25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (2024)

friends forever

By Julie Ma

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (1)

Photo: Getty Images

While some friendships can be enriching, edifying, filled with adventure, others are insanely complicated. Any combination of snubs, slights, misunderstandings, or betrayals can disrupt the status quo — and a rock-solid bond can seesaw into feelings of exclusion and abandonment.The Cut brings you a roundup of friendship quotes from famous women — from Oprah to Gloria Steinem, J.K. Rowling to Greta Gerwig — on the realities and complexities of a true best friend.

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (2)

1. Jane Fonda
“I think that is one reason why women live longer than men. Friendship between women is different than friendship between men. We talk about different things. We delve deep. We go under, even if we haven’t seen each other for years. There are hormones that are released from women to other women that are healthy and do away with the stress hormones … It’s my women friends that keep starch in my spine and without them, I don’t know where I would be. We have to just hang together and help each other.”—Vanity Fair, January 2015

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (3)

2. Lena Dunham
“I love the friendships that you see in Nancy Meyers’ movies, but for me, that kind of friendship is elusive. I feel like a lot of the female relationships I see on TV or in movies are in some way free of the kind of jealousy and anxiety and posturing that has been such a huge part of my female friendships, which I hope lessens a little bit with age … I think about my best friendship — which the Marnie-Hannah friendship in Girls is based on — as like a great romance of my young life.”—Interview

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (4)

3. Zadie Smith
“A lot of women, when they’re young, feel they have very good friends, and find later on that friendship is complicated. It’s easy to be friends when everyone’s 18. It gets harder the older you get, as you make different life choices, as people say in America. A lot of women’s friendships begin to founder. I was interested in why that was, why it’s not possible for a woman to see her friend living differently and just think, Oh, she lives differently.”—PBS NewsHour, October 2012

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (5)

4. Claire Danes
“I do think that women need each other in a way that men might not need each other. I don’t want to make any gross claims, but we do have a kind of intimacy. There is almost a kind of romance in female friendship, and I don’t know if it’s the same for men … We have that one friend, and we practice with each other in preadolescence, and then we kind of move on to having a more mature version of that with a man. And then those relationships have to implode before you can kind of meet each other again and renegotiate your friendship as adults.”—Interview

5. Jemima Kirke
“A woman will always be my best friend. I’ll never have a best friend who is a man. It just doesn’t work that way. So many times young girls will be like, ‘I’m a guy’s girl.’ And I’m like, ‘No, you’re not. There’s no way a man can understand you like a woman, and you’re a guy’s girl because you’re threatened by other women.’ I was like that. I was only men. But that’s because I felt special around men, and with a woman I can really be put in my place, and I’m on the same level as them. That’s the way it’s changed, is that I love women now, and I didn’t before. Because I was scared of them, because they understood me.”—GQ, April 2012

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (7)

6. Nora Ephron
“The thing with friends when you get older — I mean this is not anything I haven’t written about — is they can’t be replaced. When you’re 30, you accumulate friends and you shed friends and you get closer at certain moments to some than others. And you have a huge bench of friends. And then that’s just not true.” — Salon, November 2010

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (8)

7. J.K. Rowling
“The friends with whom I sat on graduation day have been my friends for life. They are my children’s godparents, the people to whom I’ve been able to turn in times of trouble, friends who have been kind enough not to sue me when I’ve used their names for Death Eaters. At our graduation we were bound by enormous affection, by our shared experience of a time that could never come again, and, of course, by the knowledge that we held certain photographic evidence that would be exceptionally valuable if any of us ran for prime minister.”—Harvard Commencement, 2008

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (9)

8. Tavi Gevinson
“Girl hate is not hating someone who happens to be a girl, it’s hating someone because we’re told that, as girls, we should hate other girls who are as awesome as or more awesome than ourselves. That there can ever only be ONE cool girl, ONE funny girl, ONE smart girl, etc., in a circle of people … I’m close friends with a girl I used to have some serious girl hate for. Recognizing what a wonderful person she is not only made me realize how idiotic I was being before, but it really did make me feel better about myself. Sometimes we can convince ourselves that pointing out flaws in others makes us feel good, but ultimately, those moments of pleasure are fleeting. In the long run, they get you in the habit of looking for flaws in everyone, including yourself.”—Rookie, September 2011

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (10)

9. Lisa See
“I have a friend that I’ve known since high school, and when you have a real close friendship like that … this is someone who has, in a sense, known you your whole life … When you have those kinds of relationships that go back that far, these are people who knew you before you’ve become a fully formed person. They see you for your essence, they see you as you were at that young age, purely yourself without having fully developed into an actual person … They knew you before you became successful or a failure, or whatever … I think sometimes as an adult, you take people for what they do, and what they are now, instead of the whole picture of their lives. But the old friends who have known me forever, they know that part.”—the Huffington Post, July 2011

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (11)

10. Greta Gerwig
“In college and right after college, there’s this sense that your friends are your family. It’s really painful in your late twenties when you realize that they’re not your family, and they’re going to make their own families.”—Village Voice, May 2013

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (12)

11. Colette McBeth
“In adolescence when everyone is a riot of hormones and insecurities a group of close girlfriends is fertile breeding ground for resentments, unspoken competition, simmering jealousies. Your best friend can send your spirits soaring one moment and crush you with a word or gesture the next. She can do this in a way no one else can because she knows what buttons to press and boy does she push them. Like an itch you can’t scratch she has a way of getting under your skin … What I realise now in hindsight is that there is a natural ebb and flow to friendships. There are times you think there’s nothing left between you, that you’ve hit the bottom, but the special ones survive, find ways of restoring themselves.”—the Telegraph, July 2013

12. Margaret Cho
“In comedy, it’s such a male-dominated field … there’s not enough women to support each other’s work and so there’s so many fewer of us. I think because of that that female comics have a really intense, close friendship with each other. And sometimes intense rivalries between each other because there is a feeling that there is not enough of us or that if you acknowledge another woman’s success, your success is unexceptional. It’s a weird thing when you are a minority, all of the in-fighting that happens.”—Big Think

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (14)

13. Sarah Jessica Parker
“I think so much reality television — and the women that dominate culture today — are pretty unfriendly towards one another. They use language that’s really objectionable and cruel and not supportive. I like to remember that Carrie and the other women in Sex and the City were really nice to each other … [Carrie] was a really good friend. That’s why they can forgive those very apparent flaws and [selfishness]. She was a deeply devoted friend, and I think women really respond to that kind of connection. I think we all want it, we all work towards having it, and we’re not always the very best friends we can be.” —Harper’s Bazaar U.K., April 2014

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (15)

14. Emma Watson
“I still have friends from primary school. And my two best girlfriends are from secondary school. I don’t have to explain anything to them. I don’t have to apologize for anything. They know. There’s no judgment in any way.” —Seventeen, August 2011

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (16)

15. Mindy Kaling
“One friend with whom you have a lot in common is better than three with whom you struggle to find things to talk about. We never needed best friend gear because I guess with real friends you don’t have to make it official. It just is.”—Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?, September 2012

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (17)

16. Chelsea Handler
“No man is capable of being your best friend … A best friend is someone who goes to get their nails done with you.” —Cosmo, February 2011

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17. Oprah Winfrey
“If friends disappoint you over and over, that’s in large part your own fault. Once someone has shown a tendency to be self-centered, you need to recognize that and take care of yourself; people aren’t going to change simply because you want them to.”—Business Insider

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (19)

18. Roxane Gay
“Abandon the cultural myth that all female friendships must be bitchy, toxic, or competitive. This myth is like heels and purses — pretty but designed to SLOW women down.” —Bad Feminist, August 2014

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19. Zooey Deschanel
“It makes me sad [when girls are bitchy]. Girls get competitive, as though there’s only one spot in the world for everything but that’s not true. We need to stick together and see there’s more to life than pleasing men. It’s important not to cut yourself off from female friendships. I think sometimes girls get scared of other girls, but you need each other.”—Cosmo U.K., July 2012

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (21)

20. Reese Witherspoon
“I don’t know what I would have done so many times in my life if I hadn’t had my girlfriends. They have literally gotten me up out of bed, taken my clothes off, put me in the shower, dressed me, said, ‘Hey, you can do this,’ put my high heels on and pushed me out the door!”—In Touch, April 2013

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (22)

21. Keira Knightley
“Well, female friendships are f*cking extraordinary. They don’t have to be sexual to be intense love affairs. A breakup with a female friend can be more traumatic than a breakup with a lover.”—The Advocate, July 2014

25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (23)

22. Anne Hathaway
“I do believe that female friends can be worse to each other than male friends, simply because, for whatever reason, women have a stronger emotional language. We’re encouraged more to use that … We talk about what we’re feeling about deep things. Maybe they’re not even particularly deep, in the grand scheme of things, but they’re things that matter to us. So, when you give someone that power, you’re showing them where your buttons are. If you pick wrong, and someone turns around and short-circuits those buttons, I think it hurts more.”—Collider, January 2009

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23. Gloria Steinem
“Women understand. We may share experiences, make jokes, paint pictures, and describe humiliations that mean nothing to men, but women understand. The odd thing about these deep and personal connections of women is that they often ignore barriers of age, economics, worldly experience, race, culture — all the barriers that, in male or mixed society, had seemed so difficult to cross.”—New York Magazine, December 1971

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24. Kate Hudson
“We had this bridal shower for my sister-in-law, and my mom made this speech, and she said, ‘I want all the girls to look around the room and, even if you don’t know each other, even if you’re just getting to know each other, or even if it’s your sister, I want you to remember one thing: trust me. Men, they come and go. They always will. Hopefully, they stay. But, it’s the girl that’s sitting next to you, or the girl that’s sitting across from you, that’s going to get you through everything.’ … That’s really important — that idea of not losing sight, no matter where you go in your life with men, because women give a lot to men. We love relationships. We thrive in them, as we should. But, sometimes, you lose sight of the girls that are there for you, all the time, which we shouldn’t hold against any of our friends. I have a girlfriend right now, who’s off and running with somebody, but we’re always there [for each other]. When she’s ready to pick up the phone and go, ‘I don’t know what to do,’ we’re all there.”—Collider, January 2009

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25. Elissa Schappell
“We certainly bond with each other in times of crisis or these times when we go through these big touchstone moments … and when we bond, in those really important, pivotal, transitional moments in our lives, we’re really vulnerable and therefore we give each other an awful lot of information about ourselves. And therefore we make ourselves uniquely equipped to really damage each other. We know where each other’s soft spots are.”—Forbes, April 2012


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25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend
25 Friendship Quotes to Share With a Best Friend (2024)


What is a 25 year friendship quote? ›

Through the highs and lows, our friendship has been a constant source of strength for 25 years.” “Celebrating 25 years of laughter, shared secrets, and an unbreakable bond with my best friend.” “25 years have passed, but it feels like we've been friends for a lifetime. Cheers to our enduring friendship.”

What is the best message for a best friend? ›

Friendship Messages for Her
  • I cherish our friendship and all the special moments we've shared.
  • Thank you for always being there for me. ...
  • Wishing you endless joy and laughter in our friendship.
  • Your friendship makes my life brighter and more meaningful.
  • May our friendship continue to blossom and grow for years to come.

What is the golden quote for friendship? ›

Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world.

What is a very short quote on friendship? ›

True friends are those who make your life a little funnier, a little easier, and a whole lot better.” “Friendship is less about finding the perfect person, and more about creating a perfect connection.” “True friends are those who will always be there for you, no matter what life throws your way.”

What are heart touching words for a best friend? ›

Long and Emotional Messages for Best Friend
  • You are my everything, my rock, my confidant. ...
  • I am so grateful for your unwavering support and love. ...
  • Thinking of all the memories we've made together brings tears to my eyes. ...
  • Life wouldn't be the same without you by my side. ...
  • Words cannot describe the depth of my love for you.

What is a heartwarming quote for friends? ›

The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it. A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself. Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures.

Why are best friends so special quotes? ›

Friendship quotes for your closest friend
  • “Friends are people who know you really well and like you anyway.” — ...
  • “The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing… ...
  • “Close friends are truly life's treasures.
Apr 10, 2023

What is friendship in beautiful words? ›

"Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing."

What is a loving quote about friendship? ›

Meaningful friendship quotes

"One friend with whom you have a lot in common is better than three with whom you struggle to find things to talk about." — Mindy Kaling, "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?"

What is friendship in one word? ›

1. : the state of being friends. they have a long-standing friendship. 2. : the quality or state of being friendly : friendliness.

How do you write a sweet message to your best friend? ›

Give a sweet compliment
  1. You're one of the kindest people I've ever been lucky enough to know.
  2. You're a great listener.
  3. You'd do anything for the people you care about.
  4. Your strength inspires me.
  5. You have the best laugh.
  6. You'll always be one of my very favorite people.
Apr 16, 2024

How do you make your friend feel special with words? ›

A few kind words from you will help them feel loved and important in your life. "Thank you for being the friend who has always stood by my side through thick and thin." "You have been my rock, my confidant, and my unwavering support. I am grateful for your presence in my life."

What are two lines on Best friend? ›

I love her and want to be a good companion to her. We can sit and talk for hours. I would never go to play without her. My best friend is my first friend, the one who offers me help in my studies, shows me love and support, defends me and stands by me.

What is an inspirational quote for friendships? ›

Friends are the siblings God never gave us. Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.

How to celebrate 25 years of friendship? ›

How to celebrate your friendship anniversary
  1. Create a memories scrapbook.
  2. Go on a “friend date”
  3. Organise a photoshoot.
  4. Give personalised gift boxes.
  5. Shop personalised gift boxes for your BFF.
Jul 27, 2021

How do you express years of friendship? ›

I cherish our friendship and all the beautiful memories we've created together. Happy Friendship Anniversary! Sending you lots of love and gratitude on our Friendship Anniversary. Cheers to many more years of cherished moments!

What friendships last a lifetime quote? ›

Never Forget: Old Friend Sayings for Instagram
  • You are a diamond, friend. ...
  • Some friends you can never forget, and you wouldn't want to.
  • Good friends are like good memories. ...
  • It's impossible to forget an old friend. ...
  • Some friends connect with you on a cosmic level.
Jul 19, 2022


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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.