15 Famous Real Estate Investment Quotes | RealVantage Insights (2024)


This article serves as a short compilation of quotes from wealthy and well-known investors who have had proven success over the past few centuries.

15 Famous Real Estate Investment Quotes | RealVantage Insights (2)

Real estate is a traditional form of investment that has been a huge source of wealth for many investors and homeowners. This article serves as a short compilation of quotes from wealthy and well-known investors who have had proven success over the past few centuries.

  1. Everyone wants a piece of land. It’s the only sure investment. It can never depreciate like a car or washing machine. Land will only double its value in ten years.
    – Sam Shepard, American actor, playwright, director and author (1943-2017)
  2. Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate.
    – Andrew Carnegie, Scottish-American industrialist and philanthropist (1835-1919)
  3. Land monopoly is not only monopoly, but it is by far the greatest of monopolies; it is a perpetual monopoly, and it is the mother of all other forms of monopoly.
    – Winston Churchill, former UK Prime Minister (1874-1965)
  4. Buy land, they ain’t making any more of it.
    – Mark Twain, American author, known as “father of American literature” (1835-1910)
  5. Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world.
    – Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd US President (1882-1945)
  6. The most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect… You need a temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd or against the crowd.
    – Warren Buffett, American investor and philanthropist, 4th wealthiest person in the world
  7. Every person who invests in well-selected real estate in a growing section of a prosperous community adopts the surest and safest method of becoming independent, for real estate is the basis of wealth.
    – Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US President (1858-1919)
  8. Landlords grow rich in their sleep.
    – John Stuart Mill, English philosopher and political economist (1806-1873)
  9. If you don’t own a home, buy one. If you own a home, buy another one. If you own two homes, buy a third.
    – John Paulson, American billionaire hedge fund manager, founder of Paulson & Co investment management firm
  10. Real estate is an imperishable asset, ever increasing in value. It is the most solid security that human ingenuity has devised. It is the basis of all security and about the only indestructible security.
    – Russell Sage, American financier, railroad executive and former US House representative (1816-1906)
  11. In the real estate business you learn more about people and you learn more about community issues, you learn more about life, you learn more about the impact of government, probably than any other profession that I know of.
    – Johnny Isakson, former US House representative and Senator, founder of Northside Realty
  12. Buying real estate is not only the best way, the quickest way, the safest way, but the only way to become wealthy.
    – Marshall Field, American entrepreneur (1834-1906)
  13. Current real estate prices aren’t high because they have been driven up by irresponsible speculation. As was often the case in the past. Prices have risen because a constantly increasing population with money to invest has been created – and continues to be created.
    – J. Paul Getty, British-American petrol-industrialist, 1966 world’s richest private citizen (1892-1976)
  14. There’s always opportunity in real estate. It’s just a matter of finding that opportunity in the current market.
    – Samantha DeBianchi, American real estate broker and actress
  15. I will forever believe that buying a home is a great investment. Why? Because you can’t live in a stock certificate. You can’t live in a mutual fund.
    – Oprah Winfrey, American television producer, host, author and philanthropist

Investing in real estate is a proven and time-tested way of wealth accumulation and preservation. We collected the quotes above from some of history’s greatest minds and hope that these quotes would provide some inspiration towards investors on the topic of building wealth through real estate.

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Disclaimer: The information and/or documents contained in this article does not constitute financial advice and is meant for educational purposes. Please consult your financial advisor, accountant, and/or attorney before proceeding with any financial/real estate investments.

15 Famous Real Estate Investment Quotes | RealVantage Insights (2024)


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“Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt, U.S. President.

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“Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt, U.S. President.

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Invest for the long haul. Don't get too greedy and don't get too scared.” “Waiting helps you as an investor and a lot of people just can't stand to wait.

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Buffett: Real Estate Ownership is a Business, Not a Passive Investment. Since it is a business, owning real property can be a mistake for investors looking for passive income investment. Ownership involves maintenance, rent collection, and problem-solving unless you hire a property manager.

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Take care of yourself, you are your most valuable asset. Love is your greatest asset, fear is your greatest liability, and joy is your greatest reward. Don't sell yourself short; you are your best asset. Failure is your best asset, complacency is your worst liability, and talent is your greatest capital.

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Elon Musk Quotes

I always invest my own money in the companies that I create. I don't believe in the whole thing of just using other people's money. I don't think that's right. I'm not going to ask other people to invest in something if I'm not prepared to do so myself.


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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.