to find two monster zucchini in my garden and this recipe on my newsfeed! It's delicious and very moist. The only changes I did was use canola oil because I had no veg oil, and I used half whole wheat white flour. Next time, I'll use all because you coulnt detect it at all. New favorite!

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (9)


Rating: 4 stars


I've made this several times and made slight adjustments to the recipe each time. I bake this in three small loaf pans instead of one large one. Because I'm making smaller loaves, I used mini chocolate chips instead of the regular ones. I also doubled the cocoa and added 1/4 tsp espresso powder to the batter (don't worry, this doesn't give the bread a coffee flavor...espresso powder is just a great way to boost the chocolate flavor in anything like this). And I substituted whole wheat flour for half of the white flour with no noticeable change in texture. If you use smaller pans, like I did, be sure to check for doneness much earlier. The small loaves take about 35-40 minutes in my oven. Your results may vary. My final tweaked version of this bread is moist, not too sweet, chocolatey, and delicious. Everyone who has tried it loves it.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (10)


Rating: 5 stars


I've been making this recipe for years, although I do muffins and bake for 25 minutes. They freeze beautifully and are perfect for an after school snack. My kids and their friends love them! Also my friends, co-workers and hubby :-). One change I make sometimes is to use coconut oil instead of veg oil when I have it on hand - it doesn't affect the taste at all.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (11)


Rating: 4 stars


Really good, moist bread. Takes care of the chocolate craving! I sub-ed 1 cup of ripe, mushy bananas for the applesauce and it turned out fine. Next time will try some of the mixes of flour mentioned in the reviews - would like to add a bit of whole wheat to the white. Great recipe - will make again.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (12)


Rating: 5 stars


great bread!!!!! i made this for my 2 and 5 year old for breakfast. they devoured it. the bread is very moist and the zucchini melts when cooked. i added a little less sugar and substituted half of the flour with whole wheat flour. i will definitely make this again!!!

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (13)


Rating: 4 stars


Couldn't even detect the zucchini! I liked this bread because it wasn't so sweet. I went a little shy on the 3/4 cup sugar, and only put half the oil in, I used one cup of white whole wheat flour, and one cup of all purpose. Other than that, I followed the recipe. A little more cocoa would be good, and you might be able to omit the oil entirely. Easy recipe. Make sure you check it in the middle for doneness.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (14)


Rating: 4 stars


Like many other reviewers, I made a few changes to this recipe. I really just wanted a good regular old zucchini bread recipe but I came across this one instead and decided to use everything but the cocoa powder and chocolate chips to give me what I wanted. It worked out perfectly! I subbed in whole wheat for the last 1/2 cup of flour and baked these into mini muffins. I would definitely use this recipe again!

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (15)


Rating: 3 stars


Moist and chocolaty, I would put this in the cake category because of the sweetness. The finely grated zucchini was runny, some of the juice ran out on the counter and was discarded. I was worry that the batter would be dry. Instead of applesauce, I just grated two fresh apples. Would make this again.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (16)


Rating: 5 stars


This bread was very moist, sweet and delicious! I reduced the sugar and used dark chocolate chip pieces, egg substitute and white whole wheat flour. Almost good enough to be cake. Will make again!

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (17)


Rating: 5 stars


Compared to my full fat version this was less chocolaty but still very good, I made some substitutions. I used whole wheat pastry flour instead of all purpose, 3 egg whites instead of 2 whole, and dark chocolate buttons instead of semi sweet chocolate chips. In the end the bread was even healthier but I would def make this again.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (18)


Rating: 5 stars


Fantastic. Subbed 1 cup whole wheat flour and used less cane sugar.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (19)


Rating: 5 stars


Excellent! Loved the burst of chocolate flavor from the chocolate chips (I used Ghirardelli Bittersweet chips per Cook's Illustrated's rec). Great as written, but maybe consider increasing cinnamon to 1 1/2 or 2 t. for Mexican chocolate flavor. Recipe was forgiving on the amount of zucchini. I added more like 1 3/4 or 2 c. I also subbed all the all-purpose flour for the product called "White Whole Wheat Flour" and it worked great -- couldn't tell the difference.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (20)


Rating: 5 stars


I love, love, love this recipe. I make it every summer when I have tons of zucchini from my garden. Actually, I think I grow zucchini so I can make this recipe. I love that it doesn't have tons of oil or sugar. It doubles beautifully. It freezes beautifully. And there is chocolate!!

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (21)


Rating: 5 stars


Great recipe! Definitely a keeper! I subbed in homemade pear butter for applesauce.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (22)


Rating: 5 stars


Double points for a tasty way to use my plentiful zucchini and it's chocolate! Easily doubled so I could get four small loaves.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (23)


Rating: 5 stars


This is absolutely delicious! My fiancé and I just moved into our new home in April and he planted a garden in the back yard. So glad I was able to use the zucchini from the garden and make my first loaf of zucchini bread ever :) This will definitely be my go to recipe.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (24)


Rating: 4 stars


I had a mini heart attack during the baking of my loaf since it had troubles rising. It's not the best zucchini loaf I've had but it's definitely on the list!

Rating: 5 stars


This bread was so moist and yummy! I didn't have any chocolate chips, just cocoa powder. I m sure it would be 6 stars if I had had chocolate chips! Also used half cinnamon applesauce...yums.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (26)


Rating: 5 stars


This is by far the best zucchini bread I have ever made (or eaten for that matter)!

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (27)


Rating: 5 stars


Very good, not too heavy and great chocolate taste

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (28)


Rating: 5 stars


Just fantastic- made as written but added double the cinnamon and a touch of cayanne- although next time I would add even more- probably 1/8 tsp. for a good kick. I love spiced chocolate. Also plan to make again omitting the choc. chips and cocoa and adding spices. The bread itself is a wonderful, moist texture and rose a bunch. Will make again soon.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (29)


Rating: 5 stars


This was a HUGE hit! what a great way to use up all of the extra zucchini from the garden, served this at my wedding reception, went through 2 loaves, in addition to all of the other sweets!

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (30)


Rating: 5 stars


This bread is delicious. A more healthy way to satisfy my chocolate cravings. It also freezes well. Six months later it tastes almost as good as the freshly made.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (31)


Rating: 3 stars


This is my go to recipe to use summers crop of zucchini and a great way to sneak some veggies into my husband's meat and potato diet. Just made mini loaves but added small amount of chrystalized ginger for extra kick. I would also sub some whole wheat flour for AP. Bread comes out a bit stiff and dark on outside but moist inside. A glaze can kick it up a notch

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (32)


Rating: 5 stars


This is a fantastic recipe, the cake comes out so moist and delicious and it was a hit, even with the kiddos! I used a 50/50 mix of whole wheat pastry flour and all-purpose flour and you would never know the difference. Highly recommeded!

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (33)


Rating: 5 stars


I love love love this bread. First time I made it, I didn't tell anyone in my family there was zucchini in it. My 12- and 8-year-olds gobbled it up. That was in 2004. I am still making this bread and we still love it, but the secret's out - they know about the zucchini! And they still love it! And for anyone who doesn't like so much cinnamon, I have successfully replaced one-quarter to half the cinnamon with cardamom. I'm thinking about putting some vanilla bean seeds in next time I make it for a little more taste.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (34)


Rating: 4 stars


This is a really great recipe! I was worried that the cake would be dense and hard (it gets very brown), but it was really moist! I think I may have grated the zucchini a little too small because I can barely taste it and can't see it at all. Next time I'll use the larger holes on my cheese grater. I will definitely make this again!

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (35)


Rating: 4 stars


This was excellent. I doubled the recipe and made muffins as well as a loaf of bread. My muffins turned out slightly chewy-ish, I was expecting it to be just a little lighter. But excellent taste and like most quick breads, a cinch to make. I plan on using this recipes many more times.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (36)


Rating: 4 stars


Really great zucchini bread. The best with a bit of butter. Remains so moist because of the zucchini. Check out the post:

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (37)


Rating: 5 stars


Great recipe. I made it into 12 muffins and a mini loaf. I subbed 1/2 c. whole wheat pastry flour and 1/2 c. wheat germ for one of the cups of white flour.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (38)


Rating: 5 stars


Made 16 muffins instead of the loaf of bread, wonderful. Definitely will make again.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (39)


Rating: 5 stars


Excellent! I used only 1/2 c. of sugar and substituted 1/2 c. whole wheat flour for white. The bread took about 1.5 hr to bake. Turned out beautifully - will definitely make again.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (40)


Rating: 5 stars


This was really delicious. It was dense and moist, almost cake-like in texture and consistency. It came together quickly and got rave reviews. I did skip the cinnamon ... tasty!

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (41)


Rating: 5 stars


Nice and moist! I would recommend adding the cocoa after mixing in the flour. I realized - after adding in the flour I had forgotten the cocoa, and mixed it in then- I have no idea why, but it is a much deeper chocolate taste.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (42)


Rating: 5 stars


Awesome recipe! Smells so good baking and tastes even better. Not overly sweet and a great way to get kids to eat veggies. Will make again and again!

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (43)


Rating: 5 stars


WOW!!!! My sisiter told me about this one..had to make it since my zucchini crop has exploded! I did however increase the cocoa powder to 1/2 cup ( I made 2 loaves) and I have a grain grinder which I used 2 cups whole wheat white flour and 2 cups white flour. Next time I"am going to eliminate the cinnamon and use vanilla extract, not a fan of cinnamon in chocolate. I like the idea of one reader putting a chocolate glaze over the loaves. And the loaves are nice looking! Wonderful recipe and putting it in my recipe file.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (44)


Rating: 5 stars


Loved this bread!

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (45)


Rating: 3 stars


I will definitely try this again. I prefer a little less cinnamon, a little more sugar and a touch more oil. I am also interested in swapping a 1/4 cup of flour for flax meal. This is a great way to make the most of all our summer zucchini.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (46)


Rating: 5 stars


Delicious! I will be making this recipe again.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (47)


Rating: 5 stars


Whole family agree with AWESOME! First time made for coffee hour guests, now it is a regular during zucchini growing season. Add a chocolate glaze, just to be different. Good but not needed. I am going to substitute stevia for sugar when I make it next.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (48)


Rating: 5 stars


Awesome!!!! I have made this several times now. I will often make cupcakes and frost for b-days. the kids don't even know there is zucchini in it, which I love. It is sooo moist and delicious. For cupcakes I really cut down on the time about 18-20 minutes.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (49)


Rating: 5 stars


The parents in our soccer league are impressed that I was able to get their boys to eat zucchini. This recipe is awesome! Finally, a vehicle for the summer onslaught of zucchini. It is especially good on a cold morning with a cup of steaming tea.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Recipe (2024)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

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