Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies - The Classic Recipe! (2024)

Healthy Cookies

by Chocolate Covered Katie

These homemade chocolate chip oatmeal cookies are serious comfort food!

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies - The Classic Recipe! (2)

Back in high school, I took a summer job one year at a vet’s office and was initially very excited about it. Someone actually wanted to pay me to play with puppies?! Hello, dream job!

Or so I thought…

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies - The Classic Recipe! (3)

Working in the back room on 100+-degree days with no air conditioning and fans creating a giant whirlpool of animal hair, my allergies immediately hated me. I was assigned responsibilities such as cleaning up accidents, washing down cages, and giving baths to violently uncooperative charges, some of whom were bigger than me. There was certainly no time to “play with puppies.”

I went home that first day with scratches up my legs, red and watery eyes, and uncontrollable sneezing. Such a sorry state clearly called for comfort food. And is there anything that fits the definition of “comfort food” more than homemade chocolate chip oatmeal cookies hot from the oven?

I stuck it out at the job, and many more chocolate chip oatmeal cookies were consumed each day when I’d arrive home. However, the next year I adopted a puppy of my own… and looked for a new summer job!

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies - The Classic Recipe! (4)

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

(makes 20-23)

  • 1 cup spelt or ww pastry flour (130g) (Gluten-free recipe here)
  • 3/4 cup rolled oats (60g)
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 3 tbsp chopped walnut pieces
  • 3 tbsp shredded coconut (15g)
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips (40g)
  • 1/4 cup plus 1 tbsp vegetable oil (50g) (See substitution note in the instructions below.)
  • 1/4 cup plus 1 tbsp pure maple syrup (74g)
  • pinch stevia, or 1 extra tbsp pure maple syrup
  • If using the stevia option, add 1 tbsp milk of choice

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies Recipe: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and grease a mini muffin pan or cookie tray. Set aside. In a large mixing bowl, combine all dry ingredients and stir very well. In a separate bowl, whisk together all liquid ingredients. Pour wet into dry and stir to form a dough. Chill dough in the refrigerator at least 1 hour. Roll out chocolate chip oatmeal cookie dough balls by smushing the dough together with your fingers. Place in the greased tins or on the pan, smush down if you want flat cookies (Cookies in the photos have not been smushed), and bake 7 minutes. The oatmeal chocolate chip cookies should still look a little undercooked when you remove them from the oven, but they’ll firm up as they cool. Set the tray aside for 10 minutes before removing the cookies. SUBSTITUTION: Coconut oil may be substituted for the vegetable oil. If using coconut oil, roll cookie dough balls before refrigerating the dough, as coconut oil hardens when chilled.

Click for: Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies Nutrition Facts

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies - The Classic Recipe! (5)

Question of the Day:

What is the worst job you’ve ever had?

Hopefully I didn’tsound entitled with the job story above: The manual labor was good for me, but the allergies more than anything else made me decide I was just not cut out for that type of work. My next summer job was a volunteer position stocking shelves and bagging groceries… no fans, and no animal hair!

Link of the Day: Homemade Frozen Yogurt – Just 2 Ingredients!

You are here: Home / Healthy Cookies / Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

Published on June 5, 2014

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5 Ingredient Avocado Fudge Bites

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies - The Classic Recipe! (6)

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies - The Classic Recipe! (7)

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  1. Jordan @ The Blonde Vegan says

    This is one of those instances where I am happy that I get double emails every time you post, just so I could drool over these photos a second time through! And I’m totally cracking up about the summer job incident… I can only imagine the watery eyes / sneezing that ensued!! That’s how I’ve been feeling in NYC these past few weeks… pollen is not my friend!


  2. Jessica says

    Ha, I just made chocolate chip oatmeal cookies not too long ago…

    I was very briefly an animal ambulance driver. Other than being exposed to both mange and rabies (and yes I needed shots), it was depressing seeing so many animals in bad shape. Exactly one month in was Easter Sunday and I was on call. I literally had 15 minutes at home between 9am and 10 pm, and had a minor accident in the meantime. I stapled my resignation to to the accident report. Working with animals is never for the faint of heart but it takes a very special person to be able to do that job.


  3. Mia (Mia in Germany) says

    Mmm, chocolate chip oatmeal cookies – always a winner!! I’ll make this recipe gluten free using gf flour instead of spelt, that’ll do fine.
    My worst job ever was not a job but something voluntary. I cared for a sick old Nazi lady who kept making rude comments about my Romanian dad.


  4. Michele R. says

    These look awesome! Would all purpose flour work as well? That’s the only flour I have!


  5. Handmade by Lorna says

    Yummy looking cookies, could eat one right now.
    Worst job I ever had was as a “Cook in charge” at a primary school – other women working there were really nasty and the food we had to cook for the children was dire, cheap and nasty food full of fat and no goodness. Needless to say I didn’t last there very long. I think that I shall make some of these cookies at the weekend, Thank you for the recipe.


  6. Gwen @simplyhealthyfamily says

    That’s funny, I applied to every veterinarian’s office within 40 miles of my home when I was in high school. I realize now it wasn’t the most brilliant of ‘dream jobs’ either since I have horrible stupid allergies too and your right, I would have been on poop duty 😉
    These cookies look great, so big and fluffy!


  7. karaline says

    Worst job ever?? Probably being a housekeeper in my early college days. You wouldn’t believe the kind of messes people leave for housekeepers to clean up. It was a humbling experience.


    • Stephanie says

      @Karaline I was a housekeeper at a Super 8 Motel in high school and part of college. I kid you not I have had several ‘nightmares’ over the ywears of being a housekeeper again… Pushing my cart down a hallway, opening the guest room door, and my heart sinking when the open door reveals a totally trashed room. I shudder to think of some of the disgusting things i had to clean up…

      Well, these cookies sure do look tasty and i look forward to trying this recipe out!


      • Karaline says

        Well ladies, we are more considerate and informed hotel-guests for it:)


    • Samantha says

      I did housekeeping in High School at a Motel 6. And yes, there were some heart sinking experiences. To this day I still strip down my own hotel rooms when I check out.


  8. samantha says

    These look delicious as usual! My worst job was hands down a Freight company I worked for. Not so long ago actually. I don’t like to speak ill of people, except on serious occasions, but the owner of the business was a major psychopath who took great pleasure in controlling his workers with fear of him either firing them, or even physical fear. He was a bully, and used to scream in people’s faces, talk over people, and was just down right nasty. Possibly one of the worst people I have ever met in my life, and someone I don’t ever want to meet again. I know this sounds so serious! Ha ha, but honestly I felt like I was on the brink of insanity there. It was awful.


  9. Melissa @ Nourish By Melissa says

    Yum! I don’t know what it is about these but they look ridiculously good..nothing like your average chocolate chip oatmeal cookie….yum! Definitely pinning to try 🙂


  10. Liz says

    Thank you so much for your recipes. Our 2year old grandson who lives with us is allergic to eggs and nuts. Thank you so much for the eggless cookie recipes. Now he can a cookie when everyone else does. I’ll have to try this one without the nuts. He loves the sugar cookie recipe.


  11. JJ says

    I am like so comforted. Cookie balls is just a fun idea. I used regular sized chips which made them tend to not hold together as well but, hey, they’re bite sized, and, all in all, they held together fine. It is so cool to have a raw cookie dough that is safe to eat (no eggs!) and has chocolate chips! Thanks for another great recipe.


  12. The Zen Kat says

    It’s funny how the jobs we sometimes look forward to or want the most turn out to be the worst! I’ve had a few awful babysitting jobs back in the day that were quite horrendous lol. Nothing that a few of these cookies wouldn’t make me forget though 😉


  13. Lisa @bitesforbabies says

    I LOVE the idea of putting these in muffin tins to bake!!! I myself would opt for rice flour and oats (I think I’ve found the perfect g/f combo!). ime I make t


  14. Librarian Lavender says

    It sounds like you had a horrible time at your summer job. Fortunately those cookies could cheer you up. They look so good!


  15. Steph says

    Awww, you poor thing! Best excuse for cookies though! 😀 I haven’t had a job yet, but I will probably get one at a coffee shop this summer- hope it’s ok! 🙂


  16. Julie @ Book of Julieism's says

    I’m writing my shopping list and going to the grocery store right now! These look great I’ll let you know how they turn out


  17. Steve says

    What an absolute pleasure it was to meet you tonight, Katie. As you noted, it wasn’t hard to remember the name of the website. I really enjoyed hearing about your work here. It’s always inspiring to learn about someone succeeding doing what they love. I wish you the very best and I hope our paths will cross again sometime.


  18. Ceara @ Ceara's Kitchen says

    Nummy!!!!!! I love oatmeal cookies!! 😀 😀 Can’t wait to try these!


    • Ceara @ Ceara's Kitchen says

      Oh and the worst job I almost ever had…. selling ‘high end’ door to door cutlery!! Haha, I almost got sucked into one of those pyramid schemes my first year of university! Low and behold my parents talked me out of it when I called them and asked for 300 dollars to buy my showcase cutlery set! 😛


  19. EVA says

    Only had one job, and it was at a frozen yogurt bar last year. It was actually pretty fun, but the only thing that sucked was that I wasn’t able to take advantage of being able to taste all of the flavors since I am GF/DF. They had sorbets, but eh….I just filled up my free 8 oz. cups with loads of nuts and berries. Go for the gold, man!


    • k says

      Ahh i love those frozen yogurt bars


  20. Daphne says

    THE AWESOMEST oatmeal chocolate chip cookies!! On permanent rotation in my house right now – so quick and easy to make and my husband can’t get enough of them. I use malted brown rice syrup instead of maple and ooh ah YUM!


  21. Georgia says

    Katie you’re a genius I’ve made these three times and every time I get so excited when they turn out even better 🙂


  22. Connie Buckley says

    My daughter made these. They were so delicious. We have family members who do not eat refined sugar, or are dairy free, or have allergies to eggs. This cookie makes everyone happy. They disappeared so fast, she had to make another batch. Thank you for sharing!


  23. Claire says

    This looks so so good!! I was wondering if I could substitute olive oil for the coconut oil? My Hubby has high cholesterol and I’ve just read so many conflicting articles on coconut oil, that it makes me a bit nervous.

    Thank you!



    • Claire says

      Ok, so I made them anyway with the olive oil and they were really good! But I think if I added a bit more oats it would be better, and less doughy. Should I just add more oats? Or reduce the amount of flour?

      Thank you!!!!


  24. Inge says

    Yumm! They are baking in the oven right now, and they smell absolutely delicious.
    I left out the coconut, and added some chai spices, so I am curious how they will turn out.

    Maybe you could make a recipe for chai spiced cookies someday? 🙂


  25. Robin says

    Hi Katie,

    First time here and so far loving this site! Can you tell me how many of the Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies are in a serving? I’m looking for very low fat recipes and this seems to fit the bill, but need to know how many 18 g constitutes in cookies.

    Thank you!


    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      It is listed in the recipe right before the ingredients.


  26. Lauren says

    Thanks for the delicious recipe, Katie! I substituted half the oil for apple butter and was pleased with the result. Keep the recipes coming!


  27. Susan says

    I am so looking forward to making these. Hmmm, I would have to say that my worst job ever was picking up trash on the boardwalk. Junior High school summer job, working outside in the sun and picking up and emptying trash that sat in the hot sun for hours. I also had to get the trash from the haunted house! I am terrified of haunted mansions! lol Well, needless to say that I only lasted 3 and 1/2 days. “o)

    I can still smell it now as I’m relating the story! 😀


  28. Lindsay says

    I’ve made these so many times I figured it was high time I left a comment thanking you for creating the recipe! I’ve served these to non vegans and they like them too! I’ve been vegan for two years, and your recipes make me never miss meat or dairy. Thank you!


  29. Megan says

    This is my favorite recipes for chocolate chip cookies ever. Uses all the ingredients I like to bake with and have the perfect texture. I’ve made them many times and just wanted to say thanks!


  30. Steph says

    These cookies are good, but a bit crispy. I love a chewy oatmeal chocolate chip cookie, but seeing as there isn’t a mountain of butter and no eggs like my usual tollhouse recipe,the texture will for sure be different, so I guess I have to learn to adjust…? Or search for other good for you options.. They were a bit of a pain to form as they didn’t stick together very well, and I added 1 tsp of vanilla because that’s just a must in OCC cookies. All in all, I would probably make them again, I’m definitely eating them all 🙂


    • Jason Sanford says

      I really like this recipe (you can omit the marshmallow part)


  31. Faith says

    I was looking for a recipe exactly like this with oats, chocolate and walnuts. Thank you. I don’t have coconut. Can I just omit that or would it need substituted with something else?


  32. Faith says

    I just made these and they’re the perfect it’s-nearly-fall treat. Thank you. I used all purpose flour, and monks fruit sweetener in place of the stevia.


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Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies - The Classic Recipe! (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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